Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 894: Battle against the original realm

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and suddenly, a bunch of white flames appeared in that Tianyi faction's primary level of consciousness in the Yingjie Realm. "Δ  Literature" "Mystery. .

Then, the bunch of white flames burned up.

The Tianyi faction's elementary level of Yingjie Realm feels that the divine consciousness power in the sea of ​​consciousness is being burned crazily.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he had displayed several spirit martial arts, but he couldn't stop the white fireball from burning.

In an instant, the power of his consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness dried up in half.


Elder Ke save me! "

At the elementary level of Yingjie Realm, he was horrified and cried out in pain.


Elder Nake let out a cold snort, and a powerful divine consciousness instantly entered the sea of ​​consciousness at the elementary level of the catastrophe realm.

He slammed into the white fireball that was burning, trying to drive it out.

Lin Fei also moved his mind, almost at the same time, and also released a powerful divine consciousness, entered the elementary consciousness sea of ​​the catastrophe realm, and resisted the divine consciousness of Elder Xiang Ke.


Two powerful divine consciousness forces violently collided in the sea of ​​consciousness at the elementary level of the catastrophe realm.


The elementary level of the Tianyi faction in the Yingjie Realm was immediately devastated. His sea of ​​consciousness was like a magnitude ten earthquake, shaking violently.

His soul body was also directly shattered!

Then, his body flew out in response, hit the ground far, and turned into a corpse.


The rest of the people were all dumbfounded, and they couldn't figure out that a Void Realm Intermediate could actually attack with Divine Consciousness alone to cause the death of a strong man in the Corruption Realm.

"you wanna die!

How dare to kill my Tianyi faction! "

Elder Na Ke was finally completely violent, and there were people who were also in front of him, killing the people of the Heavenly faction.

"Hahaha, speaking of it, this person, Elder Ke, you also have a chance to kill him half."

Lin Fei laughed.


"Dare to chew your tongue!

I killed you! "

In Elder Nako's heart, it was extremely frustrated at this moment.

Strictly speaking, the elementary level of Yingjie Realm of the faction just now was equivalent to the joint killing of Elder Ke and Lin Fei.

It was precisely because of the collision of the two divine consciousness powers of Lin Fei and elder Ke in the elementary sea of ​​consciousness of the catastrophe realm that directly caused their divine soul body to be shattered.


A huge vitality palm instantly condensed and formed on top of Lin Fei's head.

This huge vitality palm is a full five or six acres of land, and five fingers are like five towering giant peaks. The force of vitality contained in it is pouring down to the sky, locking Lin Fei tightly.

The giant palm of vitality has not yet begun to be photographed, around Lin Fei's body, under the agitation of the powerful vitality, there is already a scene of surging wind and clouds, flying sand and rocks.

Primal Realm, really amazing!

Lin Fei took a deep breath, all over his clothes, and being pressured by the power of the vitality palm above his head, it swelled like a balloon and hunted.

Even Lin Fei's face was squeezed out of shape.

For the first time, facing off against a master at the level of the true realm, Lin Fei finally had a more real feeling about the strength of the master at the true realm.

Just now, why didn't Lin Fei flee directly, but waited for Elder Ke from this faction to arrive.

In order to personally feel the strength of the master of the Yuan Zhen realm.

Because, for Lin Fei, the strong man in the Yingjie Realm could already be killed.

It's time to get in touch with the masters of the Primal Realm.

"Hehe, this guy seems to be mad.

The Intermediate Void Realm took the initiative to provoke me Elder Paike. "

Seeing that Lin Fei was motionless under the giant palm that had been condensed by elder Ke, he seemed to be restrained, unable to dodge.

In the field, the people of the Tianyi faction took the lead in sarcasm, feeling very relieved.

"Indeed, this guy is arrogant enough.

It's a pity that arrogant people die early. "

Those other schools are also talking about it.

No one thought that the intermediate Void Realm in front of him could escape the blow of Elder Ke.

After all, Elder Ke is a master of the Primal Realm.

Not to mention a mere intermediate level of the virtual realm, even if it is a strong person in the catastrophic realm, under this palm, there is no possibility of escape.



Elder Nake shouted violently.

Finally, above Lin Fei's head, the huge vitality palm of 5-6 acres of land slammed down.


Suddenly, the ground on which Lin Fei stood was a full five or six acres. The rumbling land collapsed, mud splashed and dust covered the sun.

"Be merciful!"

At this time, Xiaoyu's father's figure suddenly moved, and in an instant, his body began to change drastically.

Almost a short time to breathe, Xiaoyu's father became a giant with a height of four or five meters.

With his feet on the ground, his body was like a boring cannonball, facing the giant palm of Elder Ke, and then he smashed it out.

"Ji Zhen, you dare to attack me and send Elder Ke, Elder Ke is the leader of our Yugoslavian team, do you want to rebel!"

As soon as Xiaoyu's father, Ji Zhen took the shot, immediately, from the Tianyi faction, a strong man from the tribulation realm immediately blocked him.


At this moment, the place where Lin Fei was standing had collapsed several meters deep.

Lin Fei's strength and the vitality in the body were released, and the giant vitality palm that resisted Elder Ke poured out the power of the vitality, and did not suffer any harm.


Just fight against the original realm to see how many moves I can get in the hands of the original realm. "

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and the burning magic technique was used again.

Suddenly, a bunch of white flames appeared in the sea of ​​knowledge of Elder Nako.

Then, the puffy land flared up.

Elder Nake immediately felt his divine consciousness and started to be continuously burned by this white fireball, and he couldn't help being surprised.

He quickly displayed the spirit martial arts he had cultivated, trying to drive this white fireball out of his sea of ​​consciousness.

However, this burning **** technique is very wonderful, no matter how hard he tries, he can't drive this white fireball out of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Any divine consciousness close to this white fireball was burned.

When Lin Fei performed the Burning God technique, he stretched out his fingers and slammed the giant palm of vitality that was quickly falling down above his head.

A huge finger phantom appeared abruptly, facing the vitality giant palm that Elder Ke shot down.


The phantom of the fingers, and the giant palm of vitality, slammed together in a fierce posture.

The whole world, including the earth, seemed to shake violently.

Then, a powerful and unmatched shock wave of elemental force instantly spread from the center of the impact.

All the people nearby, in panic, started to evade.

After a while, the shock wave of Yuan Li finally dissipated slowly.

Lin Fei's figure slowly rose from the pit several meters deep.

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