Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 956: Finally there

"Huh, since you are looking for death, let you do it. Ω text Δ『Ω learn Δ fan. *."

The queen just listened to the foul language of the guards, and in her cold eyes, there was a murderous rage.

Watching these guards besieging her at the moment, she couldn't help it anymore, snorted coldly, and a terrifying energy suddenly burst out of her delicate body.


A strong energy shock wave spread out instantly.

Boom boom boom boom...

Therefore, the body of the guards who rushed over exploded into a cloud of blood in an instant, without warning.

More than a hundred guards, all died in a moment.


Those warriors who were lining up, waiting to enter the city, could not help being frightened one by one, chilling, some of them were particularly timid, and they fainted on the spot.

Because such a scene is too weird.

They didn't expect that this man and woman were more terrifying than each.

The man, like a flies, snapped a dozen guards into flesh.

The girl was even more terrifying. She didn't even move her fingers. Just a bit of energy exuded from within her body, and she blasted hundreds of people into blood mist, with no bones left.


Outside the city gate, there was a dead silence, and no one dared to speak.

At the entrance to the city, there were five or six guards. They were not involved in the siege just now. At this moment, they were standing there motionless, staring at the queen with horror, like a ghost. Knocking at each other, their faces were extremely pale.

"You guys, come here."

Lin Fei approached the gate, and the five or six guards who were too frightened to move waved.

"Hero..., don't kill me..., I'm just following orders.

Heroes, please! "

Seeing Lin Fei beckoning to them, the five or six guards couldn't help but feel so scared that their feet weakened. One by one, they knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Lin Fei and the Queen for mercy.

"I ask you a few words, as long as I answer my words well, I won't kill you."

Lin Fei said.

When the five or six guards heard the words, they walked over slowly with fear.

Standing carefully in front of Lin Fei one by one, his teeth still couldn't help shaking slightly.

"Have you seen these people, give me a good memory!"

Lin Fei took out a few portraits and handed them to the five or six guards for identification.

These portraits are those of Lin Fei's two last married wives, Meng Shan, Uncle Huang, and Chang Hao.

Along the way, in order to facilitate the search, Lin Fei drew the portraits of several people, and would inquire about some important points where they must pass.

This is also the main reason why Lin Fei came to the gate of Huangzhou City just now.

Unexpectedly, something unpleasant just happened.

Those five or six guards dared not slow down, for fear that the two in front of them, if they are unhappy, they will blast themselves into fleshy lumps or blood mist.

So they all picked up the portraits and carefully identified them.

"This person, I seem to have a little impression."

After a while, one of the guards suddenly pointed to the portrait of Meng Shan and said cautiously.

"is it!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this.

"When did you meet him, make it clear."

Lin Fei asked excitedly.

"About half a month ago, this man seemed a little dissatisfied when we interrogated him. He contended and was beaten by Junior Brother Lu.

So I am a little impressed. "

Said the guard.

"What happened later."

When Lin Fei heard that, Meng Shan was actually beaten, and his voice suddenly became cold.

"It's none of my business, it's the hands of Junior Brother Lu.

Later, this person interceded with us and paid twice the cost of entering the city, before we let them into the city. "

The guard was shocked when Lin Fei's tone changed when he heard Lin Fei's tone. He quickly clarified the relationship, and pointed at the portrait of Uncle Huang.

Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that after all, Uncle Huang was so sophisticated and took the initiative to resolve the conflict.

"What about them, have you seen them."

Lin Fei asked his two final wives.

Rong'er and Wan'er are both beautiful and beautiful. With the attitude of these gatekeepers to the queen just now, Lin Fei is afraid that his two last married wives will be bullied, which is really bad.

"There were two women at the time, but none of the portraits were so beautifully painted. They looked a bit like each other, but those two women had a lot of pitting on their faces and their skin was a bit rough."

The guard recalled.

"So it must be Uncle Huang's idea again."

When Lin Fei heard it, he couldn't help being overjoyed and in a good mood.

It seems that his two final wives have all dressed up in disguise, and dressed up a lot ugly. In this way, walking outside has indeed avoided a lot of unnecessary trouble.

It seems that the two last married wives, Meng Shan, Uncle Huang, and Chang Hao have indeed entered the Heavenly Dragon Kingdom.

Since Lin Fei left the Ziwei Empire, he has been searching hard all the way, and now he finally has the whereabouts of a few people.

Suddenly, during this period of time, the worry in my heart has eased a lot.

Next, the main thing is to search for their whereabouts within the scope of the Heavenly Dragon Saint Kingdom.

Finally, there is a clear scope.

"Where is your Junior Brother Lu?"

Lin Fei collected the portrait and asked coldly.

"Junior Brother Lu, you have been killed by the hero just now."

The guard pointed to the lump of rotten meat on the ground next to him with fear, and said to Lin Fei.

It turned out that Junior Brother Lu who had beaten Meng Shan had already been slapped into meat sauce by Lin Fei just now.

"Who knows the life and death of a guy who came to Huangzhou City to make trouble, dare to kill my disciple of Tianyi faction."

Suddenly, an extremely arrogant voice came from the city gate.

Immediately afterwards, a young man in apricot and yellow shirt drove out with a large team of people.

Behind this young man in apricot and yellow shirt, two middle-aged men were closely followed, and these two middle-aged men radiated a wave of vitality that should be catastrophic.

"Senior Brother Chang, this pair of dog men and women killed our disciple of Tianyi faction who guarded the city gate."

Next to the young man in apricot and yellow shirt, a disciple stepped forward and pointed at Lin Fei and the queen, gritted his teeth and said.


What about the others? "

Suddenly, the young man in the apricot and yellow shirt and those who followed him were all a bit dumbfounded.

Because, they suddenly realized that apart from the dozen or so lumps of rotten meat on the ground, all the other guards of the city seemed to be missing.

It turned out that the hundreds of city guards killed by the queen just now were all blasted into blood mist, and there was not a little bit of meat or bone residue left, and they were shattered.

"What's going on! Where are the rest of our Tianyi faction?

You guys, speak up. "

The young man in apricot and yellow shirt was a little frustrated, shouting at the five or six guards who were only left, who had been questioned by Lin Fei just now.

"Senior Brother Chang, the rest were killed."

A guard at the gate replied timidly, and while answering, he secretly looked at Lin Fei and the queen with scared eyes.

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