Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 907: Group of magic


Thousands of figures instantly rushed into the headquarters of Tiancang Pavilion. "Omega Wen" learning fan. ㄟ.

It can be said that this time, in order to deal with the Tiancang Pavilion, the Demon Race and the Zhongtian Palace, many people were indeed mobilized.

Because, in the recent period, the name of Tiancang Pavilion has been too loud within this triangle.

In the legend, within the triangle, Tiancang Pavilion has become the only force that can resist the demons and Zhongtian Palace.

Even the momentum of the Black Wind Group was suppressed by the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

Moreover, before, Zhongtian Palace had sent two or three men and horses to attack Tiancang Pavilion, and every time, the entire army was wiped out, and no one could return alive.

In addition, more than ten days ago, the demons and the people of Zhongtian Palace stationed in Gaoguang City were all killed for no apparent reason.

Gaoguang City is very close to the Heavenly Cang Pavilion headquarters. In addition, in Gaoguang City, the demons and Zhongtian Palace's troops were originally assembled there to eradicate the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

Therefore, the Demon Race and the Zhongtian Palace, naturally suspected that the Tiancang Pavilion's head, and this account came to the Tiancang Pavilion's head.

This time, the Demon Clan and Zhongtian Palace made up their minds to erase the Heavenly Cang Pavilion, and even sent a Demon Emperor to lead the team to deal with the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

Amidst the earth-shattering shouts.

The demons and those in the Zhongtian Palace rushed into the headquarters of the Tiancang Pavilion like a tide.

Within the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters, the area is extremely wide.

Eighteen green hills are guarded far away, and in the middle is a vast area, with green grass everywhere, palaces all over, and aura.

However, when the demons and the Zhongtian Temple all rushed in.

It was only then that there seemed to be a vast area where many people lived in front of me, but at this moment, there was no one.


Slightly startled.

A wave of magical consciousness, and divine consciousness, perceive it.


"I have found the people in Tiancang Pavilion, and they seem to be on top of those eighteen peaks!"

"Yes, it seems that the lowly human beings like Tiancang Pavilion are all scared. They ran up to the mountain one by one and shrank."

"Haha, go ahead and kill all the people in the Sky Cang Pavilion."

These demons and the people of the Central Heaven Palace were all excited after seeing the traces of the people in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

One after another, they shot to the top of the eighteen green hills.

"Move eighteen soldiers!"

On one of the peaks, Lin Fei stood on the top of the mountain, speaking to Xiao Fei's grandfather.

Behind Lin Fei, stood a group of high-level Heavenly Cang Pavilion, in addition, there was a tall figure, it was Ji Zhen.

Because the Azure Wolf Gang had been merged into the Heavenly Cang Pavilion before, all the virtual realms in the Blue Wolf Gang had become high-level figures in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion.

As for those who are relatively weak or have a close relationship with Lin Fei, Lin Fei has long sent them all into the city.

For example, Sister Ying, Yan'er, Xiao Fei, etc., as well as those members in the Heavenly Cang Pavilion who respect below their strength.

Now, all the people who stayed behind are people with the strength of the Void Realm, and there are some outstanding members of the Venerable Realm. The main task of these remaining members of the noble realm is to help Grandpa Xiaofei and maintain the formation.

As for the people of True Demon Sect, Lin Fei also let them stay in the city.

However, after Xiaoyu's father, Ji Zhen, repeatedly asked, Lin Fei agreed and asked him to stay and help.

After all, Ji Zhen's strength is at the advanced level of the Catastrophe Realm, and he is even stronger than the Supreme Master Teacher.



Within the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters, there was a sudden jitter between heaven and earth.

Then, within the scope of the Tiancang Pavilion, a white mist overwhelming the sky suddenly poured out frantically, and the dense mist quickly filled every inch of the space.

Looking around, everything is shrouded in a blank white mist.

It was hazy, and everything seemed a little fuzzy.

Everyone feels at the same time that this piece of heaven and earth seems to have undergone certain energy changes, and the space seems to have undergone certain changes.

"Be careful, there is a formation!"

The Demon Emperor moved in his heart and hurriedly went out with a scream.

All the demons and the people in the Zhongtian Palace found that they were trapped in an endless white space.

"In the headquarters of Tiancang Pavilion, there really is a clever formation.

Moreover, this formation actually carried the aura of the ancients, could it be the formation inherited from the ancients? "

The Demon Sovereign's demon consciousness was released, perceiving the surrounding space, and he couldn't help being surprised secretly.

Based on his insights, it is natural that the formation in front of him is indeed extremely clever.

"Everyone, be careful, this formation is not to be glimpsed, since the psychedelic effect has a strong offensive effect.

The formation should be on the top of the eighteen green mountains. If you can rush to those peaks, it is estimated that you can break the formation.

Okay, everyone, now, follow our previous arrangement.

Immediately form a group of demons, move closer together, and act collectively. "

The demon emperor's rumbling sound transmission echoed throughout the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters.


Suddenly, the demons began to move closer to each other, and every twenty or thirty demons formed a small, peculiar and weird formation.

After the formation was formed, bursts of intense and dazzling magic light burst out immediately, which turned out to be forcibly dispelling the white mist within a few feet of the surrounding area.

In this way, those demons and Zhongtian Palace's people can easily find their positions and quickly move closer to each other.

Then, those small formations composed of twenty or thirty demons began to fuse together.

Two, three, four, five............

At the end of the fusion, almost two to three thousand demons have formed a total of ten large-scale strange formations.

Each formation is composed of two to three hundred demons, and each demons constantly changes positions in a specific direction.

Every formation has a dazzling magic light bursting out extremely bright.

As a result, in the Tiancang Pavilion headquarters, the boundless white mist that had filled every inch of space was actually dispersed by half under the interference of the dazzling magic light.

With the naked eye let out, you can already see things vaguely.

The human warriors in Zhongtian Palace are all hiding in ten formations.

"Hahaha, unexpectedly, a small Tiancang Pavilion has an ancient formation handed down from ancient times.

However, I was prepared. Today, even if Tiancang Pavilion is protected by ancient formations, it will still be crushed by our demons! "

The Demon King, seeing that the ten demon formations were effective, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Okay, now, the ten demonic formations will move together and attack the nearest mountain first.

As long as we can destroy the formation eyes on some of the peaks, this ancient formation will be broken without attack.

Then, these people in the Tiancang Pavilion let our army tortured and killed them! "

With a wave of his hand, the Demon Sovereign took the lead to shoot away at one of the peaks.


"Moving array attack."

Above the mountain, Lin Fei's face was a bit ugly. It seemed that this time, the Mozu had been prepared.

I just don't know whether the Eighteen Luo Soldiers can deal with the ten demons.

In short, this time, it should be a tough battle!

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