Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 903: Ready to fight

So far, Lin Fei has cultivated five demon supernatural powers. 』ΩLiterature fan. %.

They are: Ten Phantom Body, Bone Demon Claw, Demon Voice Roar, Demon Tribulation Needle, Demon Light Glimpse.

Lin Fei estimated that with his current strength, if he meets an ordinary Demon King, he should have no problem dealing with it.


Lin Fei returned to the headquarters of Tiancang Pavilion.

During this period of time, Lin Fei has spent several days on cultivation.

After returning to the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, Lin Fei found the Supreme Master.

Understand the situation of Triangle Land in the recent period.

After listening, Lin Fei couldn't help but frown.

The situation is more serious than Lin Fei imagined.

It turned out that in the past few days, the Mozu and Zhongtian Temple have occupied the triangle, nearly two-thirds of the area.

In the remaining areas, the human warriors also began to flee the triangle.

And those of the Yugoslav Federation who entered the triangle, in the battle with the demons and the Zhongtian Palace, also lost again and again, retreated one after another, and suffered heavy casualties.

It is said that there are already five or six masters of the original realm of human beings who have fallen into the triangle.

Each of these Yuanzheng masters is the core force of each school of Yuan Wujie Nanda 6th Middle School.

Each fall is an immeasurable loss for some schools.

Among the Yugoslavian forces, those below the strength of the tribulation realm were even more dead or injured.

Therefore, the remaining troops of the Yugoslav Army have all withdrawn from the triangle.

In other words, this triangle is now the world of the Demon Race and Zhongtian Palace!

This situation made Lin Fei feel very stressed.

Under such a situation, it seems a bit unrealistic to continue to defend the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters.


"Master, we Tiancang Pavilion, do we have to consider withdrawing from the triangle."

After the Supreme Master had told Lin Fei about the situation in the triangle, he asked Lin Fei.

"Well, we are indeed preparing to withdraw from the triangle."

Lin Fei thought for a while and nodded.

"However, the time has not yet arrived.

You go and ask everyone to prepare things that need to be packed, first pack them up and take them with you.

Be prepared to evacuate at any time.

For the rest, you don't have to worry about everyone, just wait at ease.

At that time, I will bring everyone and safety out of the triangle. "

Lin Fei said to the Supreme Master.

So, the Supreme Headmaster went out and conveyed Lin Fei's orders to the rest.

After the Supreme Master left.

Lin Fei flew up and landed on top of one of the eighteen peaks.

Looking at the Celestial Headquarters in front of him.

To be honest, this Tiancang Pavilion headquarters has beautiful scenery and ample aura.

Eighteen peaks echo each other, forming a wonderful aura, lush and lush, very lush.

This is indeed a good place for cleaning up.

Looking at the headquarters of the Tiancang Pavilion in front of him, Lin Fei felt somewhat reluctant to leave.

Moreover, after leaving.

Where should I go?

At this point, Lin Fei has no clue.

At the beginning, Lin Fei had obtained a few waste artifacts when he entered the Triangle Land, holding a temporary shelter from the limelight. At the same time, he was also going to the Mass Burial Mountain to find the Sansheng Daomu.

Unexpectedly, now, I am leaving.

However, even if he wanted to leave, Lin Fei planned that, at the very least, he would have to fight one or two tough battles with the Demon Race and Zhongtian Palace, and then leave after giving some lessons to the Demon Race and Zhongtian Palace.

Lin Fei is such a character, people don't offend me, I don't offend others.

If anyone offends me, I will retaliate!

Since the demons and Zhongtian Palace wanted to swallow the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, they had to pay some price no matter what.

Lin Fei knew that the demons and Zhongtian Temple should be coming soon!

So, Lin Fei used his divine consciousness to communicate with Xiao Fei's grandfather.

Let him be prepared to use the Eighteen Luo soldiers at any time to deal with the demons and the Zhongtian Palace.

Xiao Fei's grandfather has been studying the eighteen soldiers formation for a while.

And, obviously, there are more insights.

Interestedly, he said to Lin Fei that if the Mozu and Zhongtiangong dared to attack, they would surely inflict severe damage on each other!


Next, Lin Fei took out hundreds of thousands of holy crystals in the secret room, released the soul tree, and absorbed the energy of those holy crystals.

As Lin Fei's divine consciousness became stronger and stronger, the soul tree's ability to absorb the energy of the holy crystal was also faster and faster.

In less than a day, the soul tree had absorbed the energy of hundreds of thousands of holy crystals.

And Lin Fei's divine consciousness has also been significantly improved.

At this time, the height of the soul tree was a bit higher than before.

It is estimated that it will reach a height of one meter soon.

At the same time, the area of ​​Lin Fei's Lake of Consciousness in the center of the Sea of ​​Consciousness has also increased.

In the dozens of acres of divine consciousness lake, there are waves of ripples from time to time, and the soul tree is quietly suspended directly above the divine consciousness lake.

As for Lin Fei's soul body, it was in that soul tree, and was warmed by it at all times.

Because of the warmth of the soul tree, Lin Fei's soul power, comprehension ability, thinking ability, and various abilities related to the soul body are gradually improving.

However, after Lin Fei's soul body was integrated with the soul tree, it was not only the improvement of the power of the gods, but also the comprehensive improvement in all aspects.

Lin Fei made an estimate of the strength of his spiritual consciousness.

I felt that my current strength of divine consciousness was probably much stronger than that of ordinary Yuanzheng masters.

It is said that among the strength levels of human warriors in the Yuan Wu Realm, above the Yuan Zhen Realm, is the Sub-Holy Realm.

Lin Fei did not know whether his divine consciousness had reached the level of the sub-sacred realm.


After the soul tree had absorbed hundreds of thousands of holy crystals, Lin Fei left the secret room and came to a hillside.

Begin to practice, come to Xiang Di Jue.

Some time ago, Lin Fei suspended the practice of Xiang Di Jue due to his busy schedule.

However, Lin Fei was very interested in this kind of method similar to the metaphysics of Feng Shui above the earth.

On the hillside, Lin Fei stood quietly, feeling the power of the earth.

It can be said that to perceive the power of the earth is the most basic and basic practice in Xiangdi Jue.

Only by being able to comprehend the power of the earth can you practice the other techniques recorded in the Xiangdi Jue.

On the hillside.

Lin Fei stood quietly, motionless, his divine consciousness released.

Taking the ground under your feet as the core, it radiates from a distance, perceiving the entire land nearby.

Slowly, Lin Fei's state, whether it be divine consciousness, soul attention, body energy, or even breathing and heartbeat, all started, creating a certain sense of fit with the land under his feet.

This is a very strange feeling.

It is as if the whole body and mind are integrated into the earth.

In the earth, many mysteries were gradually realized in Lin Fei's mind.


after one day.

At a certain moment.

"Master, the spies reported that there are a large number of demons and Zhongtiangong men and horses coming toward our Tiancang Pavilion headquarters!"

Suddenly, Lin Fei received the divine consciousness transmission from the Supreme Master.

"Oh, is it finally here."

Lin Fei immediately withdrew from the state of cultivation.

"Pass the order on and prepare for the challenge!"

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