Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 869: Conquer the black bones

Lin Fei was overwhelmed with a movement, and shot towards the cave, directly into the cave. . .

As soon as he entered the cave, Lin Fei felt that those biting chills suddenly intensified. Lin Fei couldn't help but sneezed several times.

Although the cave is very spacious, it is completely filled with thick black mist, and a passage extends inward.

Lin Fei faintly felt that the black bones and flames were very likely to be in this cave.

Lin Fei gritted his teeth, with a biting chill, slowly walked into the tunnel.

After waiting thirty feet, a spacious stone chamber appeared in front of him.

In the stone room, whether it is on the ground, on the surrounding walls, or on the top of the room, all are covered with thick black profound ice, dense to substantial black mist, occupying the entire stone room.

Looking out with the naked eye, it was pitch black, with no fingers in sight.

If you stretch out your hands, you can hold up a handful of black mist.

Gently stretched out his hand and waved, the thick black mist, like sea water, waved up one after another.

This stone room is simply a black ice hole!

As soon as he walked into this stone room, every place of Lin Fei's body was rapidly freezing.

In a short while, the whole body was covered with a layer of 1o cm thick black profound ice.

Lin Fei released his spiritual consciousness.

"A crow?"

Lin Fei was surprised to find that in the center of the dense black misty stone room, there was a dark crow staring at himself with a pair of cold eyes.

This is a three-legged black crow!

An astonishing chill was coming out of the crow's body fiercely.



Lin Fei remembered that in the profound underworld, Elder An once described to himself in detail about the black bone Yinhuo.

Black bones can sometimes transform into the shape of a crow.

Could it be that the three-legged black crow in front of you is a black bone yin fire?

The black crow was staring at a pair of cold eyes, looking at Lin Fei coldly, and it actually revealed a bit of disdain, very humane.

Could it be that this black bone Yinhuo is still human?

Looking at the black crow, Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little numb.

Lin Fei stood quietly at the entrance of the stone chamber, his divine consciousness perceiving the black crow, a moment later.

In Lin Fei's heart, it was determined that the three-legged black crow in front of him was a black bone yin fire!

Because, this black crow, within that pitch-black body, in the astonishing chill that exudes, there is an artistic conception of burning everything!

This incomparably cold burning mood is exactly the characteristic of the black bones.

The elderly once described Lin Fei in great detail.

"Well, next, I will try to subdue your black crow."

Feeling the astonishing chill out of that black crow's body and the dangerous burning mood, Lin Fei understood that this black crow was very powerful.

However, since he has already come here, according to Lin Fei's character, it is absolutely impossible to give up.

Now, only let it go!

Lin Fei lifted his foot and carefully walked into the stone room from the door of the stone room.

As soon as Lin Fei made a move, he alarmed the black crow.


Its wings suddenly flapped continuously.

Whirring whirring……

The black mist in the entire stone room became completely mad, like a twelve-level tsunami, rammed and whizzed and rolled.

Then, in Lin Fei's horrified eyes.

Inside the body of the black crow, there was a layer of strange black flames suddenly, overflowing from the sky.

These black flames were extremely cold, and the meaning of burning contained in them was earth-shattering, and seemed to burn everything in the world.

With the body of the black crow as the center, the strange black flames spread out like waves.

The degree seemed extremely slow, but in fact it was astonishingly fast. Within half a breathing time, most of the stone chamber was completely covered by these black flames.

"No, this is the real essence of Black Bone Yin Fire!"

Lin Fei's complexion changed drastically, knowing that in the face of the attacks of these black bone Yinhuo Essence, with his current strength, no matter what attack or defense method he uses, it will not help.

These black strange flames, as long as they are slightly contaminated, even a little, they will immediately be burned into nothingness!


"no way.

It seems that only the means taught by the elderly can be used! "

Lin Fei didn't dare to hesitate and quickly collected the Slaughter Sword.

Then, his right hand stretched out.

In the palm of his hand, a group of scarlet flames jumped out.

It is Yanyang Demon Fire!

At the beginning, in the Profound Underworld, after the Elder learned that Lin Fei planned to look for the black bone Yin Huo in the future, he taught Lin Fei a method to subdue the black bone Yin Huo.

That is to bring fire to fire!

Hei Bone Yin Huo, ranked eighth on the list of different fire places.

The Yanyang Demon Fire ranked third on the list of different fire places.

The same is different fire, the level of Yanyang Demon Fire is much higher than Black Bone Yin Fire, and its strength is naturally much stronger.

The method of reducing fire with fire is to use the demon sun and demon fire to suppress the black bone yin fire, and then once again conquer it.

After releasing the Yanyang Demon Fire from his palm, Lin Fei had a thought.

call out!

The scarlet sun demon fire immediately blazed ablaze, becoming bigger and bigger, instantly turning into a big fireball, rushing towards the black crow.

Wherever they went, the strange black flames released by the black crow seemed to have encountered natural enemies, and they were very scared, desperately backing away, and then all disappeared.

Quack quack...

The black crow also panicked immediately, and turned around and fled.

However, it was too late.

The crimson fireball caught up with the black crow in an instant, and directly hit the black crow with a violent attitude.

[Biquge] Boom!

The body of the black crow was directly beaten on the wall.

Then, the black crow disappeared and turned into a bunch of black frosty flames.

"Black bone Yinhuo!"

Lin Fei's eyes lit up.

call out!

That bunch of black bones was so fast that he wanted to escape from the stone room!

However, the Yanyang Demon Fire was no slower than it, and instantly blocked its way before it.

Next, in the stone room, the scarlet fireball chased the black bone Yin Huo, violently bumping into the black bone Yin Huo.

And that black bone Yin Huo, although also constantly resisting.

However, its rank is much lower than that of the Yanyang Demon Fire, and, above its attributes, it is also restrained by the Yanyang Demon Fire.

Because the flames of the yin-yang demon belong to yang, and the fire of black bones belong to the yin.

After a long time.

The black bone Yin Huo seemed to be completely suppressed by the Yan Yang Demon Fire.

The breath was extremely sluggish, it seemed that he was completely afraid of the flames of the sun and demon.

Even the energy to escape was consumed.

Being pressed tightly by the flames of the Yan Yang demon in the corner of the stone room, he stood still.


"The opportunity is here!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

Immediately released his divine consciousness, and slowly explored the black bone Yin Huo retreating in the corner of the wall.

When Lin Fei's divine consciousness was about to touch the black bone Yin Huo, the black bone Yin Huo had a reaction.


A black flame spread out.

Suddenly, part of the divine consciousness that extended Lin Fei was also burned.

Fortunately, the Yanyang Demon Fire also immediately burst out a crimson flame, burning those black flames into nothingness.

Finally, Lin Fei's divine consciousness, under the protection of Yanyang Demon Fire, came into contact with the black bone Yinhuo.

Lin Fei controlled his divine consciousness, trying his best, with the slowest, gentlest degree, little by little, to penetrate into the black bones.

During this process, he was repeatedly resisted by the black bones.

Every time of resistance, Lin Fei lost a lot of divine consciousness.

Finally, after half a day.

Lin Fei finally merged into his own divine consciousness in the dark flames and successfully carved the mark of his divine consciousness.

Then, after a day of calming down slowly.

Finally, that black bone Yin Huo completely quieted down and recognized Lin Fei!


It succeeded!

Lin Fei's eyes were filled with joy.

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