Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1172: noble fief

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Sheng Tong, the loan manager of the Industrial Branch of the Royal Bank Shanghai Branch, originally thought that Yang Cheng was just a collateral descendant of the Jiujiang Yang family, but he did not expect that after a simple conversation, he found out that this person was actually a direct descendant of the Jiujiang Yang family.

It is relatively rare for the children of the direct line of the gentry to go into business. After all, most of the children of the direct line of the gentry have gone to study for the imperial examinations to become officials, and they will come to do business there, even those children of the direct line of the gentry who have no talent for studying the imperial examinations. , Most of them would rather hang around in brothels, sighing about the injustice of God and the shady secrets of the imperial examination, but they would not easily go into business.

There is no other reason, just because the social status of businessmen is too low.

Although the Datang Dynasty did not forcefully divide household registrations, such as military households, agricultural households, and business registrations, as in the previous Ming Dynasty, but the strong tradition still continued.

Over the years, Li Xuan has found it very difficult to promote the social status of soldiers. Now he has no intention to improve the social status of businessmen. Besides, there are not many pure businessmen in Datang today, let alone ordinary people. Firms are still factories, and most of their owners are gentry families.

Today, in the process of promoting industry and commerce in the Datang Empire, most gentry families have gradually evolved from controlling a large amount of land in the past to controlling a large number of enterprises.

When Li Xuan first started, he actually never thought that in the process of directly promoting industry and commerce, he would turn the traditional gentry class into a new type of business class in the Tang Dynasty.

Nowadays, I often hear that a certain gentry sells the land that has become less profitable because of the high agricultural tax and the continuous suppression of the land rent. Years of silver, and then invested in the tide of opening a company and investing in a factory.

However, in fact, the people are still those people, and even the model has not changed. It is nothing more than like hoarding land in the past, now likes to build factories, used to like to run a shop and restaurant, and now likes to run various companies...

They are still a gentry family, and they call themselves a scholarly family and an aristocratic family. As for you saying that they are businessmen, they can smear you!

How could they do such a stinky business like business? It's all the work of collateral children and servants, they don't care.

Therefore, under such a background, it is not so urgent to discuss improving the social status of businessmen, because you don't know who to call a pure businessman.

On the contrary, it is the social status of the soldiers that Li Xuan has been paying attention to and put a lot of effort into.

At first, he improved the status of the soldiers by improving the treatment of the soldiers, but later found that the effect was not good. Money is a good thing, but it still can't really change the current state of despising or even despising the soldiers in the current society.

So Li Xuan later came up with a big move: he formulated a system for officers to be transferred to civilian jobs.

It is stipulated that when officers retire after serving a certain number of years, they can transfer to local offices to serve as civil servants.

And this is the most important measure taken by the Tang Dynasty to push up the social status of the soldiers!

This kind of behavior of military officers to become civilian officials blurs the boundaries between traditional military generals and civilian officials, which means that military generals can change careers to become civilian officials at any time.

The effect of this measure is not bad, and it has dispelled the concerns of many students when applying for military academies. If they apply for military academies, they can avoid worries.

If they are lucky enough, it is best for them to rise directly all the way up to become generals, or even win titles and establish a prominent position in the family.

Later, in order to further promote the social and political status of soldiers, Li Xuan simply further tightened the conditions for conferring titles. In the current imperial title system, there are imperial titles and ministerial titles. The imperial family is also Li Xuan's. Children and grandchildren, the titles of the imperial clan they were conferred were completely different from the titles of the ministers, and there was no comparison.

There are several categories of people who can get the title of ministers. The first category is those who have made great contributions to the state. This is also the main reason why a few civil servants in the court have obtained titles, including Liu Bagou and the others. knighted for reasons.

What is a great meritorious person in the state? Simply put, it means saving the car and saving the country. Specifically, unless you block a bullet for Li Xuan, otherwise it can only be a raging force, saving the country and in crisis.

This is not limited to anyone, and it can be awarded if the conditions are met. However, the civil servants who have been awarded titles in the name of great achievements with the state are currently only Liu Bagou, Wang Wenhua, and Qian Mengjiu, all of whom are the earliest Conglong. Ministers, if they are not awarded titles, the generals of the military will be even more disqualified.

The second category is that of military merit. Needless to say, the vast majority of titles in the empire are now awarded by military merit, and even the titles of several civil officials are also awarded in the name of military merit. What kind of military merit? ? Provide food, pay, weapons and ammunition to the army!

The third category is scientific research. As long as you are smart enough and powerful enough to come up with amazing research or inventions, you will get the title.

The fourth category is the title of peers, which is the least valuable, and it is also clearly stipulated that those who are knighted by external relatives will be awarded the highest degree of viscount.

At the same time, it is also stipulated that no marquis can be conferred without military merit, and dukes cannot be conferred unless the merits of saving the country. As for wanting to replace the hereditary, even if it is only reduced to the hereditary after the baron, it is extremely difficult.

Among the above items, the three items, one, three and four, are actually like the moon in the mirror for ordinary people. .

However, the question is, why do these scholars want to obtain this noble title?

You must know that in terms of the current aristocratic system of the Tang Empire, all adopt the system of virtual nobility.

In the current aristocratic system of the Tang Dynasty, no fiefs are given to the nobility, or even other political privileges. There are only some ceremonial treatments and salaries. Although these salaries are not small, they are related to political privileges and the like. Still, it's of no use.

To a certain extent, in fact, the title of nobility in the current Tang Dynasty is just a title!

It is not like the title of military generals and nobles in the Ming Dynasty, which can directly run over to become a senior general, or even follow a father's death.

In the Tang Dynasty, to become an officer, you had to apply for the martial arts school or the maritime school first. If you wanted to become a senior officer, you had to study for a royal school. The royal school was a comprehensive training program for the army, navy and guards. The higher military academies have three branches, namely the Army Branch, the Guards Branch, and the Navy Branch. The three branches of the military are clearly separated. Although they are all located in Jinling City, their campuses are not in the same place. They were separated from each other, but they shared the name of Imperial Academy.

This kind of military academy system and examination system actually prevents a large number of mediocre people from entering the military.

But then again, if the children of the nobles are a little decent, given the high-level education they can receive since childhood, as long as they work hard, it is not a big problem to get into the military academy.

Generally speaking, the difference is that the children in the city and the children in the countryside are similar to the university entrance examination. If everyone has the same IQ and the same level of effort, the children of the city people will definitely get better grades, because they can enjoy better educational resources.

In the Tang Dynasty, the post of generals could not be inherited from father to son. This can be regarded as a big difference between the aristocratic system of the Tang Dynasty and the aristocratic system of the Ming Dynasty.

Aristocrats have no fiefs and no political privileges. Why do a large number of people still squeeze their heads and want to get a noble title, and those who already have a title want to get a higher title?

In fact, this question can also be put into why the military generals have always been supporting the global strategy of the Son of Heaven. In the past two years, they have been actively preparing for war, wanting to go north and go south.


Because according to internal sources, the Son of Heaven has spoken about the issue of fiefs in private on many occasions, saying that the world is so big. If this is defeated, some places outside the Central Plains can be chosen as the fiefs of the nobles.

Although this is just a rumor, it is a well-rounded rumor. Even when someone went to Li Xuan to inquire about the news, the Son of Heaven did not deny it positively.

Of course, the Son of Heaven did not admit that he had said these words!

But does it matter?

It's not important. After the news of the noble fiefs came out privately, people started to use their imaginations. They thought that The world is so big, in addition to the Central Plains of China, there are only Nanyang There is so much land in the north, not to mention West Asia, Africa, and even the Americas. If the empire conquers the world, it will be the master of the world. At that time, in order to suppress the barbarians, it is also to give a little reward to the ministers.

Great, greater than the sun, there is no ancient person before, and no one will come since. The eternal sage who owns the whole world, the **** emperor, the holy emperor Li Xuan, just take out the size of his fingernails, no, only one tenth of the size of his fingernails, even a hundred. One part of the land, which is insignificant, is given to the courtiers, that is also an incredible number!

After all, this is Li Xuan, the Son of Heaven who owns the whole world!

According to the authoritative explanation published in the Tang Dynasty Daily, the specific meaning of the world is: all that is known, unknown, existing, and non-existent! For example: Suppose you have a dream, and everything in this dream belongs to the Holy Son of Heaven, Li Xuan!

The fief, even if it is only rumored that fiefs may be granted in overseas places in the future, this is enough to make these people extremely excited. Many people actually think that if they have made enough credit, when they discuss the fiefs in the future, they will be It is not possible to obtain a larger fief, such as millions of square kilometers. At that time, it will not be issued.

Even if there is no actual control over the fief, as long as a part of the income can be obtained from the fief, it is an unimaginable benefit.

As for directly controlling fiefs and then becoming kings, emperors, etc., no one thinks this way, because everyone is not stupid, and they don't believe that Li Xuan, the Holy Son of Heaven, is a fool and would do such things that are enough to destroy the foundation of the empire, Li Xuan is willing, those ministers will not be willing.

They just thought that after having a large piece of land, they could get huge profits from it!

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