Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1134: Chen Lifu goes to Shanghai

This is Shanghai, if you can't go there, let's just stay in the Finance Department and live with it!

But there is a saying that people are not as good as heaven, this day is not the heaven of the gods, but the heaven of the emperor!

No one could have imagined that Chen Lifu was really transferred to Shanghai, but not to be the magistrate of a special county in Shanghai, let alone the prefect of Songjiang Prefecture, but a fellow magistrate of Songjiang Prefecture. The role among the magistrates of special counties in Shanghai!

Chen Lifu's own guess was not wrong, nor was the outside world's guess wrong. It is indeed impossible for Chen Lifu to serve as the magistrate of the special county in Shanghai, and Li Xuan only hesitated a little, and then ruled him out.

Shanghai is so important, he will not let a person who has no experience in running a local government run over to be the county magistrate.

But this Chen Lifu's ability is not bad, and Li Xuan's impression of him is also good!

Therefore, Li Xuan feels that this person can still be cultivated. It is not a problem to always let him stay in Jinling City. He has always been a Beijing official, and has no experience in local governance. He is destined to go very far in the imperial officialdom. .

Therefore, with a stroke of his pen, Li Xuan arranged for Chen Lifu to be arranged separately, still in Shanghai!

It's just that he is not the magistrate of the special county in Shanghai, and with his rank and qualifications, it is impossible to be the prefect of Songjiang Prefecture, but the same as Songjiang Prefecture.

Songjiang Prefecture also knows that this is also a position of the fourth rank.

Moreover, he is not the first-in-command of the locality, just the second-in-command. The pressure will not be too great, just enough to allow Chen Lifu to accumulate several years of experience in local governance!

And when Chen Lifu received this appointment, he was dumbfounded!

After all that, why did he really go to Shanghai, and he was in such an embarrassing position as a fellow in Songjiang Prefecture!

For Li Xuan, he actually just happened to think of the middle and senior officials of Songjiang Prefecture. Before, the Zhou Lide case was almost taken care of, and the Songjiang Prefecture after the reform was basically re-established. What is missing is not only the Songjiang Prefecture. The prefect and the magistrate of the special county in Shanghai, as well as the county magistrate in Shanghai, the magistrate of Songjiang Prefecture, and other mid-level officials.

The importance of these officials is not so great, and the Ministry of Personnel will not be so stupid as to trouble Li Xuan with any job arrangement. Basically, the Ministry of Personnel decides part of it, and then elects it to the Council of Ministers on Duty in the Imperial Study to decide part of this matter. also passed.

But Li Xuan just remembered it, so it was just a decision!

I don't have the feeling of the people in the management department. They have already prepared candidates, and the appointment letter has already been drafted. Well, Your Majesty has appointed Chen Lifu as a colleague of Songjiang. Shit, just change the name of the appointment letter.

Not to mention Chen Lifu's own feelings!

It is Chen Lifu's stated goal to transfer to a local office and gain experience in running a local government. It is also the common idea of ​​many middle-level officials who want to enter the cabinet.

However, the places they envisioned were for experience, or, to put it more simply, for gilding.

It doesn't matter whether the place is prosperous or not, it is better if the conditions are tough, the most important thing is to be a place that is easy to make achievements, and another very important point is that you must be the leader!

These days, the local experience that people value, there is another key word, take charge!

The ruling party, that is the local experience and important resume that everyone values, and it is useless to go to the local government to be a county magistrate.

Logically speaking, Chen Lifu was also the prefect of Xingquan Prefecture before. This prefect of Xingquan Prefecture is a more important prefect post in the world, and its political value is not inferior to that of Yangzhou Prefecture, Guangzhou Prefecture and Suzhou Prefecture. government.

Although he has never been in office, since he has this experience, it basically proves that he is actually not the same as the ordinary fourth-rank officials, which is why he can serve as the right deputy director of the financial department in the future. Because of this, the position of the fourth-rank official in Beijing is usually what the local prefects yearn for.

Local officials, who are transferred to Gyeonggi at the same level, are actually promoted.

On the other hand, Beijing officials are transferred to other places at the same level, which is basically a devaluation.

It is not a good thing for Chen Lifu of the fourth rank to be transferred to a local office. If it is a high-level government, such as Yangzhou, Suzhou, etc., he can still accept it, but now it is not, it is just a Songjiang government. Just know.

Even if the economic volume of Songjiang Prefecture is huge, the prefect after the upgrade has become a third-rank prefect, but it has a fart relationship with him, Chen Lifu, the magistrate of the special county in Shanghai and the prefect of Songjiang Prefecture. .

Except for these two people, in the huge Songjiang Mansion, everyone else is basically a supporting role.

And the supporting role is impossible to achieve any major achievements.

In addition, Songjiang Prefecture Tongzhi has a very embarrassing place, that is, it is sandwiched between the Songjiang Prefecture Governor and the special county magistrate in Shanghai.

This prefect and county magistrate are not ordinary roles. The prefect of Songjiang Prefecture is the only one in the entire empire from the prefect of the third rank, and the magistrate of the fourth rank is also the only one.

At that time, the political status of myself, who is the same as the fourth-grade acquaintance, is estimated to be inferior to that of the magistrate of the special county in Shanghai.

And from the traditional point of view, Chen Lifu's transfer to Songjiang House Tongzhi is a demotion!

It's just that this appointment is not an ordinary appointment, but a hand-picked by the Son of Heaven, which again makes many people incomprehensible.

Does this Holy Son of Heaven value Chen Lifu, or does he not value him?

Others can't understand it, and Chen Lifu can't understand it either. Naturally, they don't know. This is actually just Li Xuan's temporary idea. Li Xuan's idea is not as complicated as others think. He just wants Chen Lifu to go somewhere. Exercise on the exercise, that's all.

Chen Lifu didn't understand, that didn't affect the fact that he was going to take office in Songjiang Mansion!

The Ministry of Personnel has already sent his appointment letter, and at the same time, he has also been relieved of his position as the deputy director of the Finance Department!

Therefore, from now on, Chen Lifu has already been a member of Songjiang Prefecture, even if he has not yet taken office!

Chen Lifu was transferred to Songjiang House, which made Xie Yiwei a little disappointed. He finally found a person who could do practical work in the Finance Department, and his ability was not bad. He just relied on Chen Lifu to develop a securities reform plan. , In front of His Majesty, there is a limelight.

It is a pity that now Chen Lifu has been transferred, which makes him very disappointed. He also expects to focus on using Chen Lifu and make some achievements, so as to do a good job in the financial department, so as to achieve political achievements.

But even disappointed, but there is no way.

This is an appointment appointed by His Majesty, let alone Xie Yiwei dare not stop him, even those ministers on duty dare not let a fart!

After Chen Lifu handed over the work of the Financial Department, he was preparing to go to Shanghai to take office without a break, although he was only required to take office within ten days to start work.

There is actually a lot of free time at this time. At least he can rest at home for a few days before setting off. After all, the journey from Jinling to Shanghai is all the way down the river, and it won't take long to arrive on the official transportation ship.

However, in order to avoid accidents, Chen Lifu only stayed at home for a day, and then went out directly with a few servants. In addition, several of his concubines and eldest sons will also be out in the next few days.

This visit to Shanghai is different from the previous inspections. It is not a short term, and it is also different from the one that went to Xingquan Mansion a few months ago. Although Xingquan Mansion has great political influence, it is In the final analysis, it is still a broken place. It belongs to the kind of people who have money and no land to spend. He will not take his family to suffer.

Shanghai is different. It belongs to the prosperous area in the south of the Yangtze River, and Shanghai is also the largest commercial port in China. It has extremely developed industry and commerce. To a certain extent, life is more convenient than living in Jinling City.

At the same time, due to the existence of shipping on the Yangtze River, this transportation is also convenient, so he is also planning to take his concubine and his eldest son to go there. He will naturally warm the bed with his concubine. Suffering, those ordinary courtesans, how can they compare to the stunning concubines that they spent a lot of money to get back.

As for bringing the eldest son, it is also to give him a long experience, so as not to be foolish to take Jinling City to study every day.

He Chen Lifu is thirty-two years old this year, which is not too old or too young. He has three sons and four daughters, and he can be regarded as a group of children, but he is most concerned about his eldest son, who is thirteen years old this year, smart Not to mention, reading is also hard work. Now I am studying in Chengtianfu Middle School. I originally planned to apply for the Jinling Preparatory School this year. Unfortunately, my luck was a little bit worse in the autumn test this year. So that he failed to be admitted to Jinling Preparatory School.

Chen Lifu saw that his basic skills had basically passed the test, and he had already graduated from middle school. It was useless to stay in Jinling City. He was going to take him to Shanghai and let him go to Songjiang College to study.

Songjiang College is a private college. It recruits students independently. If you have decent grades, you can basically go to study as long as you have money. Moreover, its educational system is a standard teacher education system. Although it is not as good as a preparatory major, it is much better than an ordinary middle school.

Chen Lifu's eldest son's grades are not bad, and the Chen family is not short of money. Now Songjiang College is the best choice. He will study for one year and try to apply for Jinling Preparatory School next year.

At the same time, don't worry about him missing the hometown exam!

His eldest son passed the exam last year as a scholar, and he is not in a hurry to take the exam. Anyway, the imperial examination system in the Tang Dynasty has been gradually reformed. You can go directly to the test!

What's more, the Juren in the Tang Dynasty didn't have any political treatment, they could not be exempted from taxation, and they could not even be officials now.

Under this circumstance, the gold content of the township examination is greatly reduced, and many students who are interested in the imperial examination are too lazy to participate in the township Anyway, the title of juren today is not worth much, and there is no treatment if you want, even participating in the meeting. They are not necessarily qualified. There are so many candidates, and the number of candidates who can participate in the general examination in each place is limited.

The goal of many students is to be admitted to a preparatory school, and then to enter a university such as Guozijian University and Jinling University, or to go directly to a normal school after graduating from middle school. Whether it is a university or a normal school, they can participate after graduation. will try!

Bringing his family to take office is nothing, and Chen Lifu didn't take it too seriously, so he didn't wait for his family. Get off, go straight to Shanghai!

At the same time, I am also planning in my heart, how to better carry out work after arriving in Shanghai, and contribute to the prosperity of Xuanping!

He is not willing to be a dispensable Songjiang mansion, that is not in line with his style!


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