Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1371: The Tang Empire under the rule of benevolence and filial piety

In the process of expansion, the Tatars accept and even deliberately capture aliens. However, the Tatars also have restrictions on this, that is, these accepted people are all slaves and the ruled class. Naturally, these conquered people were not considered part of the Tatars.

People don't play fusion, they play conquest!

Generally speaking, it is similar to the one played by the Mongols hundreds of years ago. These conquerors are superior, and the conquered are all inferior, and these inferiors are divided into several classes, such as active Some ethnic groups that cooperate and can help the Tatars to a certain extent naturally have a higher status, and some ethnic groups that are not helpful but have little resistance are average, while the ethnic groups that resist fiercely are It is the worst in status, and some ethnic groups are even reduced to slaves because of their fierce resistance.

This constitutes a hierarchical ruling system!

The advantage of this is obvious, that is, it is relatively simple to deal with, and it can easily and quickly establish an effective rule in the conquered area and use it for your own use.

But the disadvantage is even more obvious, that is, the risk of rebellion is also very high, and even those ethnic groups that have been turned into inferior people will not stop for a moment.

This kind of policy and system has been verified on the land of China with its advantages and disadvantages. In the end, the Mongols' rule in the Central Plains only lasted for about a hundred years, and it was finally over. Moreover, for these hundred years, the Mongols have always been They were busy suppressing all kinds of rebellions, and they couldn't suppress them until about a hundred years later.

It can be said that the Mongolian rule in the Central Plains has never been stable!

Therefore, after the Jurchens of later generations entered the customs, they were much smarter.

They learned the lessons of the Mongols and did not engage in too obvious oppression. Although their own ethnic group still maintained a detached political status, in terms of governance and culture, they took the initiative to move closer to China, and adopted a butcher knife. The first-hand carrot policy, on the one hand, they took the initiative to ease the contradictions between the Chinese and the Chinese people, and carried out a series of policies for people's livelihood, such as emphasizing Confucianism, reusing Hanchen, and gentry, such as paying grain and serving as errands. , shaving his hair and wearing clothes easily, and at the same time he has a heavy defense against Hanchen.

Only in this way can the Chinese people be enslaved for more than 200 years. In the final stage, if the world is not undergoing major social changes, all kinds of doctrines are awakened, and the monarchy has been abandoned by history, maybe people can be enslaved for hundreds of years.

Mongols and Jurchens ruled in the Central Plains, the difference is huge, but they both caused huge harm to the Chinese nation, and more seriously, the Mongols caused relatively less harm, although they killed countless of us. , but that's it, they failed to cut off our blood and cultural heritage!

After a hundred years of fighting, the ancestors finally drove them away and let the Chinese nation rise again to the top of the world!

However, although the Jurchen ruling policy is more relaxed, their lethality is greater, they belong to the kind that kills without blood. To put it bluntly, even if the Qing Dynasty died for more than 100 years, they still leave a legacy for our culture. After countless poisonous tumors, the pig braid in the hearts of many people still cannot be cut off!

Qing Palace Opera such a broken thing can be a fire, it is the pain of the nation, the sorrow of China!

The wise and great, greater than the sun, Li Xuan, the Son of Heaven, whose rain and dew spilled over all known and unknown spaces, claims to be a civilized modern man, but he can't do what the Mongols and Jurchens have done. Disgusting thing.

The Son of Heaven is merciful and great!

The Datang Empire under the rule of the Son of Heaven is also a state of etiquette where benevolence and filial piety govern the country.

Therefore, during the expansion process of the Datang Empire, it was different from the expansion policies of the Tartars and Jurchens. As a celestial kingdom governed by benevolence and filial piety, the Datang Empire would not leave servility or damage to other ethnic groups. Distorting other people's cultural traditions is such a **** thing.

The Son of Heaven is more willing to respect their cultural traditions, and then erect a big tombstone for their cultural traditions!

It has a beginning and an end!

Not to mention the pros and cons of the expansion policy of the Tang Empire and the expansion policies of the Tatars, but one thing is certain, that is, the Tatars' westward expedition provided a lot of nourishment for the Tatars , let them develop rapidly, and use this to launch a larger-scale westward expedition.

When Li Xuan heard that the Tatars from the grasslands had won another great victory in this year's westward expedition, he was a little skeptical that these Tatars would go to the Danube when they were fighting.

This is very possible.

The military strength of the Tatars has never been weak!

Although they were at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the empire, they were finally forced to withdraw from the Hetao and Fengzhouchuan areas, but then again, in East Asia and even the entire Asian region, apart from the Tang Empire, there is no other country or tribe that can confronted them.

There are hundreds of thousands of cavalry troops all over the mountains and plains, it is not so easy to fight!

At least in today's Central Asia, if the Tatars kill all the way to West Asia, it is estimated that they will encounter the real enemy, um, the Ottoman Empire.

The strength of the Ottoman Empire is also relatively large now. At least in the surrounding areas of the Eurasian-Asian border, they basically have no enemies that can cause them a deadly threat.

Spain, known as the Empire on which the sun never sets, is now afraid to go to the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea to run wild, even at sea. As for fighting the Ottomans on land, not to mention, everyone can kill Spain. The legion of people is being piled to death!

Otherwise, why would there be an era of great seafaring? Western European countries all wanted to find a route to the East, not because the Ottomans occupied the Middle East and Haha East, and then monopolized the trade connections in this region. And the Europeans couldn't beat the Ottomans, so they had to find another route to the east.

Therefore, without the Ottoman Empire, it is impossible to have any great age of navigation!

If the Tatars continue to expand westward, they will definitely encounter the strong enemy of the Ottomans. Whether the Tatars can outdo the Tatars will have to be seen.

From the point of view of the Tang Empire, it was just the time for the Tartars to help them to explore the road to the west, especially the strength of the Ottomans, so the Tartars just gave it a try.

After all, the strategic goal of the Tang Empire is to conquer the world, and this timetable is getting faster and faster.

Li Xuan's strategic plan at that time was to develop technology in the early stage, restore people's livelihood, accumulate strength, and wait for the development of steam ships and trains to mature and apply on a large scale, which is the time to go global.

Because at that time, distance will not be an obstacle for the empire to conquer distant places!

Whether it is in the Northwest or Northeast, or even going to the South Seas or even the Americas, the biggest obstacle is not the local barbarians.

But the problem is that, as an army that has already entered modernization and entered the age of firearms in an all-round way, the Datang army has become more and more dependent on logistics.

In the era of cold weapons, as long as the army can ensure sufficient rations, it can maintain its combat effectiveness, and even the military ration can be eaten by the enemy.

But for the army of hot weapons, not only rations, but also ammunition!

Moreover, the ammunition used by the Datang Army today relies heavily on the transportation of the arsenal in the rear. Some of them have relatively high requirements for production and processing. The simple ammunition manufacturing plants established by the military on the front line cannot produce them. They must be in the three major weapons companies. It is produced in professional factories, such as howitzer shells and grenade shells.

These two kinds of shells are of the type of blooming shells, but one is an explosion after landing, relying on shrapnel and shock waves to kill, and the other is an explosion on the top of the enemy's head, relying on the iron beads and shrapnel outside the projectile to kill the enemy.

The shells and fuzes of these shells are produced by high-precision processing equipment.

There are also some that can be produced by soldiers on the front line, such as ordinary solid shells, which are simple, just build an iron stove, and then pour a round shell.

The bullets of the musket can also be made by the soldiers on the front line, although it is said that the current Datang Empire has uniformly used paper shell bullets, combining the propellant and lead bullets together, and making them into paper shell ammunition, which can greatly simplifies the reloading procedure and increases the rate of fire.

However, the production process is relatively simple. These lead bullet soldiers can be made directly with a simple mold, and then loaded into the paper shell together with the propellant.

But this is just assembly at best. In fact, the propellant required to assemble these bullets, as well as the paper shell and lead block, all need to be sent from the So, in fact, the front line does not have any self-made bullets. Meaning, because all the raw materials need to be produced in the rear factory and sent to the front line. It is better to assemble the paper shell bullets directly in the factory, and then make standard paper shell bullets and send them to the front line.

And this, this is also the method adopted by the current Datang Empire.

However, the military still retains a large number of simple molds in the front-line troops, especially the molds for making lead bullets. This is to collect lead bullets and propellants on the spot in case the supply of bullets is not enough, and then use them for fight.

But in any case, today's Datang army and the navy still need some, and the army is very dependent on logistics, and it is very dependent on logistics, and it is difficult to carry out long-distance operations when the transportation is inconvenient.

This is also the reason why the Datang Empire is currently only maintaining strategic defense in the northwest region.

However, all this will be changed after the emergence of trains and railways, and the Empire is already preparing to build a northwest railway.

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