Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 824: Please trust me

Behind this giant, dozens of figures, like dozens of Changhong, rushed to catch up. ΩΔ . ".

Among them, there are actually three strong men in the catastrophic realm.

One is high-level in the ying-catching realm, and two intermediate in the ying-catching realm!

Moreover, after the three strong men in the Yingjie Realm, there were also dozens of Void Realm and Venerable Realm cultivation bases.

People from Zhongtian Palace again!

Under Lin Fei's consciousness, he found that those dozens of figures who were chasing after the giants had **** masks on their faces!

"Everyone is ready to dodge!"

Lin Fei waved his hand.

Among those chasing soldiers in the Zhongtian Palace, there are three experts in the Ying-Ji Realm, especially a high-level Ying-Ji Realm. With such strength, Lin Fei is also a little scalp.

I think it's better to get away quickly.

So Lin Fei took a group of people and immediately changed the flying direction and flew in other directions.

"Lin Fei!"

Don't you know, Lin Fei just changed the direction of flight, the giant actually transmitted to Lin Fei's consciousness, called out Lin Fei's name, and chased him in the direction of Lin Fei.

Its sister, what is going on?

Lin Fei was surprised and helpless.


However, as the giant called out Lin Fei's name, Lin Fei suddenly felt that this giant seemed a little familiar.

Could it be Xiaoyu's father?

This thought suddenly flashed through Lin Fei's mind.

"Lin Fei, I am Xiaoyu's father. I recognize you!"

Sure enough, the giant's next sentence confirmed Lin Fei's guess.

The giant ran very fast, kicking and kicking, every step was several kilometers away, and within a few steps, it narrowed the distance between Lin Fei and his group.

"Haha, you people from the real magic door can't escape, you have to die in this triangle today!"

Behind, a somewhat joking voice came from the high-level expert in the Ying-Ji Realm in Zhongtian Palace.

"Senior, what is going on?"

Lin Fei spoke to the giant's divine consciousness.

"I don't know, I took these disciples, after participating in the Black Rock City Auction Conference, I am going to return to the Heavenly Dragon Saint Kingdom.

Who knows, on the road, I suddenly encountered these people, who wanted to besiege my true magician. "

That giant is also the divine sense transmission channel.

Well, it seems that the people in Zhongtian Palace turned out to be all the people who came to participate in the Black Rock City Auction Conference.

Lin Fei was shocked.

You know, the people who come to participate in the Black Rock City auction meeting are almost all from the entire Yuanwu Realm Nanda 6, from all sects and forces.

Zhongtiangong interception, all these men and horses are equal to the warriors of the entire Yuanwu Realm Nanda 6!

At that time, once the news spreads.

It is estimated that those big sects and big forces will definitely not be able to swallow this breath, and they will definitely send people to ask the Zhongtian Palace and Xingshi!

It seems that Triangle Land is about to cause chaos!

Lin Fei sighed in his heart. At the same time, he was also puzzled. Why did Zhongtiangong make such a rampant move.


"Lin Fei, I know, you have an extremely clever hidden magic weapon.

Can you hide the dozen or so disciples of my true magic door into your hidden magic weapon.

I will block those chasing soldiers, and then you will find a way to take your people and these disciples of my true magic door and escape.

In the future, my true magic will be rewarded. "

The giant spoke to Lin Fei's spiritual knowledge.

Lin Fei suddenly realized, and immediately understood why this giant was chasing after him.

He hopes that he can help rescue these true demons.

Last time, Xiaoyu's father personally chased Lin Fei. Later, Lin Fei teleported into the city on him, hid in a river, and finally escaped.

Therefore, Xiaoyu's father had already guessed that Lin Fei must have a clever hidden magic weapon.

"So, senior, how about you?"

Lin Fei asked, after all, this is Xiaoyu's father, and Lin Fei took Xiaoyu's affection into consideration.

"Don't worry about me, I guess, I can resist these chasing soldiers for a while.

You take the people, think of a way quickly, and run away, I know you can do it. "

The giant urged anxiously.


The four strong people in the anti-robbing realm can also resist for a while.

So, this Xiaoyu's father should be very strong in cultivation.

"Senior, what level is your strength roughly equivalent to?"

Lin Fei asked.

Because the strength of this Xiaoyu's father is above strength, it is difficult for Lin Fei to estimate his true strength.


Probably equivalent to the high level of Yingjie Realm. "

Xiaoyu's father hesitated for a moment, not understanding why Lin Fei asked.

"Well, it's equivalent to the high level of Yingjie Realm."

Lin Fei pondered slightly.


"In this case, Senior, we don't have to flee, just kill these chasing soldiers."

Lin Fei gritted his teeth.

"What, kill them!"

Xiaoyu's father was taken aback.

"Impossible. Lin Fei, I know your strength is good.

However, they have three strong experts in the catastrophe realm, and we can't have a chance. You should hurry up and take away my true demon disciples.

If it is too late, it will be too late. "

Xiaoyu's father is very anxious.

"Haha, senior. Please believe me.

Together, we can kill these people. "

Lin Fei knew that if he really took the disciples of these True Demon Sects and escaped, leaving Xiaoyu's father here alone to deal with the three strong men in the Zhongtian Palace.

It is estimated that Xiaoyu's father is definitely not lucky.

For Xiaoyu's sake, plus, in the middle sea area, in the ancient powerhouse, this Xiaoyu's father kindly reminded himself.

With Lin Fei's character, naturally he would not leave Xiaoyu's father and escape alone.

Therefore, Lin Fei had made up his mind and stopped abruptly.


The giant, Xiaoyu's father, also chased Lin Fei's side instantly, and suddenly stopped when he saw Lin Fei.

Can not help but extremely anxious.

"Senior, please believe me."

Lin Fei said lightly.

The giant was condescending, leaning over and staring at Lin Fei, after a few breaths.


I believe you. "

It seemed that he was infected by the firm confidence in Lin Fei's eyes. Finally, the giant also gritted his teeth and nodded.

With a shake of his arms, a dozen disciples of the True Demon Sect were all thrown aside.

"Senior, you deal with the senior who should be robbed!"

Lin Fei did not hesitate at all, but with a thought, the unicorn thunder beast in the dantian rushed out.

Bathed in the bright thunder arc.

"You and the Unicorn Thunder Beast, first drag a strong man in the catastrophe realm."

Lin Fei instructed the Supreme Master.

"Master, you have to be careful!"

Supreme Master Teacher naturally knew that Lin Fei's plan in his heart could not help showing some worry on his face.

Then, [Liancheng] Supreme Master and the Unicorn Thunder Beast, jumped out at the same time, rushing to one of the mid-level experts in the Ying-Ji Realm in the Zhongtian Palace.

When Xiaoyu's father saw it, he gritted his teeth and rushed towards the high-level expert in the Ying-Ji Realm in Zhongtian Palace.

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