Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 935: Seal power

Transmission power is also a kind of space power. Among several people, the goblin's understanding of space power is naturally the most profound, because this is his racial talent. Literary fans. *.

"Then you study it carefully and see if you can find a way to leave."

Lin Fei said to the goblin, looking forward to it.

Next, the goblin began to study the space above the altar.

But Lin Fei and the others, followed by the goblin, felt for a while, but there was nothing, but it affected the mind of the goblin.

Therefore, Lin Fei and Azi, the leader, the Supreme Master and so on, simply left the altar and sat down next to them.

Leave the goblin alone on the altar and study the power of space transfer there.

After sitting idle for a while, Lin Fei took out a martial skill jade slip from the space ring, and this martial skill jade slip contained a technique called Huo Jue.

It turned out that this space jade slip containing the fire formula was obtained by Lin Fei from the leader of the Zoroastrian cult. It was passed down from generation to generation in the Zoroastrian cult and has existed for a very long time.

Among the fire tactics, Lin Fei was most interested in using different fire techniques.

Mainly, how to train the different fire into one's own vitality attack, and use the power of the different fire to become a powerful means of confronting the enemy.

Now, Lin Fei already has three kinds of different fires. For a long time, Lin Fei used the different fires mainly in alchemy. Secondly, on some occasions, he used the burning power of the different fires.

It can be said that although Lin Fei possesses a different fire, he controls the use of the different fire, but it is very blunt and simple, and he cannot wield the powerful power of the different fire at all.

Now that he got the Huo Jue, Lin Fei was overjoyed and naturally wanted to practice the method of controlling and using different fires.

Anyway, now that he is free, Lin Fei decided to practice the method of controlling the use of different fires.

Because, according to the goblin, even though the upper part of this altar is the entrance and exit of this little profound world, the power of space transmission is unpredictable, and it is a very difficult power.

Even if you know the location of the entrance and exit, it is not so easy to find the entrance and exit.

According to the goblin's tone, it is impossible to study it within a day or two.


Lin Fei held the martial art jade slip with the fire technique in his hand, and the power of divine consciousness penetrated into it. He read the technique of how to control the use of different fires in the fire technique four or five times, until he completely removed everything After memorizing the contents.

Only then took the martial arts jade slip and collected the space ring.

Then, he began to practice the method of using different fires.

To use different fires, we must first perceive and communicate with different fires.

Lin Fei decided to experiment with Yanyang Demon Fire.

Because Yanyang Demon Fire is the longest time to conquer the strange fire, the most familiarity, and the most handy one to use.

As a result, Lin Fei's divine consciousness communicated with the flames of the flames in his body and sensed the flame essence inside the beam of flames of the flames.

Fully perceiving and understanding the essence of the different fire is the first step.

While Lin Fei was practicing the method of using different fires, the leader, the Supreme Master, and A Zi and others also found a place to practice in the valley.

There is no way, after following Master Lin Fei, I will gradually become infected by Lin Fei, and I will be used to seizing all the time to improve his cultivation.

And the goblin has been on top of that altar, using spatial talent to perceive the transmission power of that space.


Around the valley.

"Look, those humans actually broke into this valley.

How to do? "

"The queen has ordered us to stop embarrassing these humans.

However, this valley is an important place in our clan and cannot be rushed by outsiders. "

"Well, let's go back and report to the queen, and ask the queen to decide how to treat these humans."

Around the valley, there were some gray shadows lurking, and Lin Fei and the others looked into the valley.

It turned out that the dragon and the phoenix were too fast, just now, it turned into a stream of light, rushing into the valley.

These queens' subordinates didn't even see that the dragon and phoenix had already entered the valley.

Directly, Lin Fei and others, come out of the dragon and phoenix, they are the present.

After a brief discussion, there were a few gray shadows immediately, rushing back to report to the palace where the queen was.


Have they entered the sacrifice valley?

It seems that they are looking for a way to leave. "

In the center of the palace, the queen sits on a high chair, with a variety of demeanors, giving out the aura of a superior person, but also has a seductive beauty.

"Priest, how strong is the seal above the altar?"

The queen frowned and asked an old man next to her.

This priest, dressed in a large gray robe, had extremely deep wrinkles on his face, like pieces of old tree bark, piled together.

It looked like he was an old man hanging down, half-foot buried in loess.

In the eyes of this priest, an extremely astonishing spirit burst out occasionally, a magical aura that always enveloped his body, forming a powerful aura.

"Back to the queen, although most of the sealing power on the altar has been weakened over time, there is probably still 20% of the sealing power left.

However, even the remaining 20% ​​of the seal power is extremely difficult to deal with.

We have no way to crack it now.

It is conservatively estimated that it will take at least more than a hundred years, even more than two hundred years, before we can break the sealing power above the altar and leave this small mysterious realm. "

The priest replied.

"Will it take another one or two hundred years?

Alas, unexpectedly, our tribe, being sealed in this little mysterious realm, stayed for thousands of years. "

After hearing the priest's words, the queen couldn't help but feel sad and depressed, and sighed.

"However, the queen, if we can find some special power assistance, maybe we can leave this small profound realm early, maybe."

Said the priest.

"Oh, priest, I also know those special powers you mentioned.

However, I have searched this little mysterious world, and it doesn't exist at all, enough to crack the powerful yang energy of the seal.

It seemed that our tribe would have to stay in this little profound realm for another one or two hundred years before they could leave. "

Said the queen.

"That's what the queen said.

Those few humans broke into the sacrifice valley, definitely to find a way to leave.

Let me go.

Lest they accidentally destroy the portal above the altar. "

The priest said, and then, with a few people, came towards the valley where Lin Fei and others were.


In the valley, after Lin Fei felt the flame essence of the scorching sun demon fire for a long time, he already had some experience.

So, when he stretched out his right hand, with a movement of his mind, the flames of the Yan Yang Demon Fire slowly released from the palm of his right hand.


Lin Fei whispered softly in his mouth.

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