Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1113: Chen Lifu's turmoil re-emerges

Dongchen Village, more than ten miles away from the suburbs of Jinling City, the largest house in the village is the famous Chen Mansion in the nearby area!

The reason why this Chen Mansion is famous is not only because Chen Lifu is an official of the dynasty, but also because the Chen family is a nearby area, and even in the entire Jinling City, it is considered to be quite a famous scholar.

There have been officials in the DPRK for several generations, and in recent decades it has been a four-ranked scholar. Even in Jiangnan, where the style of writing is prosperous, such imperial examination results are quite rare!

The four jinshi of the Chen family were Chen Lifu's father and uncle in the early days, and then Sergeant Chen Lifu. As for the fourth person, he was a collateral disciple of the Chen family. In the eighth year of Xuanping, he was ranked second in the Jinshi Division.

This is the story that created the Chen family's four jinshi!

However, this collateral clan who was admitted to the jinshi examination actually had nothing to do with Chen Lifu, at most he was a distant cousin, but the clan concept was still relatively strong these days, although he did not know the distant clan relatives, But in the eyes of outsiders, he is still a member of the Chen family.

In addition to the fact that the relationship is not close, there is a more important reason that his distant cousin is a serious scholar, and he also feels very righteous, and he has not yet passed the jinshi examination. At that time, it was in some public occasions that he announced that he would cut off relations with Chen Lifu. After he was admitted to the jinshi examination, in order to show the outside world that he and Chen Lifu, the big traitor of the tax department, Chen Rentu was not the same person, but directly in public many times. He said that he was at odds with Chen Lifu, and he followed suit and impeached Chen Lifu twice.

Therefore, it is said that it is a distant cousin, but in fact it is an enemy, no, it is not an enemy, at most it is a stranger who is mutually exclusive.

However, this relationship did not affect the illustrious reputation of the Chen family as a four-class scholar!

Despite the fame, the private school sponsored by the Chen family is also quite famous. In the past, the private school of the Chen family only accepted the children of the Chen family. Later, Chen Lifu was on the one hand to repay the reputation of the village, and on the other hand, it was also a response to the imperial court's 'encouraging the world'. The gentry called for "running schools enthusiastically", so the scale of Chen's private school was slightly expanded, and the surrounding villages also began to recruit students, and at the same time, it was renamed: 'Chen Village Primary School'

Today, the Chencun Primary School has more than 150 students. This scale is already relatively large among many private primary schools that have been restructured from private schools.

Most of the private schools in these years were rebuilt from private schools, except for a few private schools that were specialized in running large-scale schools from the very beginning, and the scale of private schools was usually not large, with more than ten or twenty students. It is very common, more than thirty or fifty students are very rare.

As for the teacher, there is usually only one teacher, and there are very few teachers who have more than two!

The Chencun Primary School is also a primary school that was restructured from a private school, but the original scale was not small, and then it was backed by the Chen family. More importantly, the Chen family’s reputation as a four-class scholar was quite resounding, and the nearby villages Many families are willing to send their children here to study.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the fees of Chencun Primary School are not expensive. The overall fees are similar to those of private schools in the past, and ordinary families can also afford them.

This Chencun Primary School can be regarded as a contribution made by Chen Lifu to his hometown.

But today, the children of Chencun Primary School found out that it was not the old school teacher who came to teach them, but a middle-aged man with a white face and a beard, a member of the Chen family with a good memory, and they recognized it immediately. This middle-aged man The man is none other than the eldest man who even the virtuous seniors in the family have to respectfully accompany him to speak!

Lord, in contemporary times, although officials, gentry, and the head of a small landlord's family can all call it that, in Dongchen Village, it can be called Lord in public by people, and there is a big character in front of it, that It must be Chen Lifu.

There is no other reason, because Chen Lifu is the eldest son of the Chen family, and also the head of the Chen family. He is also the pillar of the Chen family and an official of the imperial court.

When Chen Lifu served in the inspection department two years ago, he was very powerful, and even brought the Chen family to the fore. Most people were very proud of being a child of the Chen family in Jinling East.

As for the other Chen family member who was admitted to the jinshi examination, he is still only a seventh-rank official, and he became a county magistrate in Hunan, which is still 108,000 miles away from Chen Lifu's political status.

But why did Chen Lifu appear here? Wasn't he transferred to Xingquan House as the prefect? Why haven't you taken office yet?

That's right, Chen Lifu really hasn't taken office yet, or to be more precise, he doesn't know if he can still take office!

After a previous inspection by the Ministry of Officials, Chen Lifu was assigned to serve as the prefect in Xingquan House, the land of Longxing. This position can be said to be one of the best prefect positions for local officials, because this is the land of Longxing. The political meaning is different.

Even if he doesn't do anything in office, as long as he survives his term, he will be promoted.

Although Chen Lifu does not understand his appointment, he is still quite satisfied, because according to the rules, he should be promoted within the tax department, but he did not expect to be sent to a local prefect. This appointment is absolutely Not conforming to the norm.

Tax officials are usually promoted internally, but Chen Lifu chose this framework. It is estimated that he will also be able to return to the tax department.

Having both tax and local administrator experience means Chen Lifu will have a greater advantage over other officials.

But just when he was about to go to Xingquan Mansion to take office, the Ministry of Personnel gave him an urgent order, saying that the appointment of Xingquan Mansion had been cancelled, and he would have another appointment.

Chen Lifu didn't know why such a change happened, he guessed that someone might have tripped him up.

He has offended many people in his office in the inspection department. I hope that there are not a few people who are unlucky, and many people have the ability to create obstacles for themselves, especially when they are not in the tax system.

But this is only his guess. The appointment was suddenly cancelled. In a few days, he would know that the Ministry of Personnel had already arranged for another person to serve as the prefect of Xingquan House, which meant that the prefect of Xingquan House was This location is ruined.

It doesn't matter if this position is ruined, the key is that he has been removed from the position of the director of the inspection department before.

The old job is gone, and the new job is gone. What does this mean? This means that he has now become a candidate for an vacant rank but not actually dispatched.

Chen Lifu also used his connections to inquire about something, but he only found out that his appointment was suppressed by the senior officials of the Ministry of Personnel.

The Ministry of Personnel holds a complete list of personnel. This servant of the Ministry of Personnel, regardless of who is left or right, is an official with real power in the dynasty, and he is the kind who can maintain a tough attitude towards the ministers of other departments!

When he knew that his appointment might have been suppressed by one of the two lords of the Ministry of Personnel, he could guess that something must have happened to him, and it was a major event.

After more than ten years of ups and downs in officialdom, he immediately felt that something was wrong, so on the one hand, he motivated his relationship to continue to inquire, and at the same time, he also visited several immediate bosses of the Grain Collection Division to see if he could find out what he was doing. What did he do? He was relieved of his new position, and he didn't give him a new position. He just didn't take off his official hat, just let himself wait like this.

This has been waiting for more than half a month, what are you waiting for?

He was distracted in the city, and he simply returned to the old house. Anyway, it was useless to be in a hurry. There must be a reason for not hanging up and down, and at his own level, he couldn't get in touch with this reason.

So now whether someone wants to deliberately press him, or he really has other arrangements for himself, he can only continue to wait.

After waiting, he also came to Chencun Primary School to give lectures, mainly to relax his mind and teach children about enlightenment. To be honest, he is not good at it.

Although he accepted a few disciples in his early years, they all had the foundation of being a student. Those disciples worshiped him as their teacher, and they studied the texts of the imperial examination, not from him for enlightenment.

But now, he is too lazy to worry about these, anyway, it is just to relax, teaching these children enlightenment is a different experience.

He still cares about Chencun Elementary School. The Chen family invested a lot of money in order to establish this elementary school, and for the sake of reputation, the tuition fees charged are not expensive, but the tuition fees are not expensive, which does not mean that the teacher's salary is also cheap.

In the entire Chencun Elementary School, there are a total of six teachers, plus a number of miscellaneous staff, a total of nearly ten people are hired. Those teachers, the lowest salary is also starting from 12 taels of silver per month, and the principal is more. He was born in a young army camp and was a senior teacher who taught at Jinling Nancheng Primary School before, and he was dug with a high salary, otherwise he would not come at all.

This principal is paid an annual salary, the starting salary is 500 taels a year, and then there are various boxing, bonuses and the I can't fight without 800 taels a year!

And just like this, people will give you classes for half a year at most, and two months a year are paid vacations!

Teachers and employees of the entire primary school have to spend at least three or four thousand taels of silver a year for their salaries, teaching supplies and other expenses.

According to this cost, it is definitely not enough to rely on the tuition fees of the students. Every year, the Chen family has to fill in a lot. However, the Chen family has a big business, and this small amount of money is nothing to them.

When people expanded their enrollment, they made it clear that they wanted to spend money to buy fame. Otherwise, they would either have only one or two teachers like other private schools, or they would have increased their tuition fees.

Chen Lifu came to be a teacher, just to adjust temporarily, and naturally he was more concerned about his own future.

And Chen Lifu finally waited for his new appointment after waiting for more than a month, but when he saw the appointment letter, he was a little puzzled.

Treasury? What kind of organization is this, I have never heard of it!

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