Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 920: Primal Realm Servant

At this time, the green wood armor fire, under the pressure of both the Yanyang Demon Fire and the Black Bone Yin Fire, remained motionless and stayed quietly. "Literature Δ  fan. .

Obviously, this green wood armor fire has completely succumbed, it is already lacking in vitality, and how can it be fought by two different fires.

Lin Fei was overjoyed, and quickly released his divine consciousness, extending to the green wood armor fire.

After a while, it was on the green wood armor fire that he carved his mark of divine consciousness and subdued the blue wood armor fire.

After subduing the green wood armour fire, Lin Fei could feel that this green wood armour fire, with a sunset atmosphere, was indeed in a period of energy decline.

After feeling the green wood armor fire for a while, Lin Fei put it into his body, planning to wait until there is time, and then slowly research, is there any good way to restore the green wood armor fire.

After putting away the green wood armor, Lin Fei's eyes fell on the leader of the Zoroastrian religion.

At this moment, seeing Lin Fei succeeded in subduing the green wood armor fire, he couldn't help being shocked and angry.

However, in the explosion of the medicine cauldron just now, he was already severely injured. At this time, he was already weak and unable to stop Lin Fei.

Lin Fei looked at the depressed leader, and suddenly he felt that his divine power was stronger than this Zoroastrian leader, and he could be accepted as a servant.

"Well, a servant of the Primal Realm should be good."

Lin Fei smiled unkindly at the fire worship leader and muttered to himself.


"Boy, what do you want to do!"

After hearing what Lin Fei said, he knew that there must be no good, so he couldn't help but roar.

As soon as the words of the Zoroastrian leader fell, Lin Fei performed the burning **** technique.

Suddenly, the leader of the Zoroastrianism found a bunch of white flames in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Then, the bunch of white flames burned up and turned into a ball of white fire.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, all the divine consciousness was madly sucked by the white fireball, and then burned into nothingness.

"What the **** is this!"

The leader of Zoroastrianism couldn't help but screamed.

However, Lin Fei's divine consciousness is much stronger than him. No matter what divine and soul means he displays, he cannot expel the burning white fireball in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Finally, after a stick of incense, under Lin Fei's threats, this fire worship leader finally succumbed.

This worshipping the leader of the fire sect does not want to lose his soul.

Although he was reluctant, he finally handed over his soul brand and became Lin Fei's servant.

Then, Lin Fei checked all the other nine Zoroastrian high-level Yingjiejing, and found that four of them were already dead.

Five of them suffered severe internal injuries and were unconscious.

Lin Fei took out five high-level spirit pills from the space ring, and stuffed them into the mouths of the five unconscious Yingjie Realm.

After about a stick of incense, the five Ying Jie realms came back to life.

Naturally, under Lin Fei's threats, these five catastrophic realms also became Lin Fei's servants.


At this time, the leader had recovered a lot from his injuries after adjusting his vitality.

After all, he is a master of the Yuan Zhen realm, and his Yuan Li is very vigorous, and he recovers naturally very quickly.

Lin Fei turned over and asked.

It turns out that the fire worshipping religion has a history of thousands of years. Most of the teaching people in the teaching, the tactics and vitality martial arts cultivated belong to the fire attribute.

The creative ancestor of the fire worship, called True Lord Huo Yao, all he cultivated were fire-attribute methods and martial arts.

He left behind a lot of magic arts and vitality martial arts about fire attributes, which is the foundation of fire worship.

This green wood armor fire was also left by the ancestor Huo Yao.

It is said that once, True Lord Huo Yao met a very powerful enemy.

Under the fierce battle, although True Lord Huo Yao beheaded the enemy, he himself was seriously injured.

Even the green wood armor fire was greatly damaged, and his vitality was greatly injured.

Soon after, True Lord Huo Yao was sitting on the floor, leaving only the green wood armor.

Since then, this green wood armor fire has become the holy fire in Zoroastrianism.

Generations of leaders have tried their best to restore the green wood armor fire, but it is always difficult to do so.

Unexpectedly, in the end, this green wood armor fire fell into Lin Fei's hands.

At the same time, what surprised Lin Fei was that during the worship of the fire, he had kept a secret book left by True Lord Huo Yao, called Huo Jue.

In this fire tactic, there is a special technique on how to use different fires!

At this point, Lin Fei was simply overjoyed.

If he learned this fire tactic, then Lin Fei would have once again gained a powerful magic weapon against the enemy.

You should know that every kind of different fire is a very violent existence between heaven and earth. If used properly and used against the enemy, the power it produces must be very amazing.

Therefore, Lin Fei immediately asked the leader for Huo Jue.

The leader of the Zoroastrian religion is now Lin Fei's servant, so naturally he can only do so.

Next, Lin Fei was thinking about how to deal with this Zoroastrian issue.

Now, the leader and the five Yingjie Realm have become Lin Fei's servants. This worship of Zoroastrianism is naturally equivalent to being completely controlled by Lin Fei.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Fei decided to let the Zoroastrian worship remain as it was, rest and rest, and then call it later when needed.

Therefore, Lin Fei asked the five Yingjiejing to stay and preside over the daily operations of the Zoroastrianism.

And that leader is the cultivation base of the original realm, and a servant of the original realm is very practical to bring with him.

Therefore, after making arrangements, Lin Fei took the leader and quietly left the Zoroastrian headquarters.


After a while, Lin Fei returned to Qingshui City.

At this moment, in Xian's home, in the living room.

Sister Ying, Yan'er, and their mother were in the living room, waiting anxiously for news from Lin Fei.

Several hours have passed, but Lin Fei has not yet come back.

The three of them were a little panicked.

"Sister Ying, Lin Fei will be fine, right?

If something happened to him, it would be equivalent to us harming him. "

Yan'er said.

"Yan'er, you also know the strength of Lin Fei, he should be fine."

Sister Ying comforted.

Sister Ying and Yan'er, naturally, did not expect that after Lin Fei left the Zoroastrian stronghold in Qingshui City, he went directly to the Zoroastrian headquarters.

"Oh, Ying'er, Yan'er, even if Lin Fei is really capable, but there are many people who worship Zoroastrianism, and there are many masters in teaching.

I'm afraid that if he can't beat four hands with two fists, he will still suffer.

Alas, this Lin Fei, with a good heart, is a good person, this time, we can be regarded as harming him. "

Sister Ying and Yan'er's mother were also complaining about themselves at this time.

However, at this time.

"Hehe, it seems that I worry you.

I'm really sorry. "

Suddenly, a voice came in from outside the living room.

"It's Lin Fei!

He is back! "

Upon hearing this voice, Sister Ying and Yan'er immediately jumped up.

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