Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1660: Take control of the Strait of Gibraltar

Rear Admiral Ren Zian is the second European Fleet Commander. After he came to Cadiz, even though he kept preaching that Cadiz was not bad, it belonged to the Spaniards after all, even according to the agreement between the two sides. , Datang's European embassies and territories are independent, can deploy troops, and do not allow Spaniards to enter.

But no matter what, this is still a Spanish place, and the place is too small, surrounded by Spaniards.

How can this reassure Rear Admiral Ren Zian?

So after he took office, he has always been seeking a new naval base for his fleet, a place that can be free from any interference, at least not by the Spaniards.

Because he also knows that the Empire intends to maintain good relations with the Spaniards, unless the situation in Europe is completely destroyed, otherwise, it is estimated that the Empire will not stimulate the Spaniards too much.

So he set his target on the southern shore of the Strait of Gibraltar, which is Morocco.

In Ren Zian's view, this Morocco is a group of barbarians, far more backward and barbaric than the European barbarians like Spain, and to deal with these indigenous barbarians, the Datang Navy has a lot of money.

Generally speaking, basically a shelling of the port is enough to reap the fruits of victory. If the enemy is more tenacious, then send the marines ashore to fight a wave, annihilate tens of millions of people, and basically the natives will surrender and seek peace.

At that time, it will be easy to find them for a port or something.

Of course, if you want to attack Morocco and then seize a port to use as a naval base, you still need the above consent.

Naturally, the Seventh Fleet would not refuse.

After all, it's just occupying a port. It's a big deal, and there's no reason to disagree.

If Ren Zian has the ability and directly destroys the Kingdom of Morocco, the Seventh Fleet will not say anything, but will give certain awards.

The superiors have fully delegated power, so Ren Zian began to plan a few months ago to capture a port city in Morocco to use as a naval base for the European fleet, and also to better control the Strait of Gibraltar.

The choice came and went, and in the end he settled on Ceuta.

It is a small port on the east side of the Strait of Gibraltar, on the south shore of the strait.

In fact, this port city was still in the hands of the Portuguese a few years ago, and the Portuguese occupied it more than a hundred years ago.

At the same time, the Portuguese were still at war with Morocco a few years ago, but after the Tatars moved westward, the Portuguese, like the Spaniards, focused their strategy on Europe against the Tatars.

Even if they don't want to, it won't work, because Datang is watching from behind. If the Portuguese are not willing to spend their energy against the Tatars, Datang will unceremoniously directly seize all the Portuguese colonies, and even support Spain's direct annexation of Portugal. .

Spain has always wanted to annex Portugal.

After the strategic focus turned to Europe against the Tatars, the Portuguese did not pay enough attention to the Ceuta region. Three years ago, Morocco launched a war and took the city back.

The Portuguese were quite angry about this, and sent troops twice to try to get it back, but they were unsuccessful.

One of the most important reasons for the failure is that the Tang Empire does not support it. The Tang Empire needs Portugal to concentrate on resisting the Tatars, and don't toss other messes.

The Spaniards also do not support it. They also need the Portuguese to concentrate on resisting the Tatars and reduce their pressure. At the same time, they are also interested in Ceuta.

But now the Spaniards may not be able to do so, because the Tang Empire, or more precisely, the Seventh Fleet of the Tang Empire Navy, wants to seize this city and use it as a naval base.

If it can be captured here, then build a naval base, and build a fort at the same time, it will be enough for the European fleet under the Seventh Fleet to block the Strait of Gibraltar better.

In fact, what Rear Admiral Ren Zian wants more is Gibraltar on the north shore of the strait. There is a better port and the terrain is better. If a fort is built there, the blockade effect will be better, and it will be easier to defend.

It is a pity that the relationship between the Empire and the Spaniards is good now, and he has no intention of turning against the Spaniards for the time being, so he can only dispel this idea.

Gibraltar can't, Ceuta can barely.

After identifying the target, he spent a lot of time collecting information on Morocco, especially the local hydrology and geography of Ceuta.

As far as he knows, there were still many Portuguese living in Ceuta in the early years, but after the Moroccans recaptured the city, there are basically not many Europeans left here, and they are basically new immigrants. of the Moroccan people.

In terms of the local army, it is estimated that there are about 3,000 troops in the army. As for the navy, only those few sampans were directly ignored by Rear Admiral Ren Zian.

However, the Datang Empire's current military strength in Europe is not much, it is just a European fleet, all of which are naval forces and no army.

The warships and marines currently stationed in Europe are all under the jurisdiction of the European fleet.

In addition to the battleship and the sailors on the battleship, there are also about 2,000 marines, but a considerable number of these 1,500 marines are in the form of consulate escorts, dispersed to various consulates, Basically every consulate will have a team-sized Marine Corps garrisoned.

Datang has a lot of consulates in Europe. Currently, there are eight consulates in Madrid, Lisbon, London, Paris, Rome, Constantinople, Stockholm, Amsterdam.

There are also multiple offices.

Just to protect these eight consulates, nearly a thousand troops were distributed.

Therefore, in Cadiz, there are actually only a thousand marines left.

In other words, this force actually exceeded the agreement between the Datang Empire and the Spaniards. The agreement stipulated that Datang could only station 500 soldiers in Cadiz, and could only station ships with a total of 3,000 tons. over a thousand tons.

But it didn't take long for that limit to actually be broken.

The marine force has reached a thousand people, and the battleship has reached the scale of two cruisers, four frigates and more than ten patrol ships. The tonnage of a single ship has already exceeded one thousand tons, and the total tonnage of the entire fleet exceeds one. Tons of tons!

In this regard, the Spaniards have also protested many times, but the Datang Navy has not birded them, so I will not say anything about protesting against the Spaniards.

The European fleet did not stay in Cadiz all the time. In fact, most of the time, many ships were cruising outside, escorting the merchant ships of Datang, or performing diplomatic missions of gunboats.

When the diplomats of the Tang Dynasty went there, they liked to go there by warships. In recent years, they have basically traveled to the coastal cities of Europe, um, except for some ports controlled by the Tatars.

After all, the Tatars have entered France now, and they are already serious drinking horses in the Atlantic Ocean. They also control many coastal port cities, such as the cities along the North Sea and the coastal cities in the Baltic Sea. All are controlled by the Tatars .

Of course, the diplomats of the Tang Dynasty cannot go to these places, and the Tatars do not welcome the people of the Tang Dynasty!

After all, the two countries are at war, and Central Asia is still fighting.

Because many ships of the European fleet of the Datang Navy have been operating in various waters of Europe for a long time, for example, they will go to the coast of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea to bombard the port cities of the Tatars.

Therefore, in order to win Ceuta, Ren Zian had already called the battleship back in advance.

However, there were not many troops going ashore, and he had to leave a part of his troops in Gasland for defense, so there were only six musket teams that could be assembled.

In addition, the sailors on the battleship can also be mobilized to fight ashore at that time, and it is estimated that two additional naval artillery teams can be formed.

This adds up to eight teams, with a strength of over a thousand troops.

In Ren Zian's opinion, this is enough.

The Tang navy has a lot of experience in fighting the indigenous barbarians. For an army like Morocco, which is still equipped with some arquebuses and mostly cold weapons, sending troops with a scale of a thousand people can be regarded as looking down on them. And it's on a precautionary basis.

If it were replaced by other bold generals, it is estimated that they would launch an attack with two or three hundred people at random.

When Ren Zian was preparing, the warship sent by South Africa for rotation also arrived, but a cruiser and a frigate expected to return to South Africa were left by Rear Admiral Ren Zian first.

Prepare to fight Ceuta before letting them go back.

After the fleet was assembled, the marines were also ready, and Ren Zian set sail with the fleet.

Because the Datang Empire did not set up any European affairs yamen, and the Datang embassy in Europe was just a simple diplomatic institution, but it had no power to interfere in operations.

At the same time, the Seventh Fleet has already approved his plan, so Ren Zian does not need to report to anyone now, as long as he wants, he can assemble the army to attack Morocco at any time.

When the European fleet set sail, the Spaniards in the port didn't know why.

Cadiz is not far from Ceuta. If it is just a warship in the European fleet, with full sails and steam engines, it can be reached without a day.

But this time it wasn't just a battleship, Ren Zian also brought a lot of troop transport and supply ships.

Some of these ships are the navy's own transport ships, some are the Tang merchant ships temporarily requisitioned in the port of Cadiz, and some are simply hired Spanish galleons.

The boats are different and the speed is different, so they run a little slower.

But no matter how slow it was, it only took two days to reach Ceuta.

When the Moroccans in Ceuta saw a huge Tang fleet coming out of the port, and several of the leading ships were still big steel ships spraying black mist, many people were terrified.

Why did those Tang people come to Ceuta in such a big battle?

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