Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 857: Two standing bones

After standing for a while, Lin Fei finally recovered from the shocked state. Literature "" fans. .

After looking around for a while, Lin Fei suddenly realized that at the foot of a nearby mountain, there was a large gate.

Lin Fei flew up in the air and headed towards the gate. After a while, he landed in front of the gate.

This mountain gate had obviously been attacked, and a small half had collapsed, showing some signs of decadence.

However, the plaque above the mountain gate is still intact, engraved with three primitive characters: Tianjizong.

As soon as he saw this plaque, Lin Fei knew in his heart that this place must be the site of a sect.

Moreover, this sect is called Tianjizong.

However, in Lin Fei's impression, it seemed that he had never heard of this sect.

Lin Fei unfolded her body skills, passed through the mountain gate, and galloped towards the Tianjizong ruins.

Along the way, there are many large-scale palaces, Qionglou Yuyu, which is very spectacular.

However, many buildings seem to have been destroyed by battles, and they are dilapidated and have a smell of ruins.

At the same time, it seems that due to time, all the buildings are covered with a thin layer of dust, full of a sense of history.


Along the way, Lin Fei also encountered many bones.

Among them, many are the bones of human warriors. Some of these human warriors' bones are broken in the middle, and some are broken into small pieces.

Even in some places, only bone residue is left all over the floor, not even a whole bone.

Lin Fei could see that these human warriors must have suffered a heavy blow, so that their bodies were blown to pieces by the powerful force, so that even a complete bone was not left behind.

It seems that this Tianji Sect once had a great battle.

Many disciples died in this battle.

Could it be that this battle was the cause of the extinction of the Tianji Sect?

Soon, except for the bones of human warriors.

Lin Fei also discovered many tall human-shaped bones, and each of those tall human-shaped bones was at least three or four meters high.

Lin Fei studied the tall human-shaped bones for a while and came to a shocking conclusion.

These tall bones are the bones of the demons!

It was the demons who fought against the Tianji Zongsheng!

When Lin Fei came to this amazing conclusion, there was a huge wave in Lin Fei's heart.

Judging from the degree of decay of those skeletons, they have existed for at least six to seven hundred years.

Then, this Heavenly Mystery Sect may have had a big battle with the demons when the demons of the Demon Abyss invaded, which led to the extinction of the sect.

Gradually, Lin Fei also guessed some eyebrows.


Lin Fei walked around randomly within the Tianjizong ruins.

Although this place is full of white forest skeletons, the scenery is very beautiful, full of vitality, and lush greenery.

After walking for a while, Lin Fei found that within this Tianjizong ruins, the heavens and the earth were full of auras, and they were indeed a very suitable place for cultivation.

No wonder, the exhibition here has become a big gate.

Lin Fei exclaimed as he walked.

Suddenly, Lin Fei thought of a question.

Will there be some good things left behind such a large sect site?

It seems that this Tianji Sect was destroyed in a battle between humans and demons.

Moreover, Lin Fei estimated that no one in the Tianji Sect should be alive after this battle.

If there are still people alive in the Heavenly Mystery Sect, then at least they will be packed and buried, and the corpses of the same sect who died in battle will not be left full of bones.

In this case, will there be many good things left in this Zongmen ruins?

Within a sect, there will generally be places dedicated to collecting wealth, secret books, and weapons.

If these things in the Heavenly Mystery Sect were left behind, wouldn't it be achieved?

Thinking of this, Lin Fei couldn't help but jump wildly, his eyes became fiery.

And treasure hunting, goblins are undoubtedly the best at it.

Therefore, Lin Fei immediately sent a divine sense transmission to the goblin.

In the next moment, both the goblin and Azi appeared from the magic beads.

Moreover, Lin Fei simply teleported Sister Ying, Yan'er, Grandpa Fei'er, Fei'er and others from the city on her body.

Lin Fei briefly introduced the situation to these people.

Looking at this sect site in front of them, everyone was surprised and surprised.

However, all of them said they had never heard of the Tianji Sect.

Even Grandpa Mayfair has never heard of it.

"Well, let's act together.

See if you can find some good things. "

Lin Fei said.

Therefore, all the people, including the goblin and Azi, were enthusiastically spreading their body skills, scattered in all directions.


However, Lin Fei released the power of divine consciousness and perceives the entire Tianji Sect ruins in detail.


Lin Fei's expression moved.

"What a strong devilish energy!"

It turned out that Lin Fei discovered a very peculiar place in the perception of divine consciousness.

Nearby, there is a very tall mountain that rises to the sky.

Clouds and mists surround this mountain, and it is hazy.

At the top of this mountain, there seems to be a huge square.

In that square, surrounded by clouds and mist, there were wisps of devilish energy that rose into the sky.

Half of the sky was almost reflected in black.

Lin Fei soared into the sky, flying towards the top of the mountain.

After a while, he came to the top of a huge square.

This square is paved with blocks of white Hanyu and has a huge scale.

In the square, the ground is densely covered with bones, there are bones of human warriors, and bones of demons.

Lin Fei roughly estimated that in this square, the number of dead human warriors and demons added up is at least tens of thousands!

But all the bones, due to the ages, have been decayed, weathered, and energy has been lost, just ordinary dead bones.

The sky above the entire square was filled with rich and pure magic energy.

Lin Fei quickly found the source of these devilish energy.

In the very center of the square.

Above a high raised platform.

Two complete skeletons are standing!

One of the skeletons is obviously the skeleton of a human warrior. The whole body is in the color of crystal white jade with a bright white luster, which is very mysterious.

An overwhelming and powerful force of Yuan force spread out from the bones of this human warrior.

The other skeleton, at least five meters tall, is obviously the skeleton of the demons.

The thick and dark demon energy spread out from the skeleton of the demon race, permeating out, and covering the entire square.

The bones of the human warrior and the bones of the demon race were attacking each other.

Four palms pressed together.

Could it be that they all die together?

Lin Fei hovered over the square and looked at the two standing skeletons in shock.

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