Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 949: Smash into Qingshui City

About an hour later. Literature "Mystery. .

The gray shadow flashed, the queen's figure, like a ghost, slowly appeared in front of Lin Fei without any warning.

The queen at this moment, the energy coercion radiating from her body is obviously much stronger than before.

"Congratulations to the queen, for a smooth breakthrough!"

Lin Fei said.

The queen at this time has already changed her clothes again.

The temperament of the whole person, the more holy and noble, the dust is refined, the skirt fluttering, the body of ice and snow, seems to want to ride the wind.

"Hehe, thank you for protecting me."

The queen smiled slightly.

"Well, now go find my people, I hope they all succeed in breaking through."

In the queen's heart, those members of the evil shadow clan were remembered.

So, the queen closed her eyes and felt it quietly for a while.

"My people, in this direction."

The queen pointed to the east. Obviously, she had a secret method that could perceive the existence of the people from a distance.

As a result, the two flew away to the east.

After flying for about half an hour, the queen looked happy.

"They are ahead."

At this moment, Lin Fei's divine consciousness also sensed that in a valley not far in front, tens of thousands of members of the Evil Shadow tribe gathered there.

After a few breaths, Lin Fei and the queen came to the valley and landed.



As soon as the queen appeared, the people from the tribe surrounded them excitedly.

"Hehe, it seems that everyone broke through smoothly."

The queen felt the breath of the people and showed a satisfied expression.

Lin Fei naturally felt that most of the energy fluctuations emitted by these evil shadow clan members were much stronger than before.

Obviously, most people broke through smoothly.

"Queen, the evil energy contained in this Yuanwu realm's space is indeed much richer than when we stayed in the Little Profound Realm before. This time, the entire strength of our people has been greatly improved."

The old priest came up and said to the queen.

Lin Fei keenly felt that the strength of this old priest had also been strengthened. Obviously, he had also made a breakthrough.

"Since this Yuanwu realm is suitable for our cultivation, everyone in the future must seize the time to cultivate, and make up for the time wasted by our tribe in the Little Profound Realm."

The queen slowly glanced at these people in front of her, and then said.

"Okay! Do it as the queen orders."

Those members of the Evil Shadow Clan cried out loudly.

It can be seen that the queen has a very high status in the minds of these people.

"However, Queen, when we broke through from Qingshui City, there were hundreds of people from the tribe who suffered heavy injuries during the battle with the demons.

Missed the opportunity to break through.

Moreover, there are several clansmen who died as a result. "

The old priest suddenly felt a little sad.

Those tribesmen just came out of the Little Profound Realm, and they didn't have time to feel the outside world. They died in the hands of the demons.

The so-called death of rabbit and fox wound, the rest of the tribe's eyes were reddened.


In the queen's slender phoenix eyes, a fierce color flashed past.

"Priest, you arrange for the tribe to take a good rest in this valley.

I'll take a trip to Qingshui City. Our evil shadow clan is not that easy to bully. "

The queen said coldly.

"Queen, I will also go with you to kill the demons!"

"I'll go as well!"

"My second brother died tragically in the hands of the Mozu. I must kill the Mozu with my own hands to avenge my second brother!"

"Brother Yuangu and I, although they are not biological brothers, we have played together since we were young, and we love brothers and sisters. This time, I must personally kill the demons and take revenge for Brother Yuangu!"


Suddenly, many members of the Evil Shadow Clan screamed and looked excited.

"Once the battle starts, there will be casualties. Are you really going?"

The queen looked at the turbulent clansmen in front of her, and hesitated. The demons were also a very powerful race. Once they fought, both sides would suffer casualties.


Then, the queen looked at the old priest.

"Queen, our evil shadow clan, has grown up from blood and fire since ancient times.

The flowers in the greenhouse can never be strong.

Our tribe, staying in the small profound realm, their strength degraded greatly. Among them, the lack of evil energy in the small profound realm is one reason.

Another reason is the lack of battle and the lack of baptism of blood and fire. "

The old priest pondered for a moment and said slowly.

The queen was shocked when she heard the words, yes, only in battle can she really grow up.

Therefore, the queen selected a group of people, about 10,000 people, and headed towards the Qingshui City.

Lin Fei also went with the queen.

Because, in that Clear Water City, there must be a Demon King-level Demon Race.

"When you are going to fight the demons, don't kill the demons with the strength of the demon king, just hurt them. Let me deal with them."

Lin Fei said to the queen.

Before the queen, she had seen Lin Fei absorbing the black demon's magic essence, she naturally knew what Lin Fei was thinking in her heart, and nodded gently.

A series of gray shadows swept across the sky, with murderous aura, towards the direction of Qingshui City.

About half an hour later, after arriving at Qingshui City.

"Get in."

The queen had nothing to say, and she waved her hand and said coldly.


"Kill all the demons and avenge our dead brother!"

Every member of the Evil Shadow tribe has a high fighting spirit and a high killing intent.

Lin Fei couldn't help but secretly admired, it seems that this evil shadow race is a very aggressive race!


The queen took the lead, turned into a gray shadow, and instantly reached the top of the city wall, pressing a jade hand lightly.


A large city wall suddenly collapsed with rumbling, arousing dust in the sky.

At least a few hundred people were killed and injured by the demons guarding the walls.

"There are enemies!"

The huge movement immediately attracted the attention of all the demons in the city. Countless dark magic clouds rose into the sky, and black lights rushed toward the city wall.

Lin Fei pulled out the Slaughter Sword, his figure flashed, and he teleported to the center of the city.

At this moment, tens of thousands of demons rushed up.

When I remembered, these demons, wherever they went, carried out massacres on every human city, and every demonic hand was stained with the blood of human warriors.

In Lin Fei's heart, the killing intent was wild.

"Die me!"

Lin Fei let out a violent roar, the killing sword in his hand shot out, the **** killing intent, swept out, overwhelming the sky, and diffused. Several huge **** sword auras slashed towards the densest place of the demons.

Boom boom boom...

In an instant, there were four or five hundred demons, their bodies exploded and turned into masses of blood mist.


Even Lin Fei himself took a sigh of relief.

After reaching the tribulation stage, using the Slaughter Sword, the power of killing the enemy wielded is much stronger than before!

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