Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1016: Pingxi enters Liaodong

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At the beginning of July in the seventh year of Xuanping, the First Army of the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty officially entered Chengdu. The Ming army gave birth to a mutiny, and the rebels killed Queen Jing and surrendered the city to surrender.

The Chengdu Mansion was captured by the Tang Dynasty without a single soldier, and the rest of the prefectures were mostly determined by rumors, and the few who resisted were in vain.

The war in Sichuan was completely over in just two months, and the last thing that was left was just the good news!

In August, Li Xuan received the good news that Sichuan and the whole of Yunnan had been pacified, and he was in a good mood immediately!

Because with the complete capture of Sichuan and Yunnan, the southwest has been completely recovered. After a period of time, Liaodong can be taken down, and the world can be completely declared!

Such a good thing, how can you be in a bad mood!

Immediately, the imperial decree was passed down, and it was necessary to do a good job of rewarding the meritorious soldiers and soldiers of the Southwest war, and to do a good job in the aftermath of the casualties and soldiers, and the pensions should be given in place as soon as possible.

The Tang Dynasty was able to have what it is today, all relying on the kings of the Tang Dynasty to fight.

And Li Xuan's basic plan for unifying China, and even the subsequent rule of China, is also in the military, so anyone can be treated badly, and soldiers can't be treated badly!

At the same time, Li Xuan ordered the Ministry of Industry to choose a suitable place on the outskirts of Jinling to build a cemetery dedicated to the sacrifice of soldiers and soldiers.

As soon as this news came out, it boosted morale even more, and many generals were crying and shouting that the Son of Heaven is Holy!

Although the status of the soldiers in the founding era has not been bad since ancient times, they can only last for a short period of time. Even so, the whole social environment discriminates against soldiers very seriously. Good men are not soldiers. , This sentence basically fully expresses the traditional concept of people for thousands of years.

And now, Li Xuan wants to change this concept!

Soldiers must have a high social status to ensure the treatment of soldiers, so as to attract more talents.

Of course, there is also Li Xuan's own selfishness here. After all, the army is his basic plan. At any time, he considers the army in an important position.

Treating the military favorably means favoring one's own direct line of power. If something messy happens in the future, the civilians may turn against the tide at any time, but in the army, he must ensure that he will not turn against the tide casually.

The construction of the generals' cemetery is just one of many measures.

The Southwest Campaign was over, and Li Xuan also convened a meeting of the 6th Imperial Navy at the right time, and began to discuss how to recover the last lost land in Liaodong, and completely complete the reunification. Well, at least to restore the territory before the overthrow of the former Ming Dynasty.

At this imperial strategic meeting, both the navy and the 6th army showed great confidence. The navy said that the navy was already well prepared, and the fleet could ensure that the navy in Liaodong would not be able to get out of a single sampan. ocean.

It can effectively ensure the safety of maritime transportation and provide fire support for the 6th Army in coastal areas.

The 6th Army said that now the 6th Army is deploying troops, giving them three months to gather 50,000 reinforcements in Shandong, Hebei and other regions.

Naturally, the 50,000 reinforcements could not include the Third Army, because the Third Army was already stationed in Hebei!

These 50,000 reinforcements, if nothing else, should be the Sixth Army!

Because according to the strategic deployment plan of the Privy Council, after the end of the Southwest Campaign, some of the troops participating in the Southwest Campaign will be stationed in the local area, some will go to the Northwest, and some will return to the south of the Yangtze River.

The specific arrangement is that the Fifth Army rushes to the northwest to take over the northwest defense area, reducing the huge pressure of the Fourth Army, so that the Fourth Army can more effectively station troops in northern Shaanxi and some northern Shanxi areas, especially Yulin and Ningxia in the Hetao area. The front line is the main combat readiness direction of the Fourth Army.

The specific defense areas of the Fifth Army will be the western part of Shaanxi and the northwestern part of Shaanxi, mainly the divisions of the capitals of Shaanxi, such as Suzhou, Liangzhou, Xining, and Lanzhou.

The First Army will return to defend Jiangnan!

For the Second Army, it will continue to be stationed in the Sichuan area, and at the same time part of it will return to the western part of Huguang. After all, this place has just been conquered, and the area has been under the control of Zhang Yue for many years. Without a large number of troops stationed to maintain high pressure, it is easy to cause trouble.

As for the two units fighting independently, the 4th Infantry Division remained stationed in Yunnan, and the 7th Mixed Regiment returned to defend Guiyang.

In other words, in this series of troop adjustments, only the First Army will be freed up to defend Zhili Si Dao.

After reaching the south of the Yangtze River, this unit will be stationed in the four roads of Zhili, and will take on the heavy responsibility of defending Gyeonggi. The newly formed Sixth Army will go to the north.

However, the strength of the Sixth Army is still a little short. Only the 13th Infantry Division and the 14th Infantry Division, according to the predetermined plan, the 15th Infantry Division, which is being organized, will also join the 6th Army's combat sequence.

At that time, the three infantry divisions, plus the first lancer regiment and some independent artillery units, the total strength will reach about 60,000.

This new unit will also become the main reinforcement of the Liaodong campaign, and together with some units of the Third Army, will jointly undertake the main operations of the Liaodong campaign.

At the same time, according to the usual practice, the Guards will also send a temporary brigade to participate in the Liaodong campaign.

Lei Wan, Lieutenant General of the 6th Army, said that in about three months, the 6th Army will gather four infantry divisions, a cavalry brigade, a lancer regiment, several independent heavy artillery, baggage and other auxiliary aids for the Liaodong campaign in Shandong and Hebei. troops, a total of more than 70,000 combat troops.

These 70,000 people, but strictly according to the calculation method of the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty, are the main combat troops on the front line, excluding the civilians in the reserve division and the transportation regiment of the logistics department, and also not including the local militia in Hebei and Shandong.

If all of them are counted, then it is not easy to count, because it is estimated that there will be more than 100,000 people who provide supplies to the frontline troops, and there are also reserve divisions in the logistics supply line behind the point guard. Two or three thousand people.

In short, this force is quite a lot!

Although it is still not as many as the Ming army in Liaodong!

King Hui's Ming army has not been idle during this time. According to the report of the Ministry of Military Intelligence, King Hui has incorporated the Ming army in the Liaodong area and formed a pure Ming army of about 50,000 people.

But King Hui's subordinates are not only the Ming army of 50,000 people, but also many Jurchen tribes, Tatar tribes and even Korean troops. According to statistics, the cavalry of the Tatar tribe alone may exceed 30,000 cavalry. .

It is no exaggeration to have a total force of over 100,000!

But among these 100,000 people, how many can fight is worth a question mark.

Although the 50,000 Ming troops under King Hui himself were all frontier troops, they were seriously lacking in guns. King Hui was not King Jing. Although King Jing was a puppet in Sichuan, there was Zhang Yue in Sichuan, and Zhang Yue had a superintendent. Ah, the guns and guns are very complete, and the Tang Dynasty is a headache when they fight. In a southwestern battle, it was almost fought with the power of the whole country, and this was so smooth.

Otherwise, I don't know how long the fight will be delayed.

But on King Hui's side, at most there are only some guns and guns that drove the Northeast to the northeast, and then it is estimated that they have built some of them in the past few years, but judging from the information of the Intelligence Department, their equipment level is not comparable to that of the superintendent. , that is, it is incomparable with the Jiangnan New Army or the New Forbidden Army led by Zhengde himself.

The Liaodong temporarily formed a series of wars on the Liaodong Peninsula and the local Ming army also confirmed this, the Ming army in Liaodong was seriously lacking in guns.

The Ming army under the command of King Hui is like this, and the Korean army, Jurchen army, and Tatar army who help out are even worse!

However, when attacking Liaodong, the main enemy of the Datang King's division was not these Ming troops or other infantry troops, but the cavalry of the eastern Tatars such as Duoyan Sanwei and Chahar Department!

The 30,000 Tatar cavalry estimated by the Ministry of Military Intelligence is the biggest threat to their eastward advance to Liaodong!

Otherwise, the Third Army would have been able to defeat Shanhaiguan by itself, and then go all the way to Guangning to capture Jinzhou.

Why not fight? On the one hand, it is because the strategic center of gravity of the Tang Dynasty has moved south, and the support for the Third Army in the north is insufficient, and the ammunition and soldiers are insufficient. When the main force was advancing eastward, it was driven south from the north, and then directly cut off the logistics supply line of the Third Army and even retreated.

Therefore, this forced the 3rd Army to divide troops to garrison various parts of the Great Wall to prevent the Tatar cavalry such as Duoyan Sanwei who had been drawn by King Hui from breaking through the Great Wall and heading south, and if they were divided up, the 3rd Army's troops in the direction of Shanhaiguan would be insufficient~www In the early days, the Third Army was still able to garrison nearly 10,000 people here, but as the force was tight and the fortifications inside Shanhaiguan were also built, the Third Army simply garrisoned 5,000 people here. , and transferred the remaining three thousand troops to other places.

Today's Third Army seems to be powerful, but it is restrained by various Tatars. In fact, there are not many troops that can be used for the war in Liaodong. The main force to attack Liaodong in the future is actually the newly formed Sixth Army. force.

It sounds a little unreliable for a new army to attack Liaodong, but the staff of the Privy Council are not stupid.

Fighting Liaodong, what is the most important thing? It is not to attack the fifty thousand Ming army under King Hui and the tens of thousands of Korean and Jurchen infantry, but to defend against the Tatar cavalry such as Duoyan Sanwei. .

Therefore, the main force of the Third Army cannot be easily moved, and must be firmly nailed to the towns in northern Hebei.

As for whether the Sixth Army can defeat the Ming army of King Hui of Liaodong, the staff of the Privy Council expressed their confidence!

Although the Sixth Army is a new unit, the officers and non-commissioned officers in it are not new recruits. They are all elite backbones drawn from various units. The new unit only means that there are more recruits in it.

But even these recruits have gone through a complete three-month recruit training, followed by several months of military training. From a purely training perspective, these recruits are no longer recruits. I feel that most of them are After serving for more than half a year, they just haven't been on the battlefield. When they go to the battlefield and see blood, they will naturally grow up quickly!

{Old iron please remember}

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