Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1733: Annan moved to Africa

Whether it is the age of sailing or the age of steam, even after the large-scale application of railways, the transportation role of inland rivers has always been very large.

The Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta can develop, and the inland river radiation capacity brought by the Yangtze River and Pearl River basins is very important.

When Guangxi moved the provincial capital from Guilin to Guiping, it was also out of this economic consideration.

This shows how important transportation is to the development of a place.

And now, Guangxi is also preparing to build the Lianliu Railway, hoping to create another external transportation channel for Guangxi.

As long as the railway is built, a large amount of goods can enter Lianzhou Port through this railway, and then be transported to vast markets around the country by ships in Lianzhou Port.

This will further reduce the cost of cargo transportation in parts of Guangxi.

There are actions here in Guangxi, as well as in other places such as Yunnan.

And coincidentally, it is also a railway construction plan.

After all, although the Datang Empire has planned the Southwest Railway from the overall level, the Southwest Railway will reach Kunming all the way.

But for Yunnan, they are going to build a new railway, a railway that will allow Yunnan to get closer to the sea.

In the end, they chose to choose, and they proposed the railway plan from Kunming to Shenglong.

However, there is a problem, that is, the place where Shenglong is located is not yet the control area of ​​the Tang Dynasty.

And this Shenglong is the capital of the Annan Mo Dynasty...

Although under the infiltration control of the Tang Dynasty for many years, this Mo Dynasty has been regarded as a false name, but it still retains the name of the indigenous dynasty.

Datang wants to build a railway in their capital and through part of Mo Dynasty's territory. Mo Dynasty doesn't really have any opinion. You can repair it if you like it, and it will be good for them, so in fact, Mo Dynasty is still very welcome. , and even expected Datang to come to them to repair the railway.

But the problem is that Datang's import and export restrictions are too strict.

It is almost impossible to build railways on native land.

But the Tang people are all good people!

They saw how the people of the Mo Dynasty had been through such hardships in recent years, with constant wars and turmoil, and people's livelihood had withered to the point that only a few hundred thousand people remained from the millions of people in the early days.

So the Datang people decided to help them, so the Datang diplomats approached Mo Chao and said.

In recent years, your life has been very hard. Do you have any ideas to change your country or something? The world is so big, in fact, many places can go to establish a country.

When Mo Chaoren heard this, he said, oh my god, the people of the Tang Dynasty are so nice, they even plan to help them move!

In the end, they happily agreed, and they said that Annan was a broken place. They really had enough, and they went to the distance to find ideals and freedom.

Not to mention, this time Datang people really did not use the name of military exercises to get a vote of troops to go to Thanglong to shoot artillery.

This time, the Datang diplomat just mentioned it casually, and actually didn't say that Mo Chao agreed.

But they underestimated Mo Chaoren's desire for the distance!

Or the desire for freedom and life!

Because there is a neighbor like Datang on the side, Mo Chaoren can be said to be one of the most hard-working indigenous countries in the world.

How hard it was, Mo Chao's monarch and minister said it was all bitter tears.

In the past two years, Mo Chaoren has not even been able to do such a business as labor dispatch, because Datang people have set up a Nanyang labor service company.

It's so sad anyway!

Li Xuan was stunned when Mo Chaoren promised to go to other places to build a country.

To be honest, he really hadn't thought about this kind of operation!

Can this country be re-established in another place? No matter how you look at it, it's nonsense, but the reality is what happened.

But since it happened, and Li Xuan also feels that there are many benefits, in this way, it doesn't matter what the Thanglong Railway is. The most important thing is that this seems to greatly reduce the difficulty of localization of the Nanyang Peninsula.

Because the Nanyang Peninsula is too complicated, there is basically no extravagant hope for the localization of the Tang Dynasty in the Nanyang Peninsula these years.

In fact, if Datang is willing to annex the countries of the Nanyang Peninsula, in fact, the local people and even the powerful are very happy, because this also means that they also become Datang people.

The specific situation is the same as between the United States and Mexico in the future. If the United States annexes Mexico, Mexicans will surely wake up from their dreams!

But the Tang Dynasty is not stupid, and it will not accept millions of natives to become a member of the empire's subjects for no reason.

Therefore, if Datang wants to annex the Nanyang Peninsula, there will be no military and political obstacles, and the local people will welcome it!

But Datang is not happy!

Datang's expansion policy has always been that it only requires land and no people!

If it is the land to bring people, Datang would rather not!

In this way, it is actually very hard for the countries of the Southeast Asia Peninsula. There are frequent internal wars between various The people's lives are difficult, and the population is falling again and again. no more than three million people.

Now, the people of Datang have given them a suggestion, saying that they can go to other places overseas to re-establish their country, which must be a good thing for them, a great thing.

This kind of thing, do not have to think about it at all, just agree to it.

However, it was Datang's turn to be stunned!

You agreed directly like this, which makes it difficult for us to do it too.

Our army is ready. Once you refuse, we will enter the Thanglong, and then merge the entire Thanglong and other areas into the local area, and then build the railway. This whole process has been played a lot by the Tang Dynasty, and he is very skilled.

But you agreed directly, which made many diplomats and generals in Datang feel a little stunned.

What's next?

Looking at the report submitted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Li Xuan was dumbfounded!

What else can I do, let Mo Chaoren find a place to migrate!

People have given up even the land, and they only want to stay far away from their Tang Dynasty. If they don't agree, it will appear that their Tang Dynasty is too inhumane.

And the people of the Tang Dynasty are all good people, and it is absolutely impossible for them to refuse.

The point is to move there!

Li Xuan turned the globe, then turned a few times, and finally pointed to a piece of land along the coast of Africa!

"Let them go here, and it is estimated that they can't get the money for their ferry tickets. Give them a preferential price and use some of the assets they left behind to make up for it!"

If the people of Mo Chao wanted to change their place and re-establish their country, Datang had to find a place for them and even help with transportation.

This matter made Li Xuan feel a little nonsense.

What's more nonsense is that when Li Chao in southern Annan heard about this, he even sent someone over to ask if you could change our place too!

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