Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1056: What if it is overturned?

The next day, the meeting continued, and in the evening, the exam was over, and the many examiners who had arranged in advance began to mark the papers.

The test papers of thousands of people need to be corrected in a short time, and in order to ensure the accuracy, the test papers are all cross-corrected, so the workload is very large.

Moreover, the Tang Dynasty is also different from other traditional dynasties. They will not directly assign officials from other departments to participate in the scoring of the papers. That is the work of the Ministry of Rites, and other departments are basically not eligible to participate.

Therefore, the people who graded the papers were officials from the Ministry of Rites, not only officials from the Department of Education, but also teachers from two universities. In addition, some senior students from the Royal Institute of Technology also participated in the marking.

While the grading work was going on, Li Xuan was not idle either. He handled many of his own affairs as usual, until two days later, the Ministry of Rites and Education Department sent the final result of this Jinling Examination.

Among the more than 5,000 candidates, the top-ranked candidates have already been selected, but even after they are selected, there are still 1,000 candidates, so the candidates who pass the exam are at most on the list, and then sent to Li On Xuan's side, as for the exam papers that Li Xuan checked in person, it was limited to the top ten in Jinshi and Ph.D.

Li Xuan read the top ten papers in each of the two subjects, a total of 20 papers. The science papers in it have nothing to say, they all have standard answers, and the scores can be given directly by comparing the answers directly. Twenty people's science papers are all over 95 points.

The Datang Imperial Examination has already started to adopt the 100-point system. It is not easy to get a score of 95 in the general examination. After all, this year's science examination paper is even more difficult than last year.

As for the liberal arts paper, whether it is a doctoral or a jinshi paper, the writing is quite good, and the scores given by many examination examiners are relatively consistent, most of which are above 95 points.

In response to the papers of these outstanding candidates, what Li Xuan has to do now is not to find fault, but to rank these 20 people, and to rank the first and second best, which has always belonged to Li Xuan's power.

Li Xuan did not choose the first time, but first looked at the resumes of these twenty people, and then arranged the names according to the resumes.

After the ranking of these 20 people is determined, in this meeting, the things that require Li Xuan to do it personally are over, and the next step is to post the gold list.

As soon as the gold list is posted, naturally some people are happy and some are sad!

But no one paid much attention to this, and people paid more attention to the examinations at the Zhili Sidao test center.

Many people know that the four-way examination of Zhili is an attempt, a pilot, of the imperial examination reform.

Although the change of the imperial examinations, which lasted for thousands of years, will cause some criticism, but from the beginning of the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, it has been carrying out various innovations, from the cabinet to the army, from agricultural tax to industry and commerce, the Tang Dynasty Almost all systems have been reformed, and the imperial examinations and education are just one of them.

And basically, anyone with a little knowledge knows that the empire has been reforming education and imperial examinations, and not much has been changed every year, but it has been changed every year.

Therefore, there are not many people who have opinions on the reform itself, and they care more about what benefits it will bring to themselves after the reform.

Obviously, the reform of this time will bring great benefits to scholars all over the world.

Because the number of admitted students is greater, the chances of the scholars being admitted to the jinshi exam are also greater, and they have a greater chance of becoming an official. Why are they not happy?

The general examination and sub-examination of Zhili Si Dao were all conducted locally, so Li Xuan, who had been meeting for a while, could not get any news. Two days after Jinling City announced the gold list, he was successively accepted by Zhili Si Dao. The results report of the sub-exam.

Because the sub-examination of the four-way general examination is a pilot, everyone pays great attention to it and strictly guards against fraud. Therefore, the general examination went very smoothly. In the end, they successfully selected their respective Jinshi and Ph.D. These people were awarded Jinshi and Ph.D. titles, but they were all top three.

However, this has little impact, because even in the Jinling City Exam, there are nearly 500 Jinshi subjects admitted, but there are only three in the first class and seven in the second class.

In the imperial examinations held by the Tang Dynasty, the top ten were the first and second grades, and the eleventh place was the top three at the beginning, no matter how many people were behind!

Candidates who can take the sub-examination test have no confidence to compete in Jinling City. It is not bad to be able to pass the Jinshi test.

But they still don't know that Li Xuan has been brewing for a long time. After a few years, he will cancel the first, second, and third grades, and they will all be called Jinshi or Ph.D., without any specialization.

With the success of the general examination and the sub-examination of Zhili Si Dao, even if the palace examination has not yet been held, Li Xuan can't wait to announce to the whole world through the Tang Dynasty newspaper that starting next year, it will be held in various provinces. A sub-examination will be set up for the general examination, and those who pass the examination will be awarded the titles of top three Jinshi and top three doctors.

After the provinces are also opened, it means that the national and provincial examinations that Li Xuan planned for a long time are basically finalized, and the follow-up is to continue to improve, such as lowering the grades of new subjects and doctors, and expanding the number of people admitted to the provincial examination. Let the provincial and national examinations become the main, or even the only channel for selecting talents for the country, and for grassroots talents.

As for how to select middle and senior officials, then gradually select and train them from the grass-roots officials. In short, it is impossible for a new jinshi to become a seventh-rank official just after being admitted.

The reform of the imperial examination Li Xuan is quite satisfied.

When the reform of the imperial examination is successful, and the subsequent modern education system is established, then a complete set of education and imperial examination system will be perfected. Li Xuan dare not say how advanced this system is, but it is better than the current one. If there is any problem, or if it does not adapt to the times in the future, then it is enough to change it.

Now, it's better than before.

Li Xuan has always been pragmatic about various reforms, and he has never thought about creating a system that can last for hundreds or thousands of years. He thinks he has no ability to do that.

Even many of the things he did were not taken into consideration for hundreds of years, at most a few decades, and this was already considered very powerful.

Especially now that this era has its own, and according to Li Xuan's own prediction, even if it is worse in a few decades, at least it will enter the later stage of the steam engine industrial revolution, and maybe it will enter the era of electrification with one foot.

After all, there is oneself, constantly promoting the progress of science and technology, and directly copying the successful experience of later generations. It is not an exaggeration to take decades to develop to this level.

And in this process, it will inevitably bring drastic changes to the society and the whole world. In such drastic changes, no one dares to say that the system will be effective for a long time.

So what Li Xuan has to do is, no matter what, as long as it is useful now, it will be fine. As for the future, I will talk about it later.

Sometimes Li Xuan would wonder if he had created so many new things and greatly supported the development of industry and commerce. Will he create a group of capitalists in the future, and then run out to overthrow himself, or overthrow his heirs...

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