Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1289: Thunder sent troops

According to the planning of the Privy Council of the Tang Dynasty, all the army units located in Ryukyu Prefecture and the colonies in Fusang were all under the jurisdiction of the Seventeenth Army.

The 17th Army is also the latest military-level unit established by the Datang Army in the Datang Empire in recent years.

At the same time, the 15th Army stationed in the Koryo Peninsula area of ​​Liaodong Province is also responsible for the combat tasks in the Fusang area to a certain extent. For example, the garrison on Tsushima Island belongs to the army.

However, according to the plan of the Privy Council, in principle, under no special circumstances, the Fifteenth Army is not responsible for the combat mission against the Fusang Islands, but is only responsible for defensive operations. This is because the fifteenth Army does not have any main force. There are only a few reserve divisions under its jurisdiction, and its main task is to subdue the Korean Peninsula, and foreign operations are not its main task.

Therefore, the battle against Osaka this time will be undertaken independently by the 15th Army!

The army currently has the first mixed brigade, the Ryukyu garrison, the Osumi garrison, the Osaka garrison, the Edo garrison and more than ten garrison battalions in various colonies, and this time the troops preparing to send troops to Osaka are the first Mixed into brigade-based.

And it was the First Mixed Brigade who fought as much as they could without leaving any spare power.

This is to achieve a quick resolution, to avoid delays in the war and other changes.

At the same time, it is also to deter other big names in the Gyeonggi area, so that they will not have any idea of ​​opportunity.

Quick decision, thunder deterrence, this is the combat policy formulated by the army this time.

After the deployment of the first mixed brigade, the garrison of Dayu County will be under the responsibility of the Dayu garrison regiment. The garrison regiment has 2,000 troops and is the strongest garrison regiment among the garrison regiments in Fusang, which is enough to defend Dayu County. Safe.

In addition, after coordination between the army and the navy, the navy will not dispatch the marines to land in Osaka. The 6th Marine Regiment, which is stationed in the Fuso area, will continue to be stationed in Osumi Prefecture, and the other will go to sea with the fleet, but they will not land in Osaka. , but to maneuver and walk with the main fleet to prevent any changes in the situation in Fusang. Once there are changes, the navy will directly conduct landing operations in the area where the incident occurred.

In this way, some marines and the Dasumi County garrison are stationed in Osumi County, and the navy blocks the Osumi Strait, which can ensure that nothing is lost.

Give the Fusang people a hundred more courage and increase their strength a hundred times, and it is impossible to break through the sea blockade of the Datang Navy's Eastern Fleet and land in Dayu County.

After several days of deliberation, the senior officers of the Fifteenth Army and the top generals of the Toyo Fleet formally decided on the battle plan, and then acted quickly. According to the relevant regulations of the Army and Navy, the fifteenth Army and the Toyo Fleet were in the Fusang area. When launching a battle, as long as there is a request from the Fusang affairs yamen, you can send troops directly. When sending troops, you can report to the country. You don't need to send a request and get approval before you can act.

Once the war begins, the Fifteenth Army and the Toyo Fleet will have a high degree of autonomy. They can decide to conduct any form of battle in the Fusang area. The domestic army and navy command agencies will not interfere in any way. Well, in fact, because of the distance, it is difficult to intervene.

The 15th Army directly dispatched the 1st Mixed Brigade to go to Osaka to fight, while the navy dispatched a large number of main fleets. At the same time, the merchant ships of the Tang Empire of the surrounding navy were recruited as transport ships.

In the end, a huge fleet led by cruisers, three frigates, more than ten large merchant ships, and more than 20 small and medium-sized merchant ships was formed. The more than ten merchant ships in it were still armed merchant ships equipped with large-caliber naval guns, but the rest The more than 20 merchant ships in the country only have limited self-defense firepower.

As the Datang Empire increased its control over the East Ocean routes and established the East Ocean Fleet, after a large number of main ships were assigned to this area, they completely controlled the Fusang area.

In order to control the Fusang waters, the Datang Navy also blocked the route to the East Ocean trade very strongly and completely, regardless of whether the Portuguese, the Spanish or the merchant ships of other forces were not allowed to go to Fusang.

This is also a feature of the Great Voyage Age. The Tang navy blocked the Fusang waters, while the Portuguese blocked the coast of Malacca and India, while the Spaniards controlled a large area of ​​the east coast of the Americas. If merchant ships from other countries and forces dared to Appeared, didn't say it, and saw one sinking one.

After they were sunk, no one knew whether they were sunk by pirates or by the Imperial Navy. There was no evidence on the vast sea.

After years of continuous suppression by the Datang Navy, the pirates in this sea area have basically disappeared. Well, even the sea power of the fusang daimyo along the coasts has basically been wiped out, because the Datang Navy always kills Fusang in the name of fighting pirates. Human sea power.

The Datang Navy does not allow the emergence of premised sea powers other than the Datang Navy, regardless of whether it is a pirate or a Fusang navy, all of them will be killed directly. After a long time, those Fusang people also gave up and completely stopped developing sea power. Even large-tonnage merchant ships dare not develop any further, because apart from the merchant ships of the Tang Empire, even the merchant ships of the Fusang people themselves, if they dare to go to sea, they will basically have no return.

The Datang Navy doesn't care if you are a Fusang battleship, a merchant ship, or a pirate. Anyway, they saw one kill another!

After years of crackdowns, the Datang Navy can now be proud to say that the only merchant ships running the Eastern route are those of the Datang Empire!

Even in the offshore and inland waters of Fusang, the ocean-going ships are only those of the Tang Dynasty, and the local ships of the Fusang people are only some small boats in the offshore.

In this environment, the Tang Empire also changed the armed policy of merchant ships in this sea area accordingly.

Ordinary private merchant ships are not allowed to be equipped with large-caliber naval guns and other weapons. They can only be equipped with self-defense weapons such as small and medium-caliber artillery and arquebuses. However, the merchant ships under the trading companies controlled by the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises continue to prepare to be equipped with large-caliber naval guns. .

However, the above policy is only limited to the merchant ships running in the East Ocean waters, and the merchant ships running the South China Sea route continue to be allowed to be equipped with large-caliber naval guns. As for the ships on the Indian and European routes, only the merchant ships of the Western Ocean Trading Company, the company even has a fleet. , let alone armed merchant ships.

This change in policy can also reflect some of the attitude of the Tang Empire towards armed merchant ships, that is, when conditions permit, officials do not want to see that ordinary merchant ships are also equipped with a large number of naval guns, because even the control measures No matter how strict it is, accidents will easily occur. At most, they are allowed to be equipped with small and medium-caliber naval guns and light weapons, so that they have a certain self-defense ability.

The huge fleet with a total of more than 30 ships took only half a month from preparation to departure, which shows how powerful Datang's military mobilization ability is.

Of course, this is also related to the prosperity of the East Ocean trade, and there are a large number of Datang merchant ships active in this sea area. Otherwise, the Navy would not be able to recruit so many merchant ships for a while.

After the fleet went to sea, it went straight to Osaka!

After many days of sailing, many Fusang people also knew that the Tang Empire dispatched a huge fleet, especially when the fleet entered the Seto Inland Sea, such a huge fleet was directly exposed to the eyes of many Fusang people.

However, the daimyo of Fusang who were informed about the situation did not show any hostility to this, let alone going out to sea to intercept and so on. They more often sounded the alarm, and then enhanced their coastal defense force to guard against this. A huge fleet.

And when the fleet appeared in the Kidan Strait in the eastern part of the Awaji country, it caused panic in controlling the Miyoshi family of the Awaji country.

Because this huge fleet, after entering the Jidan Strait, did not continue to advance, but stopped on the 'Friendly Island', a sunken mainland country in the middle of the strait.

The reason why the fleet is anchored here is because the friendly island in the middle of the strait is under the control of the Datang Empire. In order to ensure the safety of sea passages entering and leaving Osaka, the Datang Empire landed on this small island very early and expelled the island forcefully. A small number of indigenous people in Uehara then built a bastion here, deployed a fort, and built a small port.

Relying on this small island, the Datang Navy can proudly say that it has completely controlled the Jidan Strait!

Of course, controlling this strait does not depend on a mere strait, but on the mighty strength of the Tang Empire, and the strength of the Osaka Squadron is enough to smash any Fusang daimyo who tries to encroach on this strait.

Even the most powerful daimyo in the surrounding area, the Sanhao family, had to obediently acknowledge the Datang Empire's control over Youdao.

Because the Miyoshi family is the most powerful in the nearby area, and it is also the daimyo who controls the huge naval power, but its sea power is still vulnerable!

Miyoshi's navy has a lot of ships, but the largest tonnage is only 100 tons!

It's not that they didn't have such a big ship before, but they were all sunk by the Tang Navy!

Otherwise, why do you think the Sanhaojia would obediently assume the control of the Tang Empire over Youdao, because they were beaten so hard that they had to admit it.

After berthing on Friendship Island for two days, and after a little rest, the fleet set sail again and then went to Osaka. Although there are material storage warehouses and a port on Friendship Island, the scale is too small to give the fleet any advantage. The supplement, at most, is to rely on the berth here to simply take a rest, and at the same time make the best preparation for landing.

After setting sail, the fleet headed straight for Osaka!

And at this time almost all the fusang names in the surrounding area knew the destination of this huge fleet of the Tang Empire.

Many daimyo are quite panic, they are afraid that this huge fleet is going to attack them, especially the Miyoshi family is terrified.

But many people did not expect that the purpose of this huge fleet was not the surrounding daimyo, nor the Sanhao family that had been under the suppression of the Tang Dynasty, but the Shishan Hongan Temple, which had a good relationship with the Tang Dynasty.

The reason is not because Ishiyama Honganji is against the Tang Empire, but because Ishiyama Honganji intends to independently develop the national defense industry and accumulate strength.

It is also because Osaka is located in a strategic geographical location, and the Datang Empire needs to control this area in order to implement the strategic intention of continuing to split Fusang!


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