Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 928: Powerful three-headed ghost python

In the perception of divine consciousness, there is a majestic waterfall flowing down halfway up the mountain peak. "Δ  Literature" "Mystery. .

The waterfall is like a broad silver-white horse, rolling down, and the rumbling sound can be heard for dozens of miles.

Below the waterfall is a wide cold water pool. The waterfall hits the surface of the water, and the sky is full of white water splashes, filling the entire mountainside.

What caught Lin Fei's attention was a huge, smooth, mirror-like rock wall behind the silver-white waterfall.

Even if hidden behind the waterfall, the rock wall still exudes an extraordinary breath from time to time, creating a very mysterious atmosphere invisibly.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness, it was precisely the sense of this mysterious atmosphere that attracted attention.

There might be some extraordinary treasures on the rock wall behind the waterfall.

So Lin Fei Zhan's departure method, and after a while, he came to the top of the mountain.

Lin Fei landed on the flat ground before the cold water pool.

The Wanzhang Waterfall, falling from the sky, finally landed in this cold water pool, weighing more than 10,000 yuan, rumbling, standing in front of the waterfall, Lin Fei only felt his ears buzzing.

This cold water pool is extremely cold, standing on the edge of the pool, biting cold oncoming.

After watching for a while, Lin Fei flew up and headed toward the waterfall, intending to cross the waterfall and check the rock wall behind the waterfall to find out what was there.


However, the figure is not close to the waterfall.



The entire waterfall was suddenly split apart. A huge figure broke through the water, leaped out from behind the waterfall, and pounced towards Lin Fei in the air.

This turned out to be an extremely huge snake.

This giant snake was dark in its entire body and extremely strange in appearance. It had three snake heads. Each of the snake heads had a ghostly face. It was extremely ugly, with a big mouth of blood and tusks.

Three-headed ghost python!

Lin Fei immediately recognized the origin of the giant snake and almost screamed.

The three-headed ghost python is a rare different kind of monster. It is said that the bloodline is very special and the strength is unmatched.


Three grimace snake heads, one of them opened its mouth wide, like an afterimage, crashing like lightning.

"Good guy!"

Lin Fei released his power and slammed his fist on the snake's head.


Lin Fei only felt an overwhelming force hitting the sky, and his body shot backwards like a kite with a broken line. It hit back thousands of meters before he could barely stand in shape.

Lin Fei's face couldn't help showing a look of horror, these three ghost pythons were too powerful.

His own 40,000 jin strength was actually repelled by it!

Lin Fei estimated that if it were not for his strong qualities, he might have been seriously injured in the impact just now!



The strength was unable to win, Lin Fei had to pull out the Slaughter Sword, instantly slashed out **** sword auras, and hit the bodies of the three ghost pythons.


There were waves of metal crashing.

The three ghost pythons were covered with palm-sized black scales, and Lin Fei was shocked by the hardness.

The **** sword aura slashed by the Slaughter Sword hit the snake body of the three ghost pythons, leaving only shallow marks on the black scales.

You know, these **** sword auras that Slaughter Sword kills can easily kill even humans in the Anti-Tribulation Realm.

However, now, they can only leave some shallow marks on these three ghost pythons. One can imagine how abnormal the defensive ability of the black scales on these three ghost pythons is!


When Lin Fei was shocked, an afterimage lashed over. The power seemed to have confined the entire space. Lin Fei only felt that his body seemed to be locked in this space and could not move.

This afterimage is the tail of the three ghost pythons.

This guy is amazing!

Lin Fei's eyes were filled with horror.

All along, strength has been one of Lin Fei's most powerful combat power.

Unexpectedly, before this three-headed ghost python, his own strength was completely suppressed.

With Lin Fei's current strength, even if it was a monster in the Transformation Period, Lin Fei could easily deal with it.

However, now, facing these three ghost pythons, Lin Fei was unable to handle it at all.

In a hurry, Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and the magic elements among the bones in his body gush out.

Then, while his figure flickered, ten identical Lin Fei appeared.


The tails of the three ghost pythons violently beat nine of them to pieces.


The last Lin Fei was scratched by the tail of a snake, his body like a cannonball, ejected four to five kilometers away.

Lin Fei stood up in a awkward manner, only to feel that the blood in his body surged violently, and he spouted a mouthful of blood.

These three ghost pythons are indeed heterogeneous monsters with special bloodlines, and they are so powerful that they are confused!

It is much stronger than the demon beast in the transformation period.


The three ghost pythons stopped chasing Lin Fei, one of them grimace and snake head, opened his big mouth, and sprayed out a smelly red mist.

These red mists are extremely pungent and obviously poisonous.

In a moment, the red mist completely blocked the nearby area of ​​several tens of meters.

Then, the three ghost pythons returned to the back of the waterfall and ignored Lin Fei.

The actions of the three-headed ghost python made Lin Fei more sure that there must be some precious treasure after the waterfall.

However, the combat power of these three ghost pythons was too terrifying, and Lin Fei knew that he was not its opponent at all.


Just when Lin Fei was fighting with the three ghost pythons.

In the distance, there are more than a dozen gray shadows, looking at this mountain.

"Unexpectedly, those two human beings dared to provoke the three-headed ghost python, they are really impatient."

"Yes, this three-headed ghost python, even our queen, is unwilling to provoke it casually.

These two human beings do not know the heights of the world. "

It turned out that these gray shadows were the queen's men who were ordered to trace the whereabouts of Lin Fei and the leader.

They followed all the way to here, but they found that Lin Fei and the three ghost pythons were in a battle on the mountain peak entrenched by the three ghost pythons.

At this moment, Lin Fei retreated to a hillside about six or seven kilometers away from the waterfall, took out a handful of healing spirit pills, stuffed it into his mouth, and adjusted his breath for a moment.

The wound that Lin Fei suffered just now was only a skin wound, and after a while, the wound was healed.

Then, Lin Fei teleported both the goblin and the leader from the city.

The strength of the three ghost pythons is so terrifying, the treasure it guards must be no small thing.

Lin Fei didn't want to give up easily.

"Yes, there must be something amazing after the waterfall.

I can feel that there is a treasure radiating from there. "

The goblin moved towards the waterfall, and after sensing it for a moment, he also agreed with Lin Fei's idea.

"It's just that the strength of the three-headed ghost python is too strong, we can't beat it at all."

The goblin was a little worried.

"Then let's have a trick to lure the snake out of the cave and adjust the tiger away from the mountain!"

Lin Fei thought for a moment, came up with an idea, and said.

Lead the snake out of the hole?

Both the goblin and the leader were taken aback.

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