Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 852: War Demon

As soon as Lin Fei took out the Slaughter Sword, the rich blood-red killing intent immediately spread quickly, filling the entire hall. 』ΩLiterature fan. %.

Suddenly, by the pitch-black pool, all the demons looked towards the entrance where Lin Fei was hiding.

Before, because these demons were very enthusiastic and excited, for a while, there was no Lin Fei who was hiding at the gate.

But now, as soon as Lin Fei took out the Slaughter Sword, all those demons felt the blood red killing intent, so Lin Fei immediately exposed it.

Soon, there was a demon with a height of six meters and two gleaming horns on his head. With a wave of his hand, he took the lead, with a dozen other demon, and furiously attacked Lin Fei. Rushed.


Lin Fei could not help being surprised when he felt the demons rushing in the front.

This demon with two curved horns on its head turned out to be a demon king.

It is also equivalent to the strong man in the anti-robbing realm of the human warrior.

However, Lin Fei knew that the combat power of these demons was much stronger than human warriors of the same realm.

If it is a human being who is strong in the catastrophe realm, with Lin Fei's current strength and hole cards, he might still be able to fight.

However, Lin Fei had no bottom when he met a demon king.

In an instant, the Demon King was already three hundred meters away from Lin Fei like a black cloud.

The overwhelming pitch black magic energy rushed out of his body and swept towards Lin Fei.

These devil qi is very rich, full of tyrannical, bloodthirsty, and dark aura.

As soon as Lin Fei felt these devil qi, he immediately understood that this devil qi can invade the sea of ​​consciousness and blind people's consciousness.

This should be a fighting method of the Mozu.


Lin Fei waved the Slaughter Sword in his hand, and a huge blood red sword aura suddenly slashed out.


All the devilish energy was swept away.

The huge blood red sword aura, one tenth of the breathing time, had already reached the front of the demon king.

The demon king was taken aback, and he didn't expect the human martial artist in front of him to be able to kill such a powerful sword energy.

call out!

The blood-red sword energy slashed directly from the body of the demon king.

Boom boom boom...

The several demon generals who followed behind the demon king were slashed by the sword qi, and their bodies burst into pieces immediately.

However, Lin Fei was surprised.

When the huge blood-red sword qi slashed on the body of the demon king, the body of the demon king suddenly became illusory, turning into two groups of devil qi, one divided into two, the blood-red sword qi from the middle Go straight through.

Then, the two groups of dark demon energy reunited and changed back to the appearance of the demon king.

However, the devilish energy of the whole body has become much weaker, and even the height is much shorter than before.

Obviously, although this demon king has used a certain secret method to escape the blood red sword aura, the energy consumed is also very huge.

"Damn human!"

The demon king was so angry that his face was distorted, and he opened his mouth and screamed, a jet of black magic suddenly turned into a huge black net, and came to Lin Fei as a hood.

Moreover, on the black net, countless evil ghosts roared sternly, slamming into Lin Fei's sea storm.

This black net, while attacking, can even make a sound and invade the sea of ​​consciousness.

The Slaughter Sword in Lin Fei's hand once again beheaded out.

Puffed out.

The black net was completely shredded, turned into black light, and then disappeared.

As for the screams that invaded Lin Fei's Sea of ​​Consciousness, as soon as Lin Fei invoked his divine consciousness, he completely expelled the Sea of ​​Consciousness.


At this time, the demon races by the pool may have discovered Lin Fei's toughness, so a larger number of demon races ran over here to provide support.

Among them, there are at least five or six demon kings.

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile.

Although he possesses the Slaughter Sword, he can defeat the Demon King-level Demon Race, but five or six Demon Kings will probably have to fight for a long time.

I'm afraid that when I kill all the five or six demon kings, the skeleton at the bottom of the pool has already been resurrected.

Although Lin Feixin understood that the Demon Skeleton at the bottom of the pool was extremely terrifying. If he was resurrected, even if he had the Slaughter Sword, he would not necessarily be his opponent.

No, you must not fight these demons.

Lin Fei felt that at present, he had only two choices before his eyes.

One is to bypass these demon races and go directly to the pool side, and use the Slaughter Sword to destroy the demon bones.

Or, before the demon bones come back to life, escape from this hall.

"Goblin, can't you take me directly through the space to the dark pool in the middle of the hall."

Lin Fei spoke to the goblin with divine consciousness.

"As long as the distance is within one kilometer, of course it can."

The goblin replied.

The next moment, the goblin appeared out of the magic beads.

Then, using the spatial talent, a force of space, enveloping Lin Fei.

The goblin stepped out in one step, leading Lin Fei, and went straight into the void.

The demon races, like black clouds moving quickly, came to Lin Fei's previous position in a moment, but before they did it, Lin Fei's figure had disappeared strangely.

The demons were all surprised, constantly searching for Lin Fei in that space.

at the same time.

In the middle of the hall, above the pitch-black pool.

There was a sudden wave of rippling distortion in a certain space.

Then, two figures stepped directly out of the distorted space.


"Goblin, you enter the magic orb first."

Lin Fei said, and then, without hesitation, the Slaughter Sword in his hand slammed towards the bottom of the pool below, the bone of the Demon Race that was rapidly growing flesh and blood, and slashed.


A huge blood-red sword gas slashed the bones.

Under the heavy blow, the skeleton couldn't help but shook suddenly, and the whole body creaked with an overwhelming sound.

The flesh and blood that had just grown out was also part of it, which was directly wiped out by the sword qi!

"Kill this human!"

The demons who were kneeling on the ground by the pool were all in madness.

The Slaughter Sword in Lin Fei's hand did not stop, and he swung out one sword after another.

A series of huge blood-red sword qi continued to slash towards the bottom of the pool. The bottom of the pool was splashed with mud and rocks, and wide cracks appeared continuously, shockingly.

The huge energy fluctuation stirred up the entire hall space violently.

Between two or three breaths, Lin Fei had already slashed out six or seven swords, all of which had been cut into the skeleton of the Demon Race.

The demon skeleton struggled violently.

Kaka Kaka...

Quite a few bones have begun to break.

Whirring whirring…………

Groups of dark magic clouds, at this moment, had already flown quickly in the sky and arrived in front of Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's slaughter sword in his hand, changed direction, and several huge **** sword auras slashed towards these black clouds.

Bang bang bang...

The bodies of four or five demon generals burst to pieces, completely dead.

However, the Demon Race with the strength of the Demon King was able to avoid the **** sword aura.

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