Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1150: Royal study brawl

In the huge 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty, it can be said that there are all kinds of talents, and to some extent, the overall quality of the officers in the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty has to pass the civilian level.

Because if you want to get the title, you can only rely on military merit, and the Tang Dynasty has been improving the social status of the soldiers since the founding of the country for ten years. It has also been said many times in public that the Empire has no disarmament plan, whether it is short-term or long-term, and the troops that have built great merits for the Empire will be retained.

At the same time, Li Xuan also did not want to kill the hero. Although he said that he had called Hao Bainian back to Jinling City and would no longer let them lead the army, but the glory and wealth and political status that should be given are not less. , and after these people, a large number of new generation generals were also promoted to various important positions.

This is at most a kind of replacement, and it does not say that the 6th Army will be weakened!

In addition, Datang also has a policy for military personnel to change careers. Officers can apply for transfer to local positions after a certain number of years. According to the current standard, officers at the level of colonel who transfer to local positions will generally be awarded the rank of fourth grade. This is to relieve students. We are worried about applying for the military academy and joining the army.

Then the treatment of officers in the Tang Dynasty can be said to be quite good. The salary of an officer, the lowest level warrant officer, is more than 100 taels per year, and the second lieutenant has more than 200 taels, while a major officer, every year The salary has already reached more than 1,000 taels. If it is a general, the annual salary has already reached more than 3,000 taels.

The above salaries do not include combat subsidies and frontier subsidies.

If you are stationed in frontier areas and participate in combat, this income can be doubled again.

Plus, there's unspeakable loot income!

In war, when you defeat the enemy, you will naturally be able to reap a lot of spoils, and the bulk will go to the public, but personal spoils are generally not owned by the public, but privately owned.

Relatively, the treatment of non-commissioned officers and ordinary soldiers is quite good compared to the current average income of the entire society.

Against this background, let alone the poor children actively joining the army, even the literati are quite enthusiastic about joining the army. Of course, when the literati join the army, they will not be the top soldiers, but will report to the army. Military academy way to be an officer.

Datang Sixth Military Academy and Datang Naval Academy, these two military academies welcome many students to apply for the exam every year, and the difficulty of applying for the exam is no less than that of Guozijian University.

A large number of high-quality talents have continuously enriched the 6th Army and the navy, and it has also made the overall quality of the officers of the Tang Dynasty higher and higher.

how to say!

Today, the officers of the 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty are basically comprehensive talents who can wield knives and kill when mounted, can recite poems when dismounted, can write gorgeous articles while looking down at the desk, and also understand all kinds of astronomy, geography, mathematics, physics and chemistry.

The overall quality is even higher than that of the civilian group!

Especially the 6th Army, even more so!

It is not an exaggeration to say that there are many talents!

In the talented 6th Army, General Lei Wan has always maintained great prestige and power, which is enough to prove his ability.

This ability is not about fighting, but about the ability to be an official. He can effectively integrate the strength of the 6th Army to the outside world, fight against the navy, and fight against the cabinet.

For the huge 6th Army of the Tang Dynasty, the generals who can fight are talents, but those who can fight politically for the interests of the 6th Army in the court are also indispensable talents.

On the other hand, General Lei Wan can also effectively act as a smoothing agent between the Son of Heaven and the 6th Army. His Majesty trusts him, and the 6th Army also trusts him. This is what makes General Lei Wan special.

Today, when I heard that Qian Yuli said that the 6th Army would make a shortfall of five million taels of silver, General Lei Wan would endure it, and he just scolded him!

That's not small money, but five million taels of silver. If the military loses these five million taels of silver, I don't know how many soldiers stationed in the frontier need to endure hunger, and Lei Wan must not give in an inch!

If at today's meeting of the ministers on duty in the imperial study, the shortfall of 5 million taels was deducted from the 6th Army, Lei Wan would know with his toes, his career would basically come to an end, and he might not be able to save his life. .

Without the need for other military bosses to do anything, those radical and young officers of the young army will be able to kill his mansion tomorrow with knives!

So what he said, as long as he doesn't die today, don't even think about deducting military expenses from the 6th Army. This is true!

Even if the other eight ministers on duty agreed, he would never sign the new spending budget plan, and even he would resign directly to express his and even the entire 6th Army's protest!

Without the nod of the 6th Army, don't expect this budget allocation plan to pass, even if it is not said in the procedure, but His Majesty will never allow it.

Admiral Lei Wan is very clear that the special status of the military is supported by His Majesty. Otherwise, after the end of the reunification war, the military's status has already plummeted, and the 6th army and the navy can each occupy an imperial study room. The position of the minister on duty.

There are only nine ministers on duty in the imperial study room, and the 6th Army and the Navy each have one.

Your Majesty, these civilians will never be allowed to wantonly harm the interests of the 6th Army!

Qian Yuli on the side heard Admiral Lei Wan shouting loudly, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he scolded in his heart, these crude warriors do not understand the rules at all, what is this place, this is the imperial study, how can it be loud, Moreover, His Majesty has just left, and it is estimated that he has only walked ten meters away. It is estimated that His Majesty heard this loud roar.

In fact, he guessed correctly, Li Xuan did hear it, and only walked a dozen meters away. Lei Wan shouted loudly, how could he not hear it, but what if he heard it, he still didn't stop.

The accompanying secretary of the secretariat of the Hanlin Academy on the side showed hesitation, and then approached and whispered to Li Xuan: Your Majesty, they won't fight, should I call the guards just in case!

Li Xuandao: Don't worry, they can't fight, they are all smart! But after he finished speaking, he just remembered that when these ministers were arguing about the budget a few years ago, someone brought in crutches and beat people. He felt that what the accompanying secretary said was still a little reasonable, and immediately said: But if you are not afraid of 10,000, you will be afraid. In case, order to go down, let the guards send someone to watch, don't let them fight!

This involves budgetary issues. Even the minister on duty in the imperial study may not be able to maintain his former demeanor. Li Xuan has seen many times these ministers on duty who look like big bosses in front of outsiders, quarreling or even doing things for the budget.

In the early years, there was even such a thing as a Quan Wuxing melee!

Li Xuan didn't want to see this kind of thing happen again, otherwise, they would have to lose all the face of the empire.

Li Xuan's guess was right. When the guards who got the news sent a team of guards to the imperial study, there was a real fight inside!

However, it was not General Lei Wan and Qian Yuli who had quarreled at the beginning, but He Deyuan, Minister of Commerce, and Shi Wuyan, the new censor of the Zuodu of the Inspectorate!

Among the two people, Shi Wuyan was an old man in his sixties, and He Deyuan was only in his fifties this year, and he was well-maintained on weekdays, so Shi Wuyan was the one who yelled, and he used the shoes he took off. While smoking Shi Wuyan, he said: If I want to reduce the funds of my business department, I will kill you and me first.

However, although Shi Wuyan was beaten on the ground in his old age, his mouth was not soft at all, and he was still scolding: He Deyuan, you are so brave, I will look back on your business department, your business department. It's already rotten, and every year I take so many administrative funds to go there, and it's not wasted by corruption and waste by you, He Deyuan!

Fart, we have such a big stall in the Ministry of Commerce, to support industrial exhibitions, so many places have to spend money, this budget is already less and less, you also proposed to deduct half, I can't get out of this place without killing me. Bad breath!

You fight, you fight, if you have the ability, you can kill this official, even if you kill this official, my inspectorate still wants to investigate your business department!

Although Shi Wuyan was old, he was an old man. Although he was pressed on the ground and pulled with the soles of his shoes, he grabbed He Deyuan's head directly with a backhand. The two just rolled on the ground and scuffled again!

Lv Laixia, the deputy director of the Guard Office, who came to check the situation, just brought people to the imperial study when they heard shouting from inside, and quickly rushed in with them, and then saw two highly respected on-duty officers. Minister, rolling around on the ground and scrambling, and his hands were not light, one was pumping with the soles of his shoes, and the other was simply scratching his head.

He could see the obvious blood on He Deyuan's face, Nima, this is really ruthless!

What's even weirder is that There are two ministers on duty scrambling on the ground, and the other ministers on duty next to them, several people seem to have not seen it, continue arguing on their own, A few people were either standing or sitting while watching the play, and Qian Yuli was sitting by the side, nibbling on the seeds, and said, "Old Shi, Momo, he's going to hit you in the face!"

Whoops, Brother He is holding on!

Seeing this scene, Colonel Lu Laixia, the deputy director of the Guards Department, opened his mouth so wide that he could even swallow an egg!

He, who was only transferred to the Guards Department this year, never imagined that these important ministers of the empire, the dignified ministers on duty, would be fighting like hooligans in the streets at this moment, and there were people eating melon seeds and watching a play, and some people even ignored it!

If this is spread to the outside world, it will really lose the face of the entire empire!


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