Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 187: The thieves flee in a hurry

There aren't any mufflers or flash suppressors these days, and there is quite a lot of movement when the guns are fired.

Every shot of the gun will always bring a loud noise and accompanying white smoke. Relatively speaking, the muzzle flame is not seen much in broad daylight.

Therefore, it is difficult for the musketeers to use firearms to maintain concealment during battles. Even if you hide in secret, at the moment of firing, it is equivalent to directly telling the enemy your position.

When Ying Tianhu heard the gunshots, he immediately followed the source of the sound and looked to the left. In his sight was a low hillside, and behind the hillside stood a row of densely packed musketeers. .

Pseudo Tang Bandit Army!

There is no doubt that these people are the fire gun soldiers in the pseudo-Tang bandit army they have been pursuing in the past two days!

Ying Tianhu didn't have time to think, so he just shouted: "Everyone gets down, all those who don't want to die are for Lao Tzu!"

This is not to say that you can't beat and surrender, but to avoid the bullets of the pseudo-Tang bandit army!

In fact, there is no need to shout at Tianhu, these more than 100 Ming soldiers have already fallen in response to the gunshots!

Of course, this response was definitely not because the bullets of the pseudo-Tang in the thieves had hit them all, but to take the initiative to lie down and avoid the bullets.

After lying down, Ying Tianhu raised his head and saw that the puppet Tang thief's gunnery hand on the left was about 70 steps away from them. This 70 steps was actually quite a long distance for the two armies to fight.

Even an archer can't play a big role at this distance, but Ying Tianhu is still not at all careless.

He knew very well that at this distance, even if he and a few of his personal soldiers wore armor, there was a good chance that a big hole would be punched out.

He has fought many times with the pseudo-Tang bandit army many times, but he is quite clear that the kind of long-fire gun in the hands of the pseudo-Tang bandit army can hit a long distance and has great power.

Not only did Ying Tianhu know it himself, but other Ming soldiers also knew it.

As a Ming army that has fought against the pseudo-Tang bandit army many times, Tongan Qianhusuo can be said to be the Ming army that knows the pseudo-Tang bandit army best.

The Tongan Qianhusuo fought with the Puppet Tang Bandit Army many times before and after, and some of them were victorious and defeated. During this process, the Ming army soldiers of the Tongan Qianhusuo also had a little understanding of the various tactics of the Puppet Tang Bandit Army. The first is to know that these pseudo-Tang thieves are all very thieves, and they will escape with a little trouble, and they will escape quickly.

Never give the Ming army a chance to fight head-on!

Secondly, these pseudo-Tang thieves especially like to ambush and attack the small-scale troops of the Ming army.

Moreover, there are dozens of armor-piercing bandits in this pseudo-Tang bandit army, all of whom are not afraid of death. From last year to now, the Ming army has suffered losses from these dozens of bandits several times.

However, all of the above are still within the understanding of the Ming army generals, even if the pseudo-Tang thief army is very chicken thieves, even if the pseudo-Tang thief army has dozens of armored bandits, these are nothing to the Ming army generals. .

But those long-fire guns of the pseudo-Tang thief army made the Ming army quite helpless!

The Ming army came into contact with the fire gunmen of the pseudo-Tang thief army on a large scale when they entered the mountains to encircle and suppress them at the beginning of the year.

Later, when the senior officials of the Ming army secretly investigated the breach of Longhua Town, they also learned that the pseudo-Tang thieves at that time used fire guns to shoot at a hundred paces away to destroy the morale of the defending youths.

After Fengjiazhuang was breached two days ago, the remaining people in Fengjiazhuang also found the generals of the Ming army, and they trumpeted the great power of the fire guns of the pseudo-Tang bandit army.

Not only can you shoot a hundred steps away, but it is also powerful!

In this way, it is difficult for the local Ming army to not be impressed by the fire gun.

Now that they know that there are a large number of firearms in the hands of the pseudo-Tang bandit army, the generals of the Ming army, including Ying Tianhu, will naturally figure out how to deal with these firearms of the pseudo-Tang bandit army.

They have come up with a lot of methods, such as wearing thicker cotton armor to resist bullets. I have to say that this method is actually effective. Although the defense effect of cold weapons such as spears and stabbing is very general, it is not effective against bullets. The defense of the Ming army is still useful to a certain extent, at least the fire guns equipped by the Ming army themselves are quite effective.

Datang's new army also captured a lot of this kind of cotton armor at the beginning, but later the Ming army faced by Datang's new army mainly used cold weapons. The armor was modified, and iron sheets were added to the lining to increase the defense effect against cold weapons, making it a relatively primitive cloth iron armor and cotton iron armor.

But Ying Tianhu and the others also know that even thicker cotton armor is unreliable in the face of the kind of long-fire guns of the pseudo-Tang bandit army. Enough is enough, if it is within 30 or 40 steps, it is still a hole.

You must know that what Li Xuan made is not the small-caliber bird gun in historical time and space. Historical bird guns and Japanese iron guns of the same period generally have a caliber between 9 mm and 11 mm. In the era of flintlock guns, all are very typical small-caliber muskets, which are characterized by relatively high muzzle velocity and long range, but their power is quite reluctant.

The Mustek arquebuses used by the Spanish musketeers of the same period had a caliber of up to 20 mm and was powerful enough to penetrate two millimeters of plate armor at a distance of 100 meters. The plate knight or the heavy infantry with three layers of heavy armor in the East must kneel.

At the same time, the plate armor commonly equipped in the West promoted the popularization of large-caliber muskets, and the popularity of large-caliber muskets made the plate armor gradually withdraw from the stage of history, making the musketeers finally unified the battlefield.

When it came to the Tang Dynasty, Li Xuan naturally didn't know the history of the development of arquebuses. He only knew about arquebuses and flintlock guns. When he started working on arquebuses last year, he didn't set them strictly at first. How many calibers, how much weight and length and so on.

His request is very practical, that is, it can effectively penetrate the cotton armor commonly used by the Ming army at a medium distance. Only on this premise was the final caliber and barrel length and other data determined.

The last many reasons are that the muskets of the Datang New Army have determined the final data, such as length and weight, and the most important caliber: quarter and a half, which is about fourteen millimeters.

This caliber belongs to the medium caliber in the early muskets, and its power is slightly worse than that of the large-caliber muskets of more than 20 mm in the West, but it is much stronger than the small-caliber muskets of about 10 mm.

In the face of this medium-caliber musket of the new army of the Tang Dynasty, let alone these cotton armor, even the cavalry breastplate whose protection level has reached its peak in modern times cannot be stopped.

Ying Tianhu and the others have a deep understanding of this, so one of his personal soldiers died under this kind of fire. Iron armor, this level of defense can be said to have reached the peak in the Ming army.

In these days, the warriors who are in the double armor are often the most elite soldiers, and it is no problem to charge into the battle, but this personal soldier was killed when he was still forty paces away from the pseudo-Tang bandit army.

From then on, Ying Tianhu knew that he would either rely on the number of swarms to rush up to the fire guns of the pseudo-Tang thief army and kill them before they could reload, or just lie down to avoid the bullets.

Now, his choice is to get down and dodge the bullets!

The other party has No. 70 or 80 musketeers. It is really unknown whether the hundreds of people of my own can rush over!

In fact, if Ying Tianhu chose to charge, it would definitely end badly!

In the absence of a large number of archers to cover, if Ying Tianhu directly leads someone to charge, the musketeers of the Datang New Army dare to let Ying Tianhu and the others rush to a distance of 20 meters or even more than 10 meters, and then come to a close salvo!

After a close-range salvo from a veneer, Wang Shanxu would lead the musketeers to launch a bayonet charge. It is very likely that more than half of these Ming troops would be killed or injured on the spot. Under such circumstances, if these Ming soldiers under Ying Tianhu's hands did not collapse, these The Ming army is not the Ming army, but an alien.

Because most of Li Xuan's tactical understanding of the musketeers came from later film and television dramas, especially those British lobster soldiers wearing red robes, this led to the Tang musketeers trained by Li Xuan, and to a certain extent they were considered British A replica of the Human Lobster Soldier.

And how did the British lobster soldiers fight?

To put it simply, they have only one purpose when they fight, and that is to never fire the first shot!

Therefore, in countless battles, it can be seen that the seemingly rigid British lobster soldiers walked slowly to the muzzle of other people's guns in the grenadier march, ignoring that the other's bullets hit their comrades and sprayed themselves in the face Blood.

It was only when he reached a distance of twenty or thirty meters in front of the house that he would raise his gun and shoot.

And in most cases, they only fired one shot, because after their salvo, most of the opponents had suffered heavy casualties, and then they would directly launch a bayonet charge to directly defeat the opponent with bayonet melee.

Watching them fight is like watching them drinking afternoon tea. It's a relaxed and leisurely Compared with the army of other countries fighting and shouting and killing, it is a heaven and a ground.

Of course, it doesn't mean that they fight like this to be awesome. Many times they will be beaten, but people don't care and insist on fighting like this from beginning to end.

Under the training of Li Xuan, the current Datang New Army also focuses on training the 20-meter volley and the bayonet charge.

Therefore, the two musket teams of the Datang New Army are not really good at multi-row round shots at medium and long distances, but salvos at close range and bayonet charges!

But Ying Tianhu was afraid of death, so he immediately let the soldiers lie down to avoid him, instead of directly leading him to rush up, it can be said that he directly saved the lives of himself and these Ming soldiers.

After the gunshots on the opposite side stopped, the white smoke dissipated, and after confirming that the musketeers had run away several hundred meters, Ying Tianhu stood up and immediately drew his waist knife: "Kill!"

After shouting various slogans and chasing people for dozens of meters, he stopped, and then sent someone to report to Diao Leixun at the rear: The subordinates were ambushed by the thief army, and the humble leader personally led the army to fight back hard. The enemy fled in a hurry.

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