Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1264: Mass transfer of 100,000 people

On the embankment of Hongze Lake, more than 100,000 people are working hard. They dug up soil and stones from a distance, and then transported them to the embankment by manpower or wheelbarrows.

At the same time, there are a large number of four-wheeled carriages behind, and the two-wheeled carriages are loaded with wooden stakes, formed stone bars, etc. to the embankment.

In order to urgently reinforce the embankment, the imperial government has already mobilized the people of almost the entire Jiangbei Road. In addition to the young people who directly built the embankment, there are actually quite a lot of people working in the rear.

With so much human and material resources mobilized, the reinforcement of the Hongze Lake embankment was also quite fast.

However, at this time, the floods in the middle reaches of the Yellow River and the upper reaches of the Huai River also came.

These floods did not all run away with a bang, but came up continuously from upstream.

The river still seems to be gentle, but the water level is getting higher and higher every day.

The drainage volume in the lower reaches of the Huai River has gradually become unbearable, so a large amount of water stayed in Hongze Lake, causing the water level of Hongze Lake to rise rapidly.

Hongze Lake is a very wide area. In the past, there was a large swamp in the middle, and there were also a large number of villages and farmland nearby. However, as the water level gradually rose, the swamp was completely turned into a lake.

Large and small lakes, which were not connected in the past, began to gradually connect together!

In a small village on the side of Hongze Lake, the water of the lake has gradually risen, and it has already covered a large area with relatively low terrain, and the people in the village are carrying their families and mouths for emergency transfer.

Yesterday, when someone from the town said that they were going to be transferred urgently, many villagers were unwilling or even repulsive, because this is their home, with their land and houses, but now the government has let them transfer, which is undoubtedly the reason for them to be transferred. Give up your own home and land, there is willing.

So yesterday only a few people obeyed the government organization and moved.

But who would have thought that the water level is getting higher and higher. Last night, the water level was approaching the village. At this time, even the stubborn people knew that their homes could not be preserved.

This is the beginning of packing up and dragging the family to carry on the transfer!

However, the overall atmosphere was very sad. Many people watched the flood submerged their fields outside the village, crying with hiss and lungs.

While crying, he started to move with the large army while holding his few family properties that he could take away.

Seeing the villagers begin to move, a top-ranking official, the local mayor Yang Dongping, couldn't help but sigh!

It's not just their ordinary village names who have left their hometowns, even he, an official, is the same!

These ordinary villagers don't know it yet, but he knows that it is not just a few villages that will be abandoned, but a large area, including his town.

When the flood comes, all the land under his mayor's control will be turned into lakes...

Fortunately for him, a resettlement site has been urgently prepared above. He heard that there are many tents waiting in the resettlement site. After the thousands of people under his rule have waited for the place, they will not sleep in the rain.

At the same time, I heard that there are not only tents, but also food and medicine in the resettlement area.

The resettlement site is a bit far away. This group of thousands of people walked for two full days before arriving at the resettlement site. After arriving here, they found that although this place was a wilderness, it was covered with thousands of tents, large and small, and saw a large number of tents. Figures, it can be seen that there are already many people like them in the resettlement site.

These tents are all uniform, and they are all military tents. They are arranged at a fixed distance and look like military camps.

In the camp, I also saw many soldiers in military uniforms patrolling!

This makes the people who have just arrived at this resettlement site feel a lot more at ease!

Although along the way, those officials said that when they got to the place, they would have a place to live, food and drink, and they would even give the people land again.

But I haven't been to the place before, and I haven't seen the tent and food, so I always don't believe it in my heart.

After all, since ancient times, many people have escaped from natural disasters, but they have never heard that the government will give the people in distress food to live, or even free land.

An old scholar dressed in a Confucian robe, when he walked into the tent assigned to him with his wife and daughter, and received rice grains at the same time, before leaving, the clerk did not forget to tell him that he would remember to go later. Register at the gate of the camp, and allocate new land at that time!

At this time, he couldn't help but take a deep breath, and then murmured: "This old man has lived for nearly a year, and this is the first time that this kind of thing has happened! With the Holy Son of Heaven in court, why should the kingdom be unhappy!"

At the same time, in a large tent in the camp of the resettlement site, several officials gathered together!

In order to be an official from the sixth grade, Ding Hongwei, the county magistrate of Taoyuan County.

Now the entire Jiangbei, especially the Huai'an Mansion, the nearby Xuzhou Mansion, and the Fengyang Mansion on the North Anhui Road next door have been mobilized.

The matter of transferring and relocating the people was handed over to Ding Hongwei, the county seat of Taoyuan County.

According to the instructions of the Flood Control and Flood Control Supervision Group of Jiangbei Road, the transfer and resettlement of the people should ensure the safety of the people, and allow the people who have escaped their homes to have a house to live in and clothes to wear. Settling in situ, dividing the land and letting them build new homes in new places.

According to this instruction, Huai'an Prefecture instructed Taoyuan County to set up resettlement sites in safe areas, and at the same time, it was divided into temporary resettlement sites, permanent resettlement sites, and people in temporary resettlement sites, those who could return to their hometowns after the flood, and permanent resettlement sites. It is set up for those people who cannot return to their hometowns after the flood, because their homeland has become a lake and cannot go back.

This place, called the 'Xintoushan resettlement site', is a permanent resettlement site. At present, it has accommodated more than 1,000 people. Today, there are more than 3,000 people who do not go out. There will be hundreds more tomorrow. people arrive.

The total will accommodate about 5,000 people!

5,000 people are not too many, not too few, and there are more than 20 permanent resettlement sites like this in the entire Jiangbei Road and North Anhui Road. The reason why there are so many is that the official intends to permanently transfer about ten million people.

The amount of engineering to transfer 100,000 people is naturally very large, but compared to flood control, it is much simpler.

For these people, the government will directly take out the land from the official fields and put it into the free land. Of course, most of them are uncultivated wasteland. In Jiangbei and northern Anhui, most of the land that has been cultivated is cultivated by someone. Now, no matter if they are free or rented, this is already a pit of carrots and cannot be easily moved.

Therefore, the land allocated to resettle the people is wasteland!

Considering the difficulty of reclamation of wasteland, rations are needed during the reclamation of wasteland!

The Datang Empire has directly adopted the cash-for-work model!

At that time, the government will directly fund the establishment of new cities in this wasteland, during which a large number of job opportunities will be created for these people to work, and factories will be set up in the newly established cities.

The Ministry of State-owned Enterprises has prepared in advance to arrange many enterprises affiliated to the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises to establish labor-intensive enterprises in the resettlement sites, not to make money, but to provide job opportunities for the disaster victims!

Let them reclaim the wasteland by themselves, and at the same time build cities, build factories, and provide them with job opportunities, so as to ensure that they will not be left without food and clothing.

And in this way, it will actually create a very interesting situation, that is, these more than 20 resettlement towns built directly in the wilderness will become the only purely industrial cities in the Tang Empire.

At least, that will be the case for the next three to five years, when those wastelands are not reclaimed and residents can only rely on working in factories.

And this kind of situation has never happened in other places.

In order to provide at least 50,000 jobs, the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises has also worked hard.

Taking into account the education level of the victims and the ratio of males and females, the factories they arranged are all labor-intensive enterprises, and in addition to some jobs for young male laborers, there are also jobs for female laborers.

Directly using large-scale infrastructure, providing job opportunities, and implementing cash-for-work, this is a method that the Datang Empire has been playing for many It is quite limited, and this time, they are in the original labor-based method. Innovations have been made in the way of providing cash on behalf of others. In addition to large-scale infrastructure construction, factories will also be built to provide job opportunities.

This can be regarded as a brand new attempt!

If such measures are effective, the Datang Empire will continue to implement this plan when faced with a large number of disaster victims.

However, the establishment of the factory is a follow-up matter. The most urgent task now is to solve the problem of accommodation and meals. Ding Hongwei is discussing with his officials at this time.

How to distribute the food is to distribute the food to each household at one time, or to make a unified arrangement and use the canteen model to provide meals.

In the end, it was people from the health department who persuaded Ding Hongwei to provide meals uniformly by the canteen.

He said that it was a time of floods, and it was the time when diseases were abusing them. In addition, the people in the resettlement sites were all villagers, not the citizens who lived in cities and towns all the year round. Their hygiene concepts were not strong. Cooking on a fire is difficult to ensure hygiene, and it is easy to cause large-scale diseases.

Hygiene problems, this is quite serious, and Ding Hongwei can't take it seriously!

In the former Ming Dynasty, although it was said that there would be special health personnel in cities, they could not cure the symptoms but not the root cause. The Ming literati described Kaifeng in this way in "Wanli Wilderness Compilation".

'After the rain, the soil is filled with dung, and the mud splashes on the waist and abdomen. After a long period of clear weather, the wind blows up the dust, and the face is unrecognizable. ’

The general meaning is: when it rains, the road is full of muddy mud, including feces, urine, and feces. When walking on the road, the muddy mud can splash on the upper body, but on a sunny day, it is not so good, because at that time it was full of dust. The door turns around, and your face is dusty, your mother doesn't even recognize you...


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