Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 844: Set out to Mass Burial Mountain

Looking at Sister Ying and Yan'er in front of him, Lin Fei also remembered his original intention to come to Sanjiao. The text "Ω learn ΩΔ fan. *.

Originally, Lin Fei came to Triangle Land for two fundamental purposes.

The first is to find a remote place to hide and avoid Nanda 6, the big sects, and tracking themselves.

The second is to go to the mass grave mountain to find the materials needed for rebuilding for the elderly.

However, during this period of time, I spent most of my energy in this Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

At this point, Lin Fei himself was a little confused.

At the beginning, Lin Fei had the plan to show his power before conquering the high-levels of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

Unexpectedly, now, guarding the headquarters of the Tiancang Pavilion, I am a little reluctant to give up, and it seems that he has lost a lot of time.

Lin Fei thought about it for a while in his heart.

"Let's do it. You two, stay here for now.

Wait two more days for me to deal with the affairs of Tiancang Pavilion and learn about the current situation in Sanjiao.

Then, anyway, I will go to Mass Burial Mountain with you. "

Lin Fei said to Sister Ying and Yan'er.

In Lin Fei's heart, he made a decision all at once.

It is impossible for himself to stay at the headquarters of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

Therefore, if the situation permits, Lin Fei intends to go out to the mass grave mountain, looking for materials to reshape the elderly.

And, look for that black bone Yin Huo.

Of course, casually help the Ying sisters to find a panacea.

Under Lin Fei's persuasion, Sister Ying and Yan'er finally nodded, and then followed Fei'er away.

Lin Fei sent to his servants the voice of divine consciousness, so that all of them would immediately gather in the discussion hall.

At the same time, he also sent a divine sense transmission to Mayfair's grandfather so that he could also attend the meeting.


After a while.

In the discussion hall of Tiancang Pavilion.

Lin Fei and the servants, as well as Grandpa Fei'er, were all here.

Lin Fei said about his plan to leave the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters and head to the Mass Burial Mountain.

"What, Master, are you planning to go to the Mass Burial Mountain?"

All people were taken aback.

Including Grandpa Mayer.

You know, Lin Fei is now the soul-like core figure in the Celestial Pavilion.

If Lin Fei left, in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, there would be no dragons.

"Yes, I have already made a decision. I have thought about it. I cannot stay trapped in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion headquarters.

Mass Burial Mountain, I must go. "

Lin Fei said.

"I don't know, what happened to Qianqiu City.

If all the men and horses stationed in Qianqiu City were wiped out by Zhongtian Palace, Zhongtian Palace would do their best to deal with Tiancang Pavilion.

At that time, I estimated that even if there were eighteen soldiers, it might not be able to withstand the attack of Zhongtian Palace. "

Lin Fei groaned.

Zhongtian Temple has been entrenched in a triangle for many years, and its strength is very strong, and there are demons behind it.

Lin Fei knew that it was impossible to deal with Zhongtian Palace with just one formation.

It's just that, right now, Zhongtian Palace has not slowed down to deal with Tiancang Pavilion.

This is also one reason why Lin Fei does not want to remain trapped in the headquarters of Tiancang Pavilion.

Because, staying here and waiting for the army of Zhongtian Palace to attack is really not a long-term method.

Might as well give up as soon as possible.

"Master, the whistle I sent out to inquire about the news has returned. I will let him in right now to report back the situation in the triangle recently."

Li Cang said.

Lin Fei nodded.


Soon, a disciple of Tiancang Pavilion with a high-level cultivation level walked in.

He is the whistle that goes out to find out the news.

Next, this disciple reported to Lin Fei the situation in Sanjiadi over the past few days.

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed after listening.

It turned out that Qianqiu City had been breached by Zhongtian Palace and demons.

In Qianqiu City, most of the martial artists were killed, and only a small part escaped.

However, in Nantah 6, each of the big sects has organized a larger and more powerful crusade army, and it also has a resounding title called the Yugoslav Army.

Moreover, in Nanda 6, the imperial families of the three holy nations, and the other imperial imperial families, large and small, all sent troops to join the Yugoslavian army to jointly attack the Zhongtian Palace and the demons.

The Yugoslavian army has come to the edge of the triangle with great strength, and is about to enter the triangle!

"Well, since the Yugoslavian army will enter the triangle, then the people in the Zhongtian Temple will definitely concentrate their main forces to deal with the Yugoslavian army.

We Tiancang Pavilion, in the eyes of Zhongtian Palace, it is estimated that it is just a small play role.

Zhongtian Palace, in this situation, definitely won't spend too much energy to deal with my Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

In this way, our Heavenly Cang Pavilion will have more time to breathe.

I can seize this time and go to the mass grave.

When I come back from Mass Burial Mountain, I will continue to stick to the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters! "

Lin Fei was overjoyed for the current situation.

"Well, the master's analysis makes sense.

In this case, Master, hurry up and go to the Mass Burial Mountain. "

The Supreme Master said.

"Master, you have taught Li Cang the various methods of urging the Eighteenth Army, let him preside over the formation.

You and Mayfair, stay here, I don't worry, follow me to the Mass Burial Mountain. "

Lin Fei spoke to Grandpa Fei'er with his spiritual knowledge.

Grandpa Mayer nodded in agreement.

On the next day, Grandpa Fei'er gave Li Cang a detailed instruction on the various methods of activating the Eighteenth Army.

After Grandpa Fei'er explained in detail, after Li Cang practiced for a day, he finally learned the various methods of urging the Eighteenth Army.

Moreover, Grandpa Fei'er will also penetrate the detailed operation method into Li Cang's sea of ​​knowledge, so that it will be more secure.


after one day.

Lin Fei quietly went out to the Mass Burial Mountain.

Grandpa Fei'er, Fei'er, several disciples, and sisters Ying and Yan'er, Lin Fei had already transported them all into the city.

As for the servants, originally, Lin Fei wanted to take the Supreme Master with him.

However, the Supreme Master Teacher voluntarily asked to stay and sit in the headquarters of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

After all, as the Supreme Headmaster of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, he has been guarding this place for many years.

There is already a deep relationship, so we must advance and retreat together with the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters.

Lin Fei naturally understood the feelings of Supreme Master Teacher, so he did not force him to go to the Mass Burial Mountain with him.

Outside the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters, an afterimage swept past.

In a moment, it was already several kilometers away.

It is Lin Fei.

Lin Fei left the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters about 10,000 meters away, and stopped in a relatively remote place.

Then, take out the dragon and phoenix, step into the dragon and phoenix.

Then, take out the holy crystal, urge the dragon and the phoenix.

call out!

A stream of light flickered, and the dragon and the phoenix had disappeared.

"Hopefully, this time, the trip to the Mass Burial Mountain can achieve the goal as soon as possible."

Lin Fei sat among the dragon and phoenix, muttering to himself.

This time, Lin Fei had three main purposes for his trip to the mass grave.

The first one is to look for materials to reshape the elderly.

Second, look for the black bones.

The third one is looking for elixir for the two sisters, Ying and Yan'er.

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