Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 952: Return to Lin Fei Pavilion

As soon as the queen and Lin Fei entered the imperial capital, they were discovered by the demons in the city. 』ΩLiterature fan. %.

"There are two humans!"

"Bold, how dare you fly in the city!"

The imperial capital is already under the control of the demons. The humans in the city can be killed or captured. The entire city has become the world of the demons. Now there are two humans flying over the city. Bing, surrounded Lin Fei and the queen.

"A group of ants do not live or die!"

The queen said coldly, her jade hand stretched out, and she pressed it gently in the air, a sharp energy spread out to the surroundings.

Bang bang bang bang...

At the same moment, the bodies of the surrounding magic soldiers exploded and turned into masses of blood mist.

"No, these two humans are weird!"

"Hurry up and report to Lord Demon!"

Dozens of demon soldiers were killed in an instant, and the rest of the demon races were all trembling, and there was no way to see the two humans, the male and the female, whose strength was terrifying.

At this moment, Lin Fei was anxious to return to the Lin Fei Pavilion, unfolding quickly, dragging an afterimage, and flickering towards the Lin Fei Pavilion.

The queen is also close behind.

After a dozen breaths.

Finally, he returned to the gate of Lin Fei Pavilion.

I saw that the gate was a mess, and the two bronze gates had been destroyed and fell to the side.

Outside the gate, there were almost twenty corpses of monsters. These monsters were all Tier 5 strengths. They were one of the powers that Lin Fei left behind to guard Lin Fei's annex.

Lin Fei looked a little heartbroken, and walked directly in.

In the annex, a lot of corpses lie all over the place. Obviously, demons have entered here to carry out massacres.

"Hahaha, you humans are all my slaves now. If you dare to fail, these people will end up!"

In the large living room of the annex, five or six magic soldiers were sitting on high chairs, and a dozen beautiful human maids were carefully beating the five or six magic soldiers and massaging them.

In the living room, a large group of people were kneeling in darkness.

These people were all guards, servants, and maidservants in Lin Fei's annex, and Dashu was bestowed on Lin Fei by the emperor back then.

In addition, there are still a few corpses with dry blood, apparently just killed.

"Haha, from now on, I will be your lofty master, you are all my lowly slaves, and your task is to obey me well.

Hmph, if there is something that makes me dissatisfied a little, they will end up! "

A demon soldier was smiling triumphantly, pointing at the corpses that had just been killed by him, and preaching to those kneeling on the ground.

The demons of the Demon Abyss invaded the Yuanwu Realm with the main purpose of plundering resources first, and then capturing human warriors as slaves.

These demon soldiers, although among the demon clan, due to their weak strength and very low status, once they came to the Yuanwu world, they also arrested human warriors one after another, as their slaves, and enjoyed the feeling of being a master.


"Hmph, just with you beasts, you are also worthy to be masters!"

Suddenly, in the living room, at some point, there was an extra man and a woman, staring coldly at the demon soldiers.

The man is Lin Fei, and the woman is the queen.

"the host!"

"Look, it's the master!"

"Master, you are finally back!"

"Master, these demons have killed many people in our Lin Fei Pavilion!"

Soon, the guards, servants, and maidservants of the Lin Fei Pavilion who were kneeling on the ground all recognized Lin Fei.

Suddenly, all of them seemed to have found the backbone and started crying to Lin Fei.

As soon as Lin Fei entered the living room, his eyes were immediately in the crowd, scanning.

Soon, Lin Fei frowned. Those who were kneeling on the ground were all guards, servants, and maidservants who were rewarded by the emperor to Lin Fei.

However, the two last married wives, Meng Shan, Chang Hao and Uncle Huang, were not among them.

Strange, where are they?

Isn't it murdered?

Lin Fei was very worried, his face was very ugly.

"the host?

Give up, one by one, I am your master!

Okay, I'll smash this reckless guy into flesh, and then slowly settle accounts with you. "

Suddenly, those demon soldiers were furious, and one of the demon soldiers stood up suddenly, rushed towards Lin Fei, and hit Lin Fei with a punch.

The fist broke the wind, carrying fierce magic power, and screamed, and the fist strength instantly enveloped Lin Fei.


Lin Fei slapped it over.

The body of that magic soldier exploded into a cloud of blood.


When the other demons saw this, their scalp felt a little numb.

This way of fighting is so weird, it will slap to death with one slap, as if slapped a fly to death.

"Looking for death, dare to kill my demons!"

"Get on together, don't let him run away!"

The remaining demons rushed forward and surrounded Lin Fei.


Lin Fei's power was released, and his figure moved slightly, slapped one by one, and after less than a breath, he beat several magic soldiers into a cloud of blood.

With Lin Fei’s current strength, a total of 40,000 jin of strength, the vitality cultivation base of the catastrophic realm, and the level of demon essence far better than the average demon king, he dealt with a few demon soldiers, really and a few flies. There is not much difference.

"Master, it's great for you to come back!"


When the guards, servants, and maidservants saw Lin Fei's gestures, they blasted the demon soldiers into a cloud of blood. They were all shocked for a moment, and then they all responded, and they couldn't help but rush to Lin Fei. By your side.

Some cheered for joy, some wept with joy, and one by one felt like they were left behind. These days, they fell into the hands of the demons, and they were tortured and frightened all day long.


These people were all Lin Fei's descendants from the Ziwei Empire, and Lin Fei naturally had some nostalgic feelings for them.

So Lin Fei comforted these people.

At the time, the emperor of the Ziwei Empire rewarded Lin Fei with 5oo guards, 100 servants, and 100 maids.

Now, there are more than a thousand people left in this hall, and the rest are obviously killed by the demons.

At the beginning there were 5oo guards, but now there are more than 2oo left. Among the guards, there were originally five squad leaders, but now there are still two squad leaders.

These two team captains were originally the cultivation base of the elementary realm, now one is the advanced realm and the other is the elementary profound realm.

In the past few years, the Lin Fei Pavilion has abundant cultivation materials, and all their cultivation bases have improved significantly.

These two team captains are now the strongest cultivation base among Lin Fei's men.

Lin Fei asked the two team leaders about the whereabouts of the two final wives and Meng Shan.

When asked, Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Because, before the Mozu invaded the Ziwei Empire, several small empires near the Ziwei Empire were successively occupied by the Mozu, making the Ziwei Empire panic.

Therefore, many people fled the Ziwei Empire. It is said that most of them fled to the three holy kingdoms of Nanda 6.

Because, among Nanda 6, the strength of the three holy nations is undoubtedly the most powerful.

Under the current situation, the three holy nations are undoubtedly the safest.

Before leaving, Lin Fei's two final married wives had revealed to several handmaidens that they were very likely to go to the Heavenly Kingdom, the Heavenly Dragon Kingdom.

Could it be that they really went to the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom?

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little complicated. There were quite a few opponents in the Dragon Saint Kingdom that day.

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