Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 815: Start of auction

Looking at the pitch-black giant cauldron that stood at a height of one thousand meters, Lin Fei was shocked. "Δ Literature" "" "Mystery. ㄟ.

Intuition tells Lin Fei that this giant tripod seems extremely difficult.

Although, on the surface, it seemed to be just a sculpture, but Lin Fei felt that there seemed to be something special in this giant tripod.

Lin Fei simply took the Supreme Master and other six people to the wide square in the center of Black Rock City.

When you come to the side of the giant cauldron, you can feel its vastness even more.

It was a kilometer high and more than two hundred meters wide. Standing by the side, an overwhelming sense of depression rushed to his face.

All those who were looking at it were enveloped in a solemn atmosphere, and no one spoke easily and fell into silence.

After looking at the cauldron behind the giant cauldron for a moment.

Driven by curiosity, Lin Fei released his divine consciousness and extended towards the giant cauldron.

Soon, Lin Fei's divine consciousness touched the tripod body.


Suddenly, there was a sharp pain from Lin Fei's Sea of ​​Consciousness. Then, Lin Fei suddenly realized that the part of his divine consciousness that extended above the giant cauldron disappeared.

Lin Fei couldn't help but his face changed drastically.

This giant tripod would actually consume the power of divine consciousness.

"Master, have you released your divine consciousness to detect this black cauldron?"

Upon seeing this, the Supreme Master next to him asked Lin Fei.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei nodded and said with lingering fears.


"What's the origin of this giant tripod? It's not just a sculpture."

Lin Fei asked the Supreme Master.

"Master, the history of this giant tripod is said to be longer than that of Black Rock City.

According to legend, Black Rock City had not been established more than a thousand years ago. It was a vast desert with no grass growing and the ground was covered with black gravel.

Only this giant tripod stands on this land.

Later, Black Rock City was established and gradually flourished and became one of the most prosperous cities in the triangle.

As for this giant tripod, no one has known how it appeared for thousands of years.

According to speculation, this giant tripod should be a sculpture left over from ancient times.

However, this giant tripod has a very peculiar place.

That is, it will devour the divine consciousness, so it cannot be detected with divine consciousness.

Many warriors who came to Black Rock City for the first time suffered a dark loss because of the release of their divine consciousness to detect this giant cauldron. "

The Supreme Master said to Lin Fei.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei nodded.

I guess if I look further, I can't see any mystery.

So Lin Fei took the Supreme Master to teach six people, and found a relatively remote inn in Heiyan City to settle down.

As it was during the auction, the price of the inn was astonishing.

For a guest room, one night, it would cost a thousand genuine yuan spar.

This is the most expensive inn where Lin Fei has stayed.

Moreover, the location of the inn where Lin Fei settled is still relatively remote, and the grade is very ordinary, which is difficult to imagine.

At this moment, what kind of sky-high prices are those high-end inns and accommodations in Black Rock City?


Early the next morning, the annual Triangle Land Black Rock City Auction Conference officially began!

Lin Fei walked out of the inn with the Supreme Headmaster and other six people.

After entering Black Rock City, the leader of the Blue Wolf Gang had already inquired clearly.

It is the high-level auction house that auctions off the black bones.

Therefore, Lin Fei went directly to the direction of the higher auction house.

Walking on the turbulent street, Lin Fei couldn't help showing an expression of amazement as he watched the crowd of people beside him and the noise rising into the sky.

This Black Rock City Auction Conference, known as Yuan Wujie Nanda 6, is the largest auction conference, and it really lives up to its name.

Soon, Lin Fei and his entourage came to the gate of the higher auction venue.

Dozens of men with indifferent expressions and fierce auras guarded the gate, all of them were in the virtual realm.

One by one, eagle-like sharp gazes constantly swept back and forth in the crowd. These men were obviously responsible for the security work of the auction.

At the entrance of the venue, after paying about a thousand genuine yuan spar per person, Lin Fei and his party slowly entered the auction house following the flow of people.

After entering the auction room, Lin Fei looked at the huge space in front of him and couldn't help being shocked.

The interior space of this advanced auction venue is extremely large.

In the middle of the auction venue, there is a platform that is 100 meters wide above the ground.

This platform should be a platform for displaying auction items.

The all sides of the platform are like seats in the arena, spiraling upwards, full of rows of seats.

Above the seats, there are many small rooms that are densely packed like a honeycomb.

These small rooms are VIP rooms at the auction venue.

Only by paying enough yuan spar can you enter the VIP room.

Lin Fei raised his head and looked at the honeycomb-like VIP rooms above.

If you can enter the VIP room and participate in the auction at that time, it will not be so noticeable.


After a little thought, Lin Fei walked towards a red counter that was more than ten meters long in the venue.

Behind the counter stood a dozen beautiful and **** women.

These women are arranged here at the auction venue and are responsible for answering various inquiries.

Lin Fei walked to the counter and consulted one of the **** mature women.

Can not help frowning.

It turned out that to enter the VIP room, it would cost 30,000 genuine yuan spar.

Lin Fei's heart twitched fiercely.

However, he still gritted his teeth and handed in 30,000 genuine yuan spar.

Then, a female hostess dressed in cheongsam with a nice face and a hot body came over.

Leading Lin Fei towards a staircase paved with crystals, he climbed up towards the VIP room above the venue.

The hot female waiter has a slender waist and straight buttocks.

Moreover, the cheongsam on her body was slashed directly to the base of her big toe, and a snow-white slender foot was almost exposed.

Lin Fei followed the waitress and climbed up the crystal stairs.

The waitress, with her round buttocks, was twisting around in front of Lin Fei's eyes.

Lin Fei only felt dry and uncomfortable.

After a while, with great difficulty, under the leadership of the waitress, came to a VIP room.

Lin Fei let out a long breath.

The woman [] was observing her words and expressions, showing a sly smile, her eyes flowed, and from time to time she threw a provocative look at Lin Fei.

Also, the warriors who are willing to pay a big price and enter the VIP room are mostly warriors with rich wealth and extraordinary origins.

Once these large sums of money are paid, the waitresses in these auction venues do not need to show their faces here.

Walking into the exquisite and elegant VIP room, sitting on the comfortable soft seat, the soft touch made Lin Fei very satisfied.

In the VIP room, there is a large crystal screen about ten square meters wide. On the large crystal screen, the scene of the entire auction venue below is clearly presented.

In the VIP room, there are many high-level spiritual fruits and spiritual teas with strong spiritual energy.

After the waitress waited for Lin Fei and his party to take their seats, they began to make tea for everyone.

It turns out that every VIP room is equipped with a female host who is responsible for serving.

Next, wait for the start of the auction conference.

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