Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 939: In the pond

Faced with the events of his immediate life, Lin Fei was completely stunned. ""Ω"Literature "Mystery. *.

Unexpectedly, what the queen said about healing was using this method.

Alone men and widows, take off their clothes and live in the same pool, facing each other.

No wonder, during the day, when the queen came to look for herself, she always showed a shy look.

"Lin Shaoxia, you can start."

The queen, sitting naked in the pool water, saw Lin Fei's stunned expression, she couldn't help but bit her teeth, she looked shy and shy, she bit her scalp and shouted.

Although she is the queen of the evil shadow clan, she has a distinguished status, but she is also a woman, and she has never had a man.

For the first time, to face a strange man, her heart, like any woman in the world, felt a kind of embarrassment.

However, in order to heal his injuries, he had to do so.

She knows best about the hidden wounds she has suffered. If she is not treated in time, she is afraid that in the future, all her cultivation skills will slowly disappear and vanish.

After the queen yelled twice, Lin Fei, who was in a state of astonishment, woke up.

"Okay, then I take off my clothes."

Lin Fei's face was also red, like a monkey's ass.


The queen closed her eyes, her exquisite and beautiful face was already covered with feixia, and even the delicate and white pink neck, at this moment, was as if she was drunk and red.

Lin Fei's heart was shaken by the sight, almost lost.

Although Lin Fei has two beautiful wives in the Ziwei Empire, he has not formally had sex.

Up to now, Lin Fei is still a junior brother who has not learned anything about human affairs, and now he wants to be in the same pool with a beautiful woman.

In my heart, I couldn't help but be bounced and hurriedly.

Lin Fei took off his clothes as quickly as possible, and then, when he moved his figure, he fell into the pool and splashed a few purple splashes.

Then, below the neck, the lower body is all immersed in the pool water.

"Lin Shaoxia, it's started.

Please slowly enter the vitality in your body into my body, follow my guidance, and slowly impact where the hidden wounds are in my body. "

The queen started to heal her wounds formally, and the queen became serious. The shyness of her face just now disappeared, replaced by a solemn face.

Because this healing is very important to her, and it will affect her future cultivation.

While speaking, the queen bubbled a pair of jade arms immersed in the pool water and stretched out towards Lin Fei.


Lin Fei also immediately put away his mind, and sighed softly, his palms stretched out to reach the queen's smooth and soft jade palms.

Once the vitality in the body is lucky, the pale golden vitality is continuously output from the palms, along the queen's jade arms, slowly transmitted into the queen's body.

When Lin Fei's vitality was transmitted into the queen's body.

The queen guided Lin Fei's vitality and slowly attacked the hidden wounds in her body.


Then, when Lin Fei's vitality finally reached her body, where the dark wound was located, the queen couldn't help but whispered "jiao".

Then, his whole body trembled slightly.

Lin Fei knew that at the beginning of the healing process, he was sloppy and focused. I had forgotten everything, single-mindedly, slowly transmitting vitality into the queen's body.

As Lin Fei's vitality entered the queen's body, above her head, there was an incomparable cold energy slowly, which turned into a white mist, slowly evaporating.

At the same time, there are many strands of energy in the purple pool water, which slowly penetrates into the queen's body, and complements Lin Fei's pale golden vitality to assist in healing.

Everything seems to be going well.

Lin Fei couldn't help but sighed in secret.

However, after half a stick of incense.


Lin Fei felt that in the Queen's body, where the hidden wounds were located, an extremely cold energy seemed unwilling to be expelled, and suddenly burst out.

Then, the queen's body began to tremble violently.

not good!

Lin Fei knew right away that something was a bit bad.

The vitality in the body, circulated, continuously transmitted to the queen's body.

The strange cold energy that burst out of the queen's body was fierce and powerful, and fiercely countered Lin Fei's light golden vitality.

Suddenly, taking the queen's body as the battlefield, that strange cold energy, and Lin Fei's light vitality, began to fight.

The queen's delicate body seemed unbearable, and the painful "jiao Chuan" sound was heard from time to time.

At the same time, the entire pool began to spin from slow to fast, from slow to urgent.

"Lin Shaoxia, everything depends on you.

Because the evil qi that I cultivate also belongs to the yin and cold energy.

Therefore, I can't use my cultivation base to fight against it. This will only increase the backlash effect and cause even greater hidden injuries. "

At this time, the queen suddenly spoke softly.

So that's the case.

Lin Fei suddenly made a big mistake, no wonder that from the beginning of the healing, the queen seemed to deliberately suppress her own cultivation strength, only relying on Lin Fei's vitality to fight against the hidden injuries in the body.

"Queen rest assured, I will try my best."

Lin Fei replied.


The chaotic strange cold energy in the queen is very powerful.

If it was replaced by someone else and confronted with such a powerful energy, it is estimated that the vitality will soon be exhausted.

However, the amount of vitality in Lin Fei's body is very large, and there is a Yunyuan Stone in Lin Fei's Dantian.

At this moment, Lin Fei had stored a large amount of vitality in the Yun Yuan Stone, and could replenish the amount of vitality in his body at any time.

In the pool water, Lin Fei's palms were against the queen's jade palms, and the vitality in his body, like the Yangtze River, rushed toward the queen's body.

The queen's body was shaking violently, with painful "jiao Chuan" sounds from time to time.

And the purple pool of water, like a tsunami, swirled around Lin Fei and the queen.

Within the queen, the battle between Lin Fei's vitality and that strange cold energy also reached a very fierce degree.


The queen seemed to be finally unable to bear the severe pain in her body, and she cried out in pain.

After an hour. Lin Fei has used Yunyuan Stone to replenish the vitality between the meridians in his body four or five times.

In addition, he took a lot of spirit pills to replenish vitality.

Finally, two hours later, the movement in the pond began to slowly quiet down.

The strange cold energy in the queen's body was finally slowly consumed.

The queen at this moment no longer showed an expression of pain, but completely calmed down.

Because the hidden wounds in her body are slowly healing.


"Young man!

It can stop, the dark wounds in my body seem to have healed. "

Three hours later, at a certain moment, the queen suddenly spoke gently to Lin Fei's spiritual knowledge.

"Can it finally be stopped!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed, feeling finally relieved.

Because, Yuanyuan was continuously transmitting three hours of vitality into the queen's body, at this moment, Lin Fei, both physically and mentally, had reached a rather exhausted state.

Moreover, the vitality of the meridians in the body was almost squandered, and the vitality stored in the Yunyuan Stone was also exhausted!

Fortunately, it can finally be stopped.


Lin Fei and the queen, at the same time, lightly opened their palms.



The queen and Lin Fei couldn't help but exclaimed softly.

Because, at this time, all the purple water in the pool was completely steamed.

In the empty pool, only two bodies were left facing each other.

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