Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 937: Demons

After returning to the palace where the queen is. Literary fans. *.

The old priest reported the situation to the queen.

When the queen heard that there was hope to break the seal, she was extremely excited. This was her greatest wish.

So immediately to Lin Fei and others, they were regarded as guests, and they hosted a banquet in the palace, and apologized for the previous conflict.

During the banquet, after a conversation with the queen, Lin Fei realized that the queen clan is indeed not a human being, but belongs to the evil shadow clan.

The Evil Shadow Clan is a special race that has been circulating for a long time. Although the number is not very large, it has always been famous because the strength of this race is very powerful, and the masters of the clan are like clouds.

At the same time, Lin Fei also learned why this evil shadow clan of the queen was sealed in this little mysterious world.

It turned out that more than a thousand years ago, the evil shadow clan that the queen belonged to provoked a very powerful existence.

That powerful existence, in a rage, wanted to obliterate the members of this evil shadow clan.

In order to preserve the blood of the clan and not be completely obliterated, the original clan leader, a powerful Evil Shadow clan with an emperor realm cultivation base, found this small mysterious realm in a very secret location, and then sealed some of the people in this small mysterious realm. Among.

In the blink of an eye, the Evil Shadow Clan sealed in this small profound realm had already lived in this small profound realm for thousands of years.

After learning the reason, Lin Fei sighed very much.

Unexpectedly, in this Little Profound Realm, these evil shadow races were sealed by their original old patriarch.

Now, thousands of years have passed, and of course the powerful existence that wanted to obliterate the Evil Shadow Race probably no longer exists.

Even if it still exists, the hatred of the year is already forgotten.

Therefore, the members of the evil shadow tribe in this small profound realm all hope to leave this profound realm and return to the outside world.


Moreover, one of the biggest reasons for the evil shadow clan in this small profound realm wants to leave this small profound realm.

The heaven and earth energy contained in this small profound world is not suitable for the cultivation of the evil shadow clan.

The energy required for the cultivation of the evil shadow clan is the evil energy between the heaven and the earth. In this small profound realm, the heaven and earth aura is very abundant, but the evil energy between the heaven and the earth is very thin.

Staying in this little profound world, the strength of this evil shadow tribe is getting weaker and weaker, and it seems to be gradually declining.

Therefore, the members of the Evil Shadow Clan in this Little Profound Realm are very much looking forward to leaving here and looking for a place with sufficient evil spirits and suitable for the cultivation of the Evil Shadow Clan members. This is what they want to leave this Little Profound Realm. The main reason.

Unexpectedly, now, Lin Fei, who possesses a different fire, appeared, and the evil shadow clan in this little mysterious realm saw hope.

After listening to the introduction of the queen, Lin Fei finally had a detailed understanding of the situation.

To Lin Fei's surprise, Sister Ying and Yan'er have become the princesses of this evil shadow clan in the Little Profound Realm!

It turned out that Sister Ying and Yan'er, where Qingshui City Xian's family lived, were not actually humans, but belonged to the evil shadow clan.

At the beginning, the old patriarch of the Evil Shadow clan sealed some of the clan members in the Xiaoxuan Realm, and sealed the blood of several clansmen, making them humans and staying outside the exit of the Xiaoxuan Realm. That is the ancestral shrine of the Xian family.

The Evil Shadow tribe members who stayed outside the exit of the Little Profound Realm, after the blood in their bodies were sealed, they became indistinguishable from humans.

For so many years, he has stayed at the exit of the Little Profound Realm, and gradually intermarried with humans, and slowly developed into the Xian family of Qingshui City.

Ten days ago, all the members of the Xian family accidentally entered the Little Profound Realm, after the queen activated all the blood of the Evil Shadow in the Xian family.

Under the test, the blood of the Evil Shadow Race in Sister Ying and Yan'er was as pure as 90%!

Even the Evil Shadow Clan bloodline in this queen's body is only 70% pure.

With a purity of up to 90%, Sister Ying and Yan'er immediately became the princesses of this evil shadow clan.

Such a high-purity bloodline has directly caught up with the bloodline purity of the evil shadow clan in the ancient times. Once you practice the evil shadow clan's techniques, you will surely reach the power of the evil shadow clan in the ancient times!

After listening, Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised.

Sister Ying and Yan'er, who used to practice human skills, had mediocre aptitudes, and their strengths were only the cultivation base of the Emperor Realm.

Unexpectedly, now that the blood of the Evil Shadow tribe is activated, it immediately becomes the sweet pastry in the eyes of the Evil Shadow tribe, and the future is unlimited!

While surprised, Lin Fei was naturally very happy for Sister Ying and Yan'er.


After hosting a banquet and entertaining Lin Fei and the others, the queen asked Lin Fei to take a few people to rest in an aboriginal house.

According to the old priest, he still had to prepare for a few days. After he was ready, he asked Lin Fei to take action and use the power of the different fire to crack the sealing power left by the old patriarch.

The Abode is located in an elegant bamboo forest.

The bamboo shadows are swaying, and the bamboo forest is quiet. When you are in it, you have a taste of seclusion.

In the middle of the bamboo forest, there is a row of exquisite houses.

This is the place for Lin Fei to rest temporarily.

Lin Fei and Azi, the goblin, the leader, and the Supreme Headmaster, each found a room, sat cross-legged for practice, and waited for a few days before breaking the seal and leaving.

In the room.

Lin Fei practiced the Sun Golden Classics tactics for a long time, and felt that not only had he consolidated at the elementary level of Yingjie Realm, but his vitality was already very solid and condensed.

It was as if he was already above the elementary level of Yingjie Realm, and had been immersed for many years, his realm was extremely firm.

All of this is naturally the effect of Jingyuan True Water.

After cultivating the Sun Jinjing Law for a long time, Lin Fei suddenly remembered a secret treasure he had obtained before.

Boom Sky Bow!

Although Lin Fei had already refined this blasting bow.

However, there are a total of ten levels of restriction in the Boom Sky Bow. Since Lin Fei's previous vitality cultivation level was not enough, it was only the first level of restriction that was opened.

Now that he has broken through to the realm of the catastrophe, Lin Fei wanted to try whether he could open the second level of restriction of the Boom Sky Bow.

As a result, he took the Hongtian bow out of the space ring.

The one-person high purple longbow, the whole body circulates colorful light, the form is simple, and a terrifying power, faintly transmitted from the bow.

Lin Fei sat cross-legs, holding the longbow, the vitality in his body was continuously transmitted into the purple longbow, and at the same time, the power of divine consciousness also entered the longbow.

About two hours later.

Lin Fei smiled with joy.

Because, the second level of ban on Hongtian Gong was finally successfully opened.

As for the power of the Boom Sky Bow after the second layer of bans were turned on, Lin Fei planned to try again if he had a chance in the future.

"I don't know, what the **** is she looking for me?"

After putting the Boom Sky Bow away, Lin Fei stood up, his figure almost out of the room, a few flashing rooms, and came to a clearing between the bamboo forest.

In the open space, there was a beautiful woman in palace clothes with a dignified manner and graceful posture, looking at Lin Fei with a complicated expression.

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