Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1657: humanitarian adoption

So far, the Imperial Navy's warships stationed in the port of Cadiz already have two Jiangnan-class cruisers, four frigates, a total of six modern steel warships, and more than ten wooden offshore ships with a standard displacement of several hundred tons. patrol ship.

The above-mentioned warships, including armed transport ships, are naturally all equipped with steam engines and sails.

Its designation is quite special. It is called the 'Guardian Fleet of the Ambassador of the Tang Dynasty to Europe'. According to the literal meaning, it is actually a fleet that provides **** for the imperial envoy and the ambassador to Europe. It is almost the same concept as the nearly 1,000 Marine Corps soldiers on land. .

But in fact, this fleet is actually a sub-fleet of the Seventh Fleet, which is generally called the European Fleet internally.

Although the Seventh Fleet in the Tang Empire is temporarily subordinate to the African Fleet, their definition within the Navy has always been the Atlantic Fleet, and their main task is to control the Atlantic Ocean for the empire.

Although its main force is currently deployed in South Africa, it is already in the squadron, namely the European Fleet and the East Coast Fleet of the Americas.

As for the Third Fleet of the Pacific Fleet, although it is also called the American Fleet by outsiders, and the Fleet Command is stationed in Xinjinshan, in fact, the Third Fleet is mainly responsible for the Eastern Pacific Ocean, that is, the west coast of the entire Americas and part of the Central Pacific Ocean. .

As for the Pacific Ocean on the east coast of the Americas, it is not their defense zone, it belongs to the jurisdiction of the Seventh Fleet.

The current Seventh Fleet of the Imperial Navy is gradually expanding its military presence in the Atlantic Ocean.

In fact, if it wasn't for the support of Spain and Portugal to contain the Tatars, the Empire's attitude in the Atlantic Ocean would have been more restrained and controlled. With the temper of the Imperial Navy, it would have swept across the Atlantic Ocean long ago, and would not hide it at all.

However, the empire still needs countries in western and southern Europe to resist the Tatars, so its actions in the Atlantic are generally more restrained.

The Empire still needs European countries to resist the Tatars, which can allow them to contain more Tatar forces for the Empire, making the Empire's military operations in Central Asia smoother and avoiding losses.

Besides, the European region now purchases a lot of ordnance and various other industrial products from Datang every year.

In terms of the current scale of war in Europe and their own production capacity, in fact, all these countries are currently working for Datang, and the taxes and other incomes they collect are all used to purchase Datang's ordnance and then use it. in war.

People from the European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire estimated that in a few years, these Europeans would be like the Fuso people back then, by exporting young women of appropriate age to the Empire in exchange for ordnance supplies.

Although the people of the empire generally reject women of different races, Li Xuan, the Son of Heaven, has taken the lead and set an example to recruit these blond and blue-eyed women of different races into the dance troupe.

Besides, although the blond and blue eyes are a bit strange, the skin is also rough, and the pores are large, but there are still many women who conform to the aesthetics of the Tang Dynasty, and they can still be seen after washing and dressing up.

No matter how bad it is, for humanitarian reasons, it is still possible to adopt a few female refugees from the war who are over the age of 14 but under the age of 20 as maids.

Aboriginals in Europe are lucky, at least their young school-aged female Datang people dislike it, but they don't always say no.

But the indigenous people in many other places can't use this method, because the Tang people simply don't want it.

No way, the aesthetics are too different!

For example, the indigenous people in the Nanyang region have been fighting against each other for so many years. They have already become paupers. They also tried to organize women of childbearing age to go to Datang to earn foreign reports to serve the country, but the people of Datang don’t want it.

But soon they thought of other ways. Women don't want it, but the middle-aged labor force should.

Of course, imperial law forbids any form of human trafficking.

But there are always smart people. The people of the Annan and Southern Dynasties were the first to find a solution. They are also civilized people in Annan. How could it be possible to traffic people? They only provide labor services, or simply organize their own people to mine.

For example, don’t you Datang people want to develop iron ore and coal mines? You Datang people are so precious that they are definitely not willing to mine, and your country’s laws prohibit slaves and serfs.

But you can contract the mining work to our labor service company. Our labor service company organizes manpower to mine, and the labor price is low!

Or we can mine our own mines and sell them cheaply to you Datang people.

There are many ways to cooperate.

Of course, this form is only limited to their natives, and this kind of thing will not happen in the mainland of the empire, because except for a very small number of special people, such as diplomats, the empire prohibits any ordinary aliens from entering the mainland, regardless of whether it is In what name.

The actually controlled overseas territories also do not allow such a thing to happen. The officials of the overseas territories are eager to use various methods to try to complete the localization. You also invite a large number of natives from other places to come and mine. This is not nonsense!

However, the earth is still quite large, and the Tang Dynasty cannot control all places, let alone places that are too far away. Even in the South China Sea, many local empires cannot be actually controlled, such as the Southeast Asia Peninsula itself.

So over the years, in the Nanyang Peninsula, in fact, many of the products exported to the empire have been industrial raw materials such as minerals and wood, and most of the production of these raw materials was dug up by their local official organizations.

This is also happening in the Americas, Africa, and India. In the past, the natives in these places captured prisoners of war and either killed them or let them go. As for mining, they didn’t need to dig out mines, but now it’s different. The Tang Empire's demand for any industrial raw materials is endless, and it has opened up acquisitions, which provides a market for these indigenous people.

By exporting various minerals and other industrial raw materials, and then in exchange for Tang Yuan, and then purchasing Datang's ordnance weapons.

Several indigenous countries on the Southeast Asian Peninsula have always done this. Later, many indigenous people in India did the same, and then the indigenous people in the Americas and Africa did the same.

Even the Spanish and Portuguese colonists in the Americas did this. They brought in many natives to farm and dig, and then sold these products to the merchants of the Tang Empire.

In fact, they did this before, but the various commodities produced in the past were shipped back to Europe, but now they are sold to Datang merchants.

The industrialization of the Datang Empire and the huge local population have absorbed all kinds of commodities from all over the world in an endless trend, whether it is agricultural products or industrial raw materials.

The only thing you don't need are slaves.

This is also the biggest difference between Datang and other countries in the Age of Great Navigation. Other countries practice slavery, but the Datang Empire does not!

However, Li Xuan still supports and encourages the people of the empire to marry women of different races, which is the same as the Fusang intermarriage policy.

If the war in Europe really reaches an extremely tragic level in the future, even if it is for humanitarian reasons, he will encourage the people of the Tang Dynasty to lend a helping hand to rescue the European women of reproductive age.

After all, if one party is in difficulty, all parties support it!

The current situation in Europe is more complicated, and the Empire is not willing to interfere too much in the situation in Europe, or cause the relationship between the Empire and several major European countries to deteriorate.

The Datang Empire is a peaceful and benevolent country. It will never easily launch a war against a country to conquer the local area, so even if the empire has the ability to fully control the Atlantic Ocean and even land in Europe, the current empire still won’t go this way. Do.

Even in order to avoid overly stimulating European countries, the European fleet is even called the **** fleet of the ambassador to Europe as the fleet.

Of course, even without excessive stimulation, as more and more ships of the Empire appeared in the Atlantic Ocean, the agreements signed by the Empire with the Spaniards and Portuguese back then were already dead in name only.

The agreement that year stipulated that the merchant ships of Datang were not allowed to appear in the Atlantic Ocean, and the merchant ships of Spain and Portugal would not appear in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

But now, European merchant ships still can't appear in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, but Datang's merchant ships have already appeared in the Atlantic Ocean.

In the beginning, it was still to transport ordnance to European countries. Their European ships were too small and too slow, so they themselves asked Datang to help transport them.

Later, as the transport of ordnance became the norm, other goods were slowly started to be transported.

Then again, after the Empire opened up colonies on the eastern coast of North America, it entered and exited the Atlantic more aboveboard.

The Empire has colonies in North America. No matter how unreasonable you Europeans are, you can’t allow our Datang merchant ships to go to your The Europeans are naturally reasonable, the Spaniards and Portuguese, as well as Europeans in recent years England, a newly rising seafaring nation, expressed understanding and support to the reasonable demands of the Tang Empire.

Especially when the Datang Navy invited the official representatives of the above three countries to watch a live-fire exercise of the fleet stationed in Europe, they said on the spot that the ships of the Datang Empire had undisputed legal navigation rights in the Atlantic Ocean, even God, the old man. Nor will any objection be raised.

So now, in fact, the ships of the Datang Empire, whether they are merchant ships or warships, are basically free to travel to and from the Atlantic Ocean.

However, although the ships of the Tang Empire could freely navigate in the Atlantic and Mediterranean waters and other subsidiary waters, there was still a flaw that the Imperial Navy could not bear.

That is to say, in many sea areas of the Atlantic Ocean, the Imperial Navy lacks supply ports, let alone naval bases.

On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, that is, the eastern coast of North America controlled by the Empire, there is naturally no problem. The Imperial Navy can easily find supply ports.

But not on the coast of South America, where the Portuguese and Spaniards control all the places.

Also on the west coast of Africa, the Portuguese controlled most of the supply ports, and the Spaniards also controlled a lot.

When Datang's ships entered the Atlantic, they actually had to enter the ports they controlled for supplies.

This situation is acceptable for a while, but it is naturally not acceptable in the long run.

For this reason, the Imperial Navy has now carefully considered and opened up a number of supply ports along the coast of West Africa.

The high-level officials of the Imperial Navy had this idea and soon submitted it to the desk of the Holy Son of Heaven, Li Xuan.

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