Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1022: How to show the brilliance?

At the testing ground under the stage, the soldiers of the Guards continued to conduct live ammunition tests and fired six shells in a row. However, after the first shell was fired, everyone in the stands was completely stunned.

Because they saw with their own eyes that the first shell was successfully fired, and there was no accident that they were most worried about!

As the cannon shot out of the chamber, the cannonball drew a small curve in the sky, and then flew towards the predetermined target 350 meters away. However, it didn't take long for everyone to see the cannonball directly It exploded in mid-air!

Exploded ahead of time!

Then even if it exploded in advance, it did not affect the good mood of a group of bigwigs in the stands!

For the small mistake of the fuze delay, for the generals who are used to the various early explosions or even non-explosive shells fired by the heavy howitzers, this small mistake is nothing.

What they are more concerned about is that in the first test, the shell fired by the nine-jin field gun was successfully fired, and after the successful shooting, it exploded at the enemy's position without exploding, nor did it just leave the gun. It exploded, and the enemy didn't kill it, but killed one of his own people first.

Lieutenant General Lei Wan, Lieutenant General Bao Yifen and other 6 admirals stood up in unison, and the expressions on their faces were quite rich!

At this time, the second and third shells were also successfully fired, followed by the fourth, fifth, and sixth shells!

In the first round of test firing, a total of six artillery shells were fired by three nine-jin artillery pieces!

And these six shells, without exception, had no explosion accident, each shell was successfully discharged, and then flew to the predetermined target area.

Just as Bi Zifei said personally, there is a large error in this wooden delay fuze. Even if the artillerymen formulate the fuze of the same specification in the most standard way, the actual detonation time is also different.

Two shells detonated early, one shell took a long time to explode after landing, and one was simply a dud.

Only one cannonball exploded the moment it hit the ground!

But does this matter?


For the 6th Navy, they have long been accustomed to the unreliable matchlock fuze of the short-barreled howitzer, and if it can be shot out and exploded, it is a success!

When it explodes over the enemy's position, use the grenade on the spot. If it explodes after landing, use the grenade on the spot. If it does not explode after landing, just use it as a solid bullet. As long as the shell is fired, it is considered a success. .

Therefore, regarding the detonation time of this new type of howitzer, and even the problem of duds, the generals of the 6th Navy said that this small problem is completely acceptable.

The point is, this grenade can be fired by long-barreled artillery!

what does that mean?

This means that a large number of five-jin and nine-jin artillery pieces owned by the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty, the Navy and the Guards Army can use grenades, which is definitely a huge increase in the artillery power of the troops.

After watching the first round of test firing, without even waiting for the second round, Lieutenant General Lei Wan said on the spot: "Our 6th Army wants this new type of artillery shell!"

Bao Yifen is also not far behind: "The same is true for our navy. We don't need to bid, we directly purchase, and we need new grenades of all calibers!"

These military high-level generals are not fools, they are all shrewd!

This kind of good thing that can more effectively use the power of the existing artillery and greatly enhance the power of the artillery, but at a glance it can see its value.

In fact, even before the new type of grenade fuze was developed, they already recognized the value of this kind of shell. Otherwise, where do you think the funds for the development of the grenade fuze of hundreds of thousands of taels came from? Army and Navy.

The 6th Army and the Navy, in order to develop new grenades that can be used in long-barreled artillery, have each supported a large number of projects.

Everything here costs money!

The wooden fuze project led by Bi Zifei is also led by the military. Both the 6th Army and the Navy have invested a lot of money, and the investment of these funds is also interesting, that is, although Bi Zifei is using military money to do it Research, but the patent still belongs to the Royal Institute of Technology.

Because this kind of project does not mean entrusted research, the military directly signs a contract with them to purchase samples.

It is generally divided into several stages, such as the early theoretical stage. After the theory is passed, the military will let you produce samples for pre-testing, then mid-term testing and post-testing.

After the test is over, the military will place an order, and then the Royal Institute of Technology will authorize the technology patents of the three major arms companies, and the three major arms companies will start production. Today, many ordnance production is almost the same model.

To put it simply, this kind of investment is more similar to support, and is not the same as ordinary business cooperation.

Of course, although the Royal Institute of Technology took a large part of the military's many research projects, in fact, the three major weapons companies, and even some other subordinate enterprises of the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, also have the opportunity to get them.

Anyway, the military only needs new ordnance products, and they don't care who researches or produces them.

In the past two years, the three major arms companies, which are affiliated to the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, have diligently swung their hoes to the Royal Institute of Technology and offered various lucrative treatments.

Such generous treatment has indeed attracted a group of students from the Royal Institute of Technology to switch to these big companies!

In addition, there is a strict elimination system within the Royal Institute of Technology. The current freshman and sophomore students, if they fail to pass the upgrade exam for three consecutive years, will basically be kicked out.

After all, the resources of the Royal Institute of Technology are also limited, and it is impossible to keep the number of students expanding. Under the circumstance that nearly 100 students are recruited every year, and high-quality talents need to be retained at the same time, it is appropriate to let some of them It is reasonable for students with slightly lower quality to drop out.

However, even so, the current number of students at the Royal Institute of Technology has exceeded 500.

Although these five hundred people seem to be very few, they are not even the number of students admitted by Guozijian University every year, but after these students come in, they all need to carry out various scientific experiments, and the cost is quite huge.

Relatively speaking, the generous treatment given to them personally is nothing.

As for the senior students, they are basically at the top level. At present, they will not be lost. There are not many juniors, and it is also impossible for them to be lost.

In fact, most of these students who failed to pass the upgrade exam for three consecutive years have flowed into the large enterprises under the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, and engaged in research work with lucrative treatment that makes those rich people envy. The annual elimination system has also indirectly introduced a lot of talents to these large enterprises under the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises.

Although these people were eliminated by the Royal Institute of Technology, you also have to see where the Royal Institute of Technology is. The eliminated students are still the top talents in this era.

To attract these top talents, generally only large enterprises under the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises, such as the three major weapons companies, Jiangnan Iron and Steel Company, etc., in addition, two universities and several normal schools under the Ministry of Rites are also their places.

And when they go, it is naturally impossible to become an ordinary technical talent. When they go to a normal school, the principal is hard to say, but the head of a department is the minimum. When they go to Guozijian University or Jinling University, they also directly serve as various directors, professor.

When you go to a company, you are basically the leader of the project!

The treatment is not bad in every way!

As a result, gradually, the state-owned enterprises, represented by the three major arms companies, have gradually acquired some technical research capabilities. Although they are still relatively weak, they are also more prominent in some aspects.

For example, in shipbuilding, Guangzhou Shipyard, a subsidiary of Jiangnan Arms Company, has the strongest technical strength. In terms of specific ship design, it even surpasses the Department of Shipbuilding of the Royal Institute of Technology.

No way, who asked the Royal Institute of Technology's Department of Shipping to focus more on theoretical research, even if they were engaged in flying clippers at the beginning, they only put forward the theory, and the specific implementation was the design team at the Guangzhou Shipyard.

Nowadays, throughout the Tang Dynasty, various technical research institutes and the military have a very close relationship. Now they recognize the new wooden fuze grenade technology, and even place an order on the spot, which is naturally a good thing for this project.

Even Bi Zifei, whose eyes were higher than the top, explained this new type of fuze in detail to several military generals with a smile at this time, as well as the details of the shells carrying this new type of fuze.

For the impulses of his subordinates, Li Xuan said he can understand!

After all, the new cannonball is very important, even a new weapon that can change the current mode of warfare!

how to change?

For example, naval guns, the naval guns on these warships, equipped with these grenades, can directly shoot such grenades in naval battles, and then blow up the enemy's wooden sail battleships to Maybe for 6 For the army, the service of the grenade only increases the firepower of the 6th Army, but for the navy, the large-scale service of the grenade represents the emergence of a new era!

When the Datang Navy adopts grenades on a large scale, it can basically declare that the wooden-hulled sail warships are completely outdated!

Although the current sailing warships have not reached their peak state in the 18th century, they are still very primitive. They have just started, and the Western battleships are still in the era of Galen ships.

However, even so, they are still approaching the end of their lives!

With the presence of Li Xuan, the eternal sage from a different time and space, the technological exhibitions of science and technology and warfare in this era are absolutely impossible to follow the historical trajectory of later generations.

With the grenade as a killer, Li Xuan said that he is still playing a wooden sail battleship. I want to play the iron-hull sail battleship directly. When the high-pressure steam engine comes out, I will throw the sail into the garbage heap of history. , blast a steam ironclad ship to play!

After all, Li Xuan's dream is to conquer the world!

And to conquer the world, how can there be no advanced navy that can hang the navies of the world's navies!

To slaughter the global navy, although it is possible to rely on the number, but the force is too low, Li Xuan feels that he loses points.

We are traversal people, we must use technology to crush them. If we can use technical advantages, we absolutely do not need quantitative advantages, otherwise we will not be able to reflect the force!

If one does a group, then it is called a man!

Just imagine when you use an epoch-making steam ironclad battleship against hundreds of enemy sailing battleships alone, and then in the enemy's desperate eyes, kill the enemy's sailing battleship one by one.

Isn't that scene a special hang-up?

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