Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1097: Don't overdo your army

Speaking of Malacca, several generals of the navy frowned!

During the past few years, the highest-level people in the empire basically knew about the ambitions of the Holy Son of Heaven, Li Xuan.

Their beloved, great, and greater than the sun, the eternal sage, the son of the sky, and the **** emperor Li Xuan wants to spread his grace all over the universe, so that the whole world can enjoy the emperor's grace and rain.

In order to allow many wild areas to enjoy the grace and dew of the **** emperor Li Xuanhuang, they must also work harder as ministers.

For this reason, the high-level leaders of the empire, or more precisely the ministers on duty in the imperial study, also formulated a general policy for the expansion of the empire in the early years!

To the north, they want to recover the grasslands and even the extreme north, so that the wild northern plains will also usher in the light of the **** emperor.

To the south, they want to occupy the Southeast Asian islands and make the local fertile land the farmland of the Chinese people!

To the west, they will follow the Silk Road on land, chasing the sun that sets in the west, and spreading the rain and dew of the Son of Heaven all the way to West Asia and even Europe.

To the east, they want to cross the sea, bring glory to the troubled Fusang, and go to the legendary beautiful and rich America, and turn it into the new granary of the empire, and turn it into a paradise on earth!

Although there is never any official document or even a specific plan for this general policy of empire expansion, this does not prevent the empire from continuing to move forward towards this great goal.

In recent years, the initial goal of the empire is to go north and go south!

Or to be more precise, the goal of the empire in recent years is to destroy even the Tatars headed by Altan Khan, and then easily destroy the Oaras and the Tubos.

Going south is to subjugate the Portuguese, seize the islands of Southeast Asia, and completely control the maritime trade in East Asia, especially the spice trade that can generate a lot of wealth.

Going north is the army's business, and has nothing to do with the navy, so they don't care. The navy is naturally concerned about the strategy of going south.

And if you want to go south, it is inevitable that the Portuguese will meet!

There must be a war between the Empire and the Portuguese, which is the consensus of many admirals.

To this end, the Navy has also formulated many war plans against the Portuguese, and these plans are inseparable from one point, that is, the capture of Malacca!

But is Melaka so easy to capture?

Absolutely not!

As the Portuguese's most important, or even the only stronghold in East Asia, Malacca is self-evident that they attach great importance to Malacca.

Especially in the past five or six years, as the empire has encouraged maritime trade, the scale of maritime trade between the empire and the Portuguese has become larger and larger, and the Portuguese have made countless money from it, so they have paid more attention to the maritime trade in East Asia.

In addition, the empire has shown its obvious intention of expanding southward in recent years, and the Portuguese are not stupid, so they naturally know that Malacca bears the brunt.

So in the past few years, I have also not forgotten to strengthen the defense force of Malacca!

According to the intelligence obtained by the navy, the Portuguese are paying more and more attention to Malacca, where they have deployed a huge fleet.

In addition to the fleet, it is rumored that they also specially transferred from the mainland the local army soldiers, which have been very valuable, numbered as many as a thousand.

You must know that the Portuguese population is so small. The population is small, and the scale of the army is also small. In addition, it is still a seafaring country, and its colonies are all over the world. Whether it is an army force or a sea force, it is quite scattered. Many colonies have The armed forces, in fact, only have one or two hundred people, and they are no more than a few hundred people.

This mobilized a thousand local soldiers to Malacca, which shows that they attach great importance to this place.

And these thousand people are not all. You must know that most of the navies in these years will carry marines. This is the case with the Datang Navy and the Portuguese navy. If the marines in their fleet also go ashore for defensive operations, then this The number will also increase by more than 1,000 people!

In addition, the Portuguese armed forces have never been only their native soldiers. They will recruit soldiers in various colonies. This is also the usual practice of many European colonial countries. In order to make up for the lack of native population, they usually recruit a large number of colonies. Young men serve and form colonial armies.

In Malacca, it is conservatively estimated that there are more than 1,000 indigenous soldiers. Well, the composition of these indigenous soldiers is quite complicated. There are local Malacca natives, Indians, and West Asian and East Africans.

This means that if the Imperial Navy wants to attack Malacca, first of all they need to defeat the huge fleet of the Portuguese in Malacca, which is a huge fleet with several battleships and dozens of other small and medium-sized battleships, but the size is not at all. Not small.

No way, who made the imperial navy show a stronger and stronger desire to attack in recent years, the Portuguese will naturally continue to deploy troops from other places to reinforce Malacca in order to protect themselves.

After defeating the Portuguese navy in Malacca, they will need to face ground troops with a total of more than 3,000 people, maybe even more than 4,000 people, but these ground troops will not come out to fight with you, they will hide in the fort.

And this kind of fortress is a particularly helpless bastion!

Yes, the Portuguese built a bastion in Malacca!


Because the empire took the lead in building such bastions in Wandan and Luzon, and played a considerable role in resisting pirate attacks several times. In order to ensure its own safety, in the face of the huge Tang Empire attack To be able to protect themselves, at least for a year and a half, waiting for reinforcements from the Indian Ocean or Africa to arrive, the Portuguese urgently need a solid fortress.

So, they just followed the example, and they also built such a bastion in Malacca, and the scale was much larger than that built by the empire in Banten and Luzon.

After doing this, this Malacca has become a hedgehog, and it is still a hedgehog with sharp teeth and sharp mouths, which is not easy to fight!

Anyway, the navy felt that it was impossible to conquer Malacca with a marine corps of several thousand people. Although their marine corps was excellent, they were not strong enough to attack the edge with thousands of people stationed there.

Therefore, at the meeting, the generals of the navy showed embarrassment. It is not impossible to fight Malacca, but I am afraid that it will take a long time and require a long blockade and siege to be possible.

But what they wanted, the generals of the army were waiting for them to say so. After listening to Lei Wan's words, Hao Bainian said on the spot: "The navy can't do it, so let the army come!"

"It's just a bastion with 2,000 or 3,000 people garrisoned. Our army just sends a division over there, and that's a matter of three or five days!"

Immediately, Hao Bainian officially turned to Li Xuan and said, "I report to Your Majesty, the minister asks to send a division south to capture Malacca!"

As soon as these words came out, all the generals of the navy glared at him!

In front of everyone, Lei Wan sternly said: "The army is eager to fight for the national merit, and our navy can understand it, but don't go too far!"

Immediately, several other admirals said one after another: "Yes, it's our navy's business to go south, and the army doesn't have to worry about it. You should prepare for the north with peace of mind. I heard that the Tatars were already ready to move last fall. When you move your troops to the south, are you disregarding the safety of the northern part of the empire?"

"That is, the army wants to expand the territory for the empire, which is a good thing, but it is impossible to organize a cross-sea landing of tens of thousands of people. I also hope that the army can realize the practical difficulties!"

This is more euphemistic, but the unceremonious person said directly: "The army does not need to worry about going south. Even if our navy sheds the last drop of blood, it will still take down Malacca!"

However, Hao Bainian has been on the battlefield for several years. How can this war between the south and the north be blocked by the admiral's words, and he immediately said: "The northern line of defense is very safe. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers of our army lie in front of each other day and night. Wait, whether it's the Tartars, the Oaras, the Tubos, or the barbarians in the northeast, it's nothing to worry about. If it weren't for the lack of cavalry in our army, we would have gone north long ago.

Now that we don't take the initiative to go north, they dare to go south! "

What Hao Bainian said was the truth. Since the Tang Dynasty defeated Zhang Yue in the southwest, the military center of the army has completely shifted to the north. From the northwest to the north to the northeast, there are four armies, twelve infantry divisions, and another There are also more than 30 reserve divisions, and the total strength of the northern defense line exceeds 400,000!

The overall quality of the officers of these troops stationed in the northern line of defense is also top-notch. The officers above the rank and file have all experienced the unification war. As for those generals, not to mention, most of them have noble titles. A man of prominence.

Most of the essence of the Imperial Army is deployed in the northern defense line!

So Hao Bainian is not worried about the safety of the north at all!

"As for tens of thousands of people crossing the sea to land, this is a However, our army has another plan, that is, we don't bother the navy, and our army can go south by land!"

Immediately, other army generals said: "That is, our army can go south from Annan and go straight to Malacca, which is much easier than organizing tens of thousands of people to land across thousands of miles!"

When the generals of the navy mentioned Annan again, their expressions became even more unsightly.

They still couldn't see that these army generals were full of bad water. They were talking about the problems of Malacca and the Portuguese on the surface, but they were thinking of Annan's idea behind their backs.

In this regard, the Navy must not agree!

The life and death of the Annan natives have nothing to do with the navy!

However, this fight against Annan is actually so easy, one division can sweep through it?

Just kidding, even if the Annan people don't resist, it's not bad that half of the 10,000 people in your army can come back.

Why, because of injury.

In that ghost place, like Myanmar, the biggest enemy is not the local indigenous people at all, but the local climate and various poisonous insects!

If this fights, it goes without saying that it will be a quagmire. Even if the Army can finally win, it will definitely not be a matter of one division, and it will have to send several divisions.

What would be the impact of this?

The army will spend a lot of military expenses, thereby crowding out the military expenses of the navy!

When it comes to military spending, it's a big issue, and it's a matter of principle. Can we make concessions? Absolutely not!

When Li Xuan saw that the people from the army and the navy were quarreling again, he closed his eyes slightly, as if he didn't see or hear it, but he cursed inwardly: Ma Dan, quarreling again!


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