Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1030: Let the sedan chair roll as far

Although Wang Shanxi was on his way to Jinling, he could already expect that he would usher in various good things such as promotion and fortune, because he successfully found Australia!

However, he still did not expect that when he arrived in Jinling City, the treatment he received was much higher than expected.

Originally, he thought that only people from the Ministry of Intelligence would come to pick up the boat, and after waiting in Jinling City for a few days, he would meet the top officials of the Ministry of Intelligence, and then quietly wait for the reward above.

But he did not expect that in addition to the high-level officials of the Ministry of Military Intelligence, there were also people from the Hanlin Academy who came to pick him up!

The Hanlin Academy of the Tang Dynasty was different from the Hanlin Academy of the previous dynasties, and its status was quite special. On the basis of maintaining the traditional Hanlin Qingqing and promising future, the Hanlin Academy also had some special rights.

The Hanlin Academy of the Tang Dynasty was more important than the Hanlin Academy of all dynasties!

In addition, the Hanlin Academy is so special that it cannot be regarded as an ordinary bureaucratic organization at all, because the Hanlin Academy of the Tang Dynasty is essentially the emperor's private secretary organization, but this secretarial organization is a bit huge, even if it is apart from the Han Dynasty and the royal family. The Assets Division, these two are just under the name of the Hanlin Academy, but in fact they are institutions that have nothing to do with the Hanlin Academy.

But the total number of other departments of the Hanlin Academy has reached nearly 200 people!

There is no way, there are nearly twenty departments in the Hanlin Academy, and each department only counts ten people, that is two hundred.

In fact, many departments do not even have ten people, because the secretariat occupies more than 30 people.

The person who came to pick him up was a deputy section chief of the Immigration Department of the Hanlin Academy. His surname was Sun. He was young and very kind when he spoke, but Wang Shanxi didn't dare to be arrogant. He really regarded himself as a distinguished guest. .

But when we first met, he said very politely: "Having Lord Laosun to welcome you from afar, it is really a disaster!"

That Master Sun seems young, but he speaks and does things without leaking. He did not say that Wenchen looked down on military generals, and said with a smile: "Major Wang is Your Majesty and has been traveling overseas for the country for more than a few years, why should you not be? I've been waiting to greet you, come, let's get on the carriage first, it's bumpy and tired on the road!"

Lord Sun is polite, but Wang Shanxi is even more polite!

He knew very well that the Hanlin who came to pick him up seemed to be just an ordinary deputy section chief, but when it came to political status, he, the army major of the Military Intelligence Department, was not as good as the deputy section chief Sun.

Because before he got off the boat, the person who accompanied him said that the person who was waiting to pick him up was the deputy section chief of the Immigration Department of the Hanlin Academy. His surname was Sun. Even though he was the deputy section chief, he was a bachelor from the fifth grade. A serious mid-level official, and one of the core mid-level officials in the Tang Dynasty.

And this person, who used to be the magistrate of a certain high-ranking county, was able to fight a **** path in countless competitions, and thus was selected to enter the Hanlin Academy as a lecturer, and it was not a level, but a promotion. The transfer is enough to prove his ability and background.

If he leaves the Hanlin Academy in the future, he will definitely be promoted!

Even if he was squeezed out after just one year of ordinary tenure, the worst thing to do after going out is to go to a local Zhizhou to serve as a fifth-rank official. The better thing is to stay in Gyeonggi to serve as a fifth-rank official.

If he has been in office for three years before being released, it will be even more powerful. In his situation, if he is released to other places, if he does not leave the office, he will start from the fourth-rank prefect for a few years, then he will be a prefect of a prefecture.

If you stay in Gyeonggi, although it is unlikely that you will be promoted two levels in a row, you will often hold important five-rank positions.

In other words, this Deputy Section Chief Sun, as long as he doesn't act stupid, then within three to five years, the position of the prefect of a local government or the central government is already guaranteed.

After a few more years, if you continue to climb a step or two, you will basically go to the positions of high-level officials such as the heads of various ministries and chief envoys.

He, Wang Shanxi, is only a major in the army, and he is not a general in the field army. His rank of major, more strictly speaking, is a civilian rank, because although he was born in a martial arts school, Wang Shanxi is not very hardworking. , He has never been on the battlefield, and has always been engaged in espionage work.

In the case that the Director of the Department of Military Intelligence is the rank of major general, even if he can be promoted in the future, his life is basically over.

These two people are very polite to each other. Wang Shanxi is polite to Lord Sun because he knows that this person is very likely to become a high-ranking official in the ministry.

And Master Sun is polite to Wang Shanxi because he clearly knows that His Majesty values ​​Wang Shanxi, or to be more precise, His Majesty values ​​overseas colonies

The officials who can squeeze into the Hanlin Academy, although they are generally relatively young in age, are all elites. From the attitude of the Holy Son of Heaven, Master Sun can guess with his eyes closed that Wang Shanxi is going to rise to the top!

As a civilian, although Master Sun despised those generals from the bottom of his heart, Wang Shanxi was not a general in the traditional sense. He was a civilian officer and a navigator.

This navigator was not said by Master Sun himself, but from His Majesty's own mouth.

For such people, even if they don't make good friends, it is better to be polite and try not to offend them. After all, their career is dangerous, and no one can guarantee what will happen to them in the future. Will not miss the opportunity to step on.

The two shared a carriage, while several of Wang Shanxi's subordinates, Master Sun's entourage, and those from the Ministry of Military Intelligence traveled in other carriages.

The difference is that the carriages the two of them ride is a high-end four-wheeled carriage, while the others ride on an ordinary large-sized four-wheeled carriage, so the ride comfort is naturally a little different.

Sitting on the carriage, Wang Shanxi could hardly feel the bumps on the road, and then sighed: "This carriage is strange, it's not bumpy at all!"

He has been abroad all the year round. He was sent to work overseas three years ago. Although he comes back several times every year, he still doesn't know much about some changes in China.

At this time, Master Sun said: "Oh, this is thanks to the spring, the previous carriage was not so comfortable!"

spring? Wang Shanxi knows this word. After all, he is an army major, so he naturally knows about springs. When they go to sea, they encounter aborigines, and they use flintlock guns to fight, and flintlock guns have springs in them. .

However, it was the first time he rode a carriage with a spring!

At this time, Master Sun also continued: "Look at the carriage we are riding in. After installing springs for shock absorption, it is much more comfortable. Now all the yamen have basically adopted new carriages as official vehicles on a large scale, and no one is there. Use a sedan chair!"

The officials of the Tang Dynasty used sedan chairs before, but Li Xuan did not like sedan chairs, because as a means of transportation, it did not promote roads, industrial development, or even animal husbandry.

For Li Xuan, who is determined to build the industrial age, such cheap and easy-to-use things are of no value. What he needs is a carriage, so as to stimulate the construction of roads, the development of animal husbandry, and the continuous improvement of carriages. , will eventually evolve into an internal combustion vehicle.

As for the **** sedan chair, how far does it go!

So Li Xuan is taking the lead in not using any sedan chairs carried by thirty-six, but using a carriage to travel!

The Holy Son of Heaven is no longer sitting in a sedan chair, so those officials still dare to sit? Could it be that you think he is more powerful than the Son of Heaven?

As a result, gradually, in the official circles of the Tang Dynasty, officials rarely took sedan chairs. Military generals traveled on horseback, and some civilian officials also traveled on horseback for convenience. Of course, more of them used horse-drawn carriages.

And the official, usually will be equipped with official carriages, but not with sedan chairs and bearers!

Officials use carriages, and those gentlemen naturally follow suit!

In recent years, the social atmosphere has become such that a decent gentleman travels either in a carriage, or directly on horseback and in a sedan chair? That would be too outdated and would be ridiculed for being a douchebag.

It is a pity that there are too few horses in Datang, even if the requirements for horses used to pull carts are not high, but the total number of horses is small, it is difficult to meet the So now you can often see pulling The carriage was not a horse, but a variety of mules, donkeys, etc.

However, nowadays, due to the high demand for horses in the market, the price of horses is also gradually rising, resulting in the enthusiasm of farmers to raise horses is also very high.

The people in the north directly raise Mongolian horses if they have the conditions, and those who have the means to find the Central Asian horses directly from the military horse farm for breeding, while the people in the south start to raise the southwestern horses on a large scale.

Although the southwest horse is not suitable for riding horses, it is still reluctant to use as a work horse, especially in the mountainous terrain of the south, it is very easy to use.

Li Xuan is naturally quite comforted by the spontaneous large-scale horse-raising among the people. Horses are extremely important to a country, especially for a farming country, it is even more important to maintain a certain number of horses.

During peacetime, the military's horses are self-sufficient from the military's own horse farms, and occasionally purchase a batch of foreign horses, but when the war breaks out, the demand for horses will increase sharply, and these private horses can be recruited. , used as military horses.

Judging from the current size of the Tang Dynasty, at least one million horses need to be kept. If there are more, it will be even better.

Now, it is still a long way from this goal, but Li Xuan believes that under the premise of maintaining the two-step process of keeping private horses and the military self-cultivating horses, this level can be achieved in the future.

Well, it will be easier to achieve this goal after taking the northern grasslands.

Taking a comfortable official four-wheeled carriage, Wang Shanxi entered the city all the way, and then checked into an inn within the MISI, where he would rest while waiting for the summoning of the Son of Heaven.

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