Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 876: Expel

After the war, in the Celestial Headquarters, there were wolves and corpses on the ground. Literature "" fans. .

The black wind regiment and the flying tiger gang were all wiped out.

In addition, there is a large group of people who have been watching the excitement by the side. In the course of the war, the two did not help each other and seemed to maintain a neutral state.

These people who watched the excitement are just those large and small forces that have taken refuge in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion in recent times.

These forces came to the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, originally with the intention of temporarily taking refuge, and did not really take refuge in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

Therefore, just now in the battle between the Black Wind Regiment and the Sky Cang Pavilion, they simply watched the excitement by the side.

Later, when the battle situation fell to one side and the black wind group's men and horses began to lose out, some forces pretended to behave like this and helped the Sky Cang Pavilion.

Lin Fei naturally saw this situation.

It seemed that leaving these people in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion was simply a mistake.

Not only is it not good for the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, but on the contrary, I don't know when it will cause trouble.

For example, the Flying Tiger Gang is the people who colluded with the Black Wind Group and wanted to enter the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

Therefore, in Lin Fei's mind, he immediately made a decision that Tiancang Pavilion wanted to clear the cards again.

These are not the big and small forces who sincerely take refuge in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, and none of them can stay.


Wait until the traces of the war are cleaned up.

Lin Fei summoned all the high-levels of Tiancang Pavilion into the discussion hall.

Including the brain figures of the big and small forces who took refuge in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, all were present.

Lin Fei's gaze glanced at everyone coldly.

When Lin Fei's eyes were met, the brain figures of those big and small forces all lowered their heads involuntarily.

After all, in this incident of the Black Wind Group.

Most of them did not stand on the side of Tiancang Pavilion.

Even some people who saw the wind and saw the strength of the black wind group had already stood on the side of the black wind group in secret, and in turn dealt with the people on the side of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

Now that all the people in the Black Wind Regiment have been killed, the brain figures of these big and small forces, thinking of their performance during this period, are beginning to regret.

At this moment, they looked at Lin Fei's cold eyes, and they all had some bad feelings in their hearts.

They naturally knew that the person in front of them was the real master of Tiancang Pavilion.

The person in front of him can decide anything in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.


At the beginning, our Tiancang Pavilion allowed you to stay here because you were persecuted by the Zhongtian Palace and had nowhere to go.

Moreover, the Tiancang Pavilion has never asked you to pay anything, and even the daily expenses of tens of thousands of you, we Tiancang Pavilion have also paid a lot.

However, you let me down, and I don't want to say more about other things.

From now on, within one day, all of you will leave the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude. "

Lin Fei didn't cover up, he went straight and gave the order to evict the guests.


As soon as Lin Fei's words came out, the brain figures of the big and small forces were stunned.

The situation in Triangle is very chaotic now.

Many areas have fallen into the hands of Zhongtian Palace and the demons.

These forces of them are not very strong, and now they have finally gathered in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, forming a large force.

And they all knew that there was a very clever formation in the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters, enough to protect themselves.

Therefore, staying in the Tiancang Pavilion, they felt relatively safe.

Unexpectedly, now, the owner of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion is about to issue an order to expel guests.

"This time, it was mainly the members of the Flying Tigers who colluded with the Black Wind Group and secretly carried the Black Wind Group to the Heavenly Cang Pavilion. It has nothing to do with us."

Immediately, someone said, wanting to shirk responsibility for themselves.

"Yes, besides, the situation is chaotic now, unity is strength.

We have tens of thousands of people, and if we leave, it will be a loss to Tiancang Pavilion. "

Someone said that they wanted to tell Lin Fei that he had a strong relationship.

"Indeed, and, for a while, we have stayed here to protect the safety of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion. There is no credit and hard work.

You Tiancang Pavilion, how can you chase people out? "

Some people simply play rascals.

In the entire discussion hall, there was suddenly noisy noise, very chaotic.


"Everyone, the master has made it very clear.

Please leave Tiancang Pavilion all within today.

Otherwise, don't blame our Tiancang Pavilion for being impolite! "

The Supreme Master suddenly stood up, and the mid-level vitality of Yingjie Realm was suddenly released and rushed towards the brains of those big and small forces.


Suddenly, a tornado was blowing in the discussion hall.

A dozen people were knocked upside down and flew out by the powerful blast wave taught by the Supreme Master.

The rest of them also felt that their blood was surging in their bodies and their chests were tight.

Among these people, the highest cultivation level is only the Void Realm high-level, and the Supreme Master Master who faces the Tribulation Realm intermediate-level, has no resistance at all.

Suddenly, everyone shut their mouths, and their faces became pale.

No one dared to speak out again.

"I will stress one more time at the end. Within today, all leave.

Otherwise, I don't mean to treat you like the Black Wind Group and the Flying Tiger Gang. "

Finally, Lin Fei left a word coldly and left the discussion hall.

At this point, these people knew in their hearts that it was impossible for them to stay in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

Heifeng regiment's five strong experts in the catastrophe realm were all beheaded by the master of the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

What's more, they are these virtual realm warriors.

Next, some time ago, those large and small forces who took refuge in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion began to leave for six consecutive times.

A day later, as expected, most of them left.

However, there were also a few gang members who stayed.

Those who stayed, the Supreme Headmaster asked Lin Fei for instructions and asked them to stay.

Because the people of these gangs were secretly standing on the side of the Tiancang Pavilion during the period when the Black Wind Group controlled the headquarters of the Tiancang Pavilion.


After this cleaning of the Tiancang Pavilion, all the people who were left behind were those who truly belonged to the Tiancang Pavilion.

For this, Lin Fei was very satisfied.

Lin Fei handed over the rest of the matter to the Supreme Master.

Lin Fei took out a large number of various resources and handed them to the Supreme Master Teacher to maintain the normal operation of the Tiancang Pavilion and the cultivation of the disciples of the Tiancang Pavilion.

Among the mass graves, Lin Fei had a very rich harvest.

Especially in the treasure vault of the Heavenly Machine Sect, an unimaginable amount of resources was obtained!

On that day, Ji Zong was originally a big sect hundreds of years ago.

Lin Fei had all the resources of a large sect now, and it was conceivable how many there were.

Now that he agreed to the head of the Heavenly Secret Sect, he wanted to rebuild the Heavenly Secret Sect.

Lin Fei decided that from now on, he was going to train a group of potential people, which would serve as the basis for the reconstruction of the Tianji Sect in the future.

Therefore, Lin Fei did not hesitate to let the Supreme Master teach him and divide a large number of training resources.

At the same time, he also asked Taishang to teach, from now on, we must tap some potential disciples as the key training objects.


Lin Fei teleported Fei'er, Grandpa Fei'er, Sister Ying, and Yan'er all from the city on her body, so that they could find a place to rest.

At the same time, the four shameless demons were also sent out.

The four shameless demons have now become Lin Fei's servants.

Lin Fei asked them to follow the Supreme Master to assist in the affairs of the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters.

As for Lin Fei himself, he announced that he would start practicing in retreat for a period of time.

Then, he entered his own practice secret room.

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