Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1034: Explore new routes

"Australia is very desolate, even more desolate than we expected. I led the Jinyuan ship along the coast of Australia for more than half a month and traveled thousands of miles, but all I saw was desolate. !" Wang Shanxi was explaining to Li Xuan what he had seen in Australia.


Li Xuan is not surprised by this, even he knows better than Wang Shanxi what Australia is like.

In such a huge place in Australia, although it is said that various mineral resources are very rich, it is suitable for human habitation and the place with rich land is only the southeastern region. As for other places, it is a wilderness.

Of course, in these wilderness areas, although most of them are not suitable for human beings to settle down, there are also a few places suitable for settlement. For example, Wang Shanxi and the others found the place in the northwest corner of Australia, where they found gold mine The place.

After comparing the map, Li Xuan guessed that this place should be the Darwin of later generations.

It is rumored that Darwin was just a small port at first, with not many immigrants. Later, it developed rapidly after the discovery of gold mines, and then became an important city in northern Australia.

Geographically, this city is closer to the Indonesian archipelago and closer to the mainland of China, making it extremely suitable as an outpost for the Chinese colonization of Australia.

Of course, there are actually the Java Islands and the New Guinea Islands that have the same effect, but there are too many indigenous people on these islands, and some of the indigenous people are cannibals.

At the same time, there are many rain forests in these areas, and they are also tropical areas. It is too difficult to colonize. It is estimated that more than 100 immigrants will die of illness within a year and a half.

Not to mention these places, even in Luzon, it is not friendly to the immigrants of the Tang Dynasty. The indigenous people in it still often harass the business station on Mindao Island. The immigrants who immigrated in the past, Even when working outside the castle, you need to carry guns and swords with you, and you can effectively resist when the natives attack.

Even though the more than 1,000 company armed forces of the Datang Western Company arrived in Luzon, they have organized three large-scale clearing activities before and after, basically circling Mindao Island and defeating many indigenous troops. , but still can't completely kill them all.

On the one hand, there is too little time, and it is difficult to completely defeat the local indigenous people by relying on a few simple military strikes.

In addition, there is a more important reason that the Datang Western Company is not interested in large-scale colonization and armed operations in the South China Sea.

These military operations were carried out at the request of the 6 Seas.

Although Datang Western Company established a colony on Mindanao Island, according to the Western Trade License obtained by Datang Western Company, although Datang Western Company was allowed to own company territory, at the end of last year, the cabinet and the military After a liaison meeting there, the license for Datang Western was renewed.

The license still allows Datang Western Company to own company territory, and has the power to assist administrative management and conduct armed operations in some of the company's territory, but this authority is limited to the area west of Malacca, and does not include the Americas.

In the Nanyang area, although Datang Western Company can still own company territories, these territories are purely corporate property. Datang Western Company does not have the right to directly set up officials here, assist the official in administrative rule, and privately use the power of armed forces .

To put it bluntly, the territory of Datang Western Company in the Nanyang region only has land property rights, just like a big landlord.

The reason for these restrictions is to prevent Datang Western from focusing on Southeast Asia or Australia. The mission of Datang Western is to colonize India, West Asia, Africa, and Europe, and carry out operations in the above-mentioned areas. Monopoly trade!

In the Nanyang region, the military will be personally responsible for colonization, while private businessmen will participate in various trades. At the same time, the official Datang Nanyang Company will also participate.

As a result, Datang Western Company is not so enthusiastic about the construction of colonies in the Nanyang region. As long as the safety of the shipping route can be ensured, trade supplies can be ensured, and accidents can be caused, other Datang Western companies do not care so much.

After the Mindao trade station and the Banten trade station were established, and Ying Zihua's exploration fleet also established several small supply stations in the northern waters of Myanmar, the strategic focus of Datang Western Company has begun to move westward. In the next few years, the focus of business will be on the Indian side!

Of course, before the military officially took over the Nanyang colonial affairs from the Datang Western Company, the Datang Western Company will continue to undertake the maintenance and expansion of several Nanyang colonies, but it is certainly impossible to say how much care they put in.

Now Datang Western Ocean Company is organizing a large-scale fleet, preparing to go south in winter, and then go all the way to India. They are not very concerned about Southeast Asian affairs.

At the same time, the 6th Army and the navy are also negotiating and preparing to deploy troops. It is precisely from the Datang Western Company that they will take over the garrison of several colonies in Nanyang.

When the 6th Army and the Navy of the Tang Dynasty went south, it was the official beginning of the wave of colonization in the South China Sea!

Wang Shanxi doesn't know about these, and he doesn't need to know, and that's not the reason why Li Xuan called him here.

Li Xuan called him because he felt that this person's sailing ability was really good, and it was not easy to lead the Jinyuan ship to find Australia.

Later, Li Xuan intends to give him more important tasks!

On the one hand, it is to continue to explore Australia, and on the other hand, it is to explore a safe route to the Americas.

Although the navy can do things like exploring routes, to be honest, what the navy is good at is fleet combat and exploring routes, it still needs professional navigators.

In addition to Wang Shanxi, Li Xuan also asked the Navy to find several experienced captains to prepare for the next round of large-scale route exploration operations.

Among them, America is the top priority!

The meeting with Wang Shanxi lasted for about half an hour. After half an hour, Wang Shanxi retired, but Li Xuan was still busy, and another navy colonel came in behind him.

This person is about forty years old and wears a navy officer's uniform. This person's name is Su Jiade. He is the most experienced navigation expert selected by the Navy. At the same time, this person also has rich experience in maritime combat and 6 combat experience.

Before he came, Li Xuan just looked at this person's resume, and now this person is really rich in all aspects of experience. In his early years, he was a captain of a merchant ship, and then he was the leader of a pirate. Tang Haijun, who was only a private captain at first, was recruited to become the captain of a naval transport ship, but he was quickly promoted by exception. At the age of thirty-six, he enrolled in the first phase of the Naval Maritime Academy and became the earliest in the Tang Navy. One of the students of Haixuetang.

After graduation, he was awarded a captain. He first served as the captain of an offshore patrol ship, and then was quickly transferred to a frigate to serve as the captain. He experienced many naval battles since the formation of the Datang Navy.

Then he was promoted to cruiser captain!

He once went ashore and led 6 teams to fight in Ryukyu!

This man is a generalist, capable of fighting at sea, able to lead 6 teams to fight, and his navigational skills are even more excellent.

In this case, it is not surprising that the Navy recommended him to Li Xuan.

After this person came in, Li Xuan chatted a little with him, and soon got to the point!

"According to Lieutenant General Bao, Su Aiqing has the richest sailing experience among many captains in the Navy. Presumably Su Aiqing also knows what your next mission is. Then tell me, how are you going to explore the route to America?" Li Xuan said directly. ask.

Su Jiade said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, I have studied many sea charts recently, and also collected some information from some Spaniards, and made a plan based on this!"

"I plan to go north first, then pass through Fusang, and then cross the Pacific Ocean to the western coast of North America!"

The existence of the Americas, or even a general map, is no longer a problem. The Europeans have long explored the Americas. Of course, the detailed maps are still not accurate enough.

The map currently used by the Tang Dynasty is a map that Li Xuan compared with Europeans in this era, and then revised according to his own memory. I dare not say that it is 100% accurate, but it is not far from ten, and the approximate orientation is still accurate. .

To the Americas, the biggest obstacle is the Pacific Ocean!

There are few islands in the depths of the Pacific Ocean, and there are often no wind belts. If you enter the windless belt and there are no islands nearby, you will have to die in the sea.

At this time, Su Jiade showed his route on the map, and continued: "According to the information we have obtained so far, although there are few islands in the Pacific Ocean, there are still some of them. We plan to go here and find some islands first, especially It's the Hawaiian Islands on the chart!"

The map in Sujiade's hand is also a top-secret map, which marks many areas that the Europeans of this era have not yet seen, such as Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, etc.

But although Li Xuan can remember the approximate locations of these places, he doesn't know the detailed coordinates!

At the same time, the sea is vast. Even if you know the approximate, it is very difficult to find it accurately. If the route is slightly off, you may miss it.

Especially those small and medium islands, in the large Pacific Ocean, it is actually just a small black spot.

But looking at Su Jiade's confidence, Li Xuan is not going to say too much. Su Jiade is just one of the many captains who are exploring new routes. He wants to go to Hawaii first, and then use Hawaii as a transit point to go a step further. Build a route to America and let them do it!

Su Jiade left, and then a few more people came. Without exception, there were all shipyards, some were admirals, and some were simply civilian captains, all of whom were found by the navy to explore new routes. the captains.

Without exception, Li Xuan gave them generous treatment and support!

Every captain can get a merchant ship with the most advanced performance in this era as an exploration ship. This is the 680 merchant ship. Sailors let them choose by themselves, and promise them in the process of exploration, any spoils they get, All can be allocated by themselves, no need to pay!

At the same time, during the exploration period, the salary is several times that of ordinary sailors, and every time an island is successfully found, there will be corresponding rewards, and if a safe route can be explored, the rewards will be even more!

Li Xuan even took out the noble title on the spot. If these captains exploring the route can successfully explore the route, then they will get a noble title!

All of this is to be able to explore the route. With the route, there can be colonization, maritime trade, and the future!

Compared with the new route, several ships, gold and silver awards and even titles are not worth mentioning!

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