Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1276: Broken heart for a single dog

The first blind date meeting hosted by the Marriage Committee of the Datang Fusang Affairs Yamen was relatively successful. More than 300 Fusang women who participated in the blind date meeting found their husbands.

As for why there are only more than 200 officers and soldiers participating in the blind date, while there are more than 300 Fusang women participating in the blind date, how to match all the blind dates with obviously mismatched numbers is naturally not a problem.

Because many officers and soldiers came to find not wives at all, but lovers.

The organizers are very clear about this, but they should not have seen it. Anyway, their task is to let the men of the Tang Dynasty take these Fusang women away. As for the name of a wife or a lover, they don't care.

After the first blind date, the confidence of the officials of the marriage committee was greatly increased, because this successful blind date made them see a very important point, that is, Fusang women chased Tang men.

Despite the language barrier, and even they know in their hearts that marrying in the past is just a lover with no status and no guarantee, but this does not prevent these Fusang women from yearning for the Tang Dynasty!

In this regard, the Marriage Committee intends to increase its efforts to arrange blind dates for the remaining approximately 1,000 Fusang women.

When recruiting Fuso women before, there were more than 1,000 Fuso women who signed up, and in line with the principle of never letting go of any mistakes, the Marriage Committee will not refuse any Fuso women who come to sign up and meet the regulations.

The rules are actually very simple, that is, at least 14 years old, no more than 30 years old, and in good health!

In fact, another word can be better described, that is, 'women of reproductive age'.

As for whether the figure is good or not, the appearance is good or not, whether there is any knowledge, etc., are completely out of consideration.

Therefore, although the first batch of blind date women only had more than 300 people, the marriage committee of the remaining 1,000 people did not drive them back, but settled on the spot to prepare for the second blind date meeting.

For the second blind date meeting, the group of people organized is not mainly officers and soldiers, but rather complicated sources. In principle, as long as men from the Tang Dynasty can sign up, after paying a certain introduction fee, they will first order a boat that can return to China. Tickets, then you can come to this blind date meeting.

The introduction fee charged is not high, mainly to supplement the funds spent by the marriage committee to recruit Fuso women and organize blind date conferences.

There is also the provision of ordering ferry tickets, which is also required.

After all, these men from the Tang Dynasty are going to return to China in the end. In order to prevent these people from walking away after playing and leaving a lot of fusang single women, there are mandatory regulations. If you want to come to participate in a blind date, you must first These Fusang women ordered a ticket, and at that time, regardless of whether these people would abandon these Fusang women, these Fusang women would be able to board the boat to Datang.

This scheduled ferry ticket did not specify the time or the like, but only bound her personal identity. At any time, this Fusang woman could find the marriage office and get a ferry ticket to return to China.

Of course, in order to get this ticket, the Fusang woman must also find a suitable husband or lover at the blind date conference.

The number of Datang men participating in the blind date this time is expected to exceed 1,000. Basically, the people who come to Datang and Fusang are mainly employees of major trading companies, especially sailors.

The trade between Datang and Fusang is very frequent. Every year, a large number of ships run on the eastern sea route, which brings in a large number of Datang people, and these Datang people who go to sea to work are basically impossible to drag children and daughters. Yes, often alone.

In the past, in fact, these people would find local Fusang women as maids, concubines, etc. Of course, more of them would linger in the blue-colored buildings of the major ports.

These single people also have a relatively strong demand for women.

However, these people are not too many on the whole, at least for the million-level reproductive women in the Fusang Islands, too few and too few.

The real large group is still dominated by the domestic single population.

This point, the marriage committee is very clear, the two blind date meetings they are holding now are just for testing.

As expected, the second blind date meeting was quite successful. Most of the more than 1,000 Fuso women, except for a few strange-looking ones, found husbands and lovers.

Even the dozens of peculiar-looking Fuso women left, the Marriage Committee did not plan to send them home. On the one hand, it was a humanitarian act. If they were sent back, the fate of these women would be very bad, because These more than 1,000 women, whether they were approved by their family members or sneaked here, are all in the same situation, that is, they cannot survive.

On the other hand, even if these few fusang women look strange, but the marriage committee is not a beauty pageant committee, people don't care, all they see is that these women are ugly, but they are still women of the right age.

All women of childbearing age are their target!

Since no one wanted at the blind date conference, they were going to send these people directly back to the country and let them live in the mainland of the Tang Empire. As for how to live, there is no need to worry too much about it. Willing to work hard, even a single woman can survive.

In short, the marriage committee will not keep these women of childbearing age in Fusang.

The two consecutive blind date conferences successfully took away more than 1,000 women of the right age from Fusang, which greatly increased the confidence of the marriage committee. When they reported to Xia Xia Wuyan, they proposed to strive to reach 50,000 this year. man's goal.

By next year, this number will be expanded to more than 100,000.

The confidence of the marriage committee also made Xia Wuyan breathe a sigh of relief!

Implementing a specific marriage policy for Fusang is the goal decided by the high-level officials of the empire. Although the publicity is to strengthen friendly exchanges between the people, many high-level imperial officials know that the core purpose of this marriage policy is to reduce the number of Fusang. of the total population.

Otherwise, why is this marriage policy only one-sidedly encouraging and supporting Fusang women to marry Datang men, instead of encouraging Datang women to marry Fusang men?

With the increase in confidence, the Marriage Committee is also preparing to make a big move. This time they plan to directly transport a large number of Fuso women back to China, and then organize a similar blind date meeting after returning to China.

The number of the initial organization is 2,000 people.

It is difficult to operate with a small number of people, and it is also difficult to operate with a large number of people, because there is also an issue of funding.

Although it is said that the empire has also pulled out the activity funds for the marriage policy, but the total amount is not much, a total of only 100,000 taels of silver, and this amount of money will not be spent for long.

In addition, there is a very key point that this ticket is not cheap!

Most of the ships from the Datang Empire to Fusang were merchant ships, which mainly transported goods. There were basically no special passenger ships. Whether these merchant ships came to Fusang or returned, they all needed to carry a large amount of goods.

If you don't carry a lot of cargo on the return journey, then it will be a big loss if you return empty boat. In order to persuade the major trading companies to free up the cabin to transport Fuso women, the Marriage Committee signed a special passenger agreement with them.

The marriage committee pays the fee uniformly and asks them to help transport it back to the country.

Naturally, it was impossible for the marriage committee to give out this sum of money in vain. In the end, this sum of money still had to be borne by these Fusang women, but it was in the form of an IOU.

After returning to China, if they find a husband or a lover or something on a blind date, the relevant ferry ticket costs will naturally be paid by their husbands.

If you can't find it, or if you don't want to look for it, then it doesn't matter. The Marriage Committee has already entrusted relevant domestic enterprises to open several special labor-intensive industries for women, such as the textile industry, to specially accept these fusangs. Women work.

Compared with local women, the salary is naturally very low, but it is not a problem to live on, but after working for a few years, it is possible to pay off the debt of the ticket.

However, when it was formed for the first time, all people were directly transported back to China. The initial cost was too high for the marriage committee to afford, so they planned to split it into two. Although the first batch was still 2,000 people, only 500 people were transported to Jiangnan.

And these 500 people will be those Fuso women who are willing to marry themselves at the blind date meeting after landing on the shore, and at the same time their appearance and figure are not too bad. This is to ensure that the transportation cost can be recovered quickly and avoid any risk.

The remaining 1,500 people are ready to be transported to the Korean Peninsula.

The Korean Peninsula and are only separated by a Tsushima Strait, and there is a Tsushima Island in the middle as a transit station, so the shipping cost is very low.

Although after talking about the Goryeo Peninsula, it would take a long distance to travel to the hinterland of the Central Plains, but the marriage committee didn't care about that. Anyway, they only needed to transport these women back to China, but they didn't say they had to transport them to Jiangnan.

after all.

The Goryeo Peninsula is also the homeland of the Empire!

At that time, these fusang women who landed on the Goryeo Peninsula will also let them have a blind date with the local Tang Dynasty men, and some fusang women who are unwilling to have a blind date, or who are not wanted, will stay on the spot to work in a textile factory. .

The marriage committee, for the sake of the new and blessed life of domestic singles, is heartbroken!

However, although this is a little troublesome, in order to avoid disorder, especially the possibility of large-scale human trafficking, the Empire insists on using the purely official marriage committee to handle these matters.

Otherwise, it will easily lead to large-scale human trafficking, which will lead to a series of crimes.

It is not an official in other places, but in the Empire itself and its colonies, this kind of thing is not allowed to happen.

In this way, under the organization of the Marriage Committee, the first batch of 2,000 Fusang women took multiple ships and departed from several Fusang colonies and Dasumi County, and then went to Busan and Shanghai on the Korean Peninsula respectively!

The two thousand fusang women are basically similar to the more than 1,000 fusang women in front of them.

With good expectations for their future life, they set foot on the ship to Datang!


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