Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 2046: Holy Son of Heaven

Not to mention Edward couldn't understand the many thoughts of the Holy Son of Heaven Li Xuan, even the people inside the Tang Empire couldn't understand it.

For example, the global vassal lord system of the Datang Empire, in fact, many people do not understand why Li Xuan created such a vassal lord system with such a big hidden danger.

In the 42nd year of Xuanping, Li Xuan officially named the thirteenth son of the emperor as the king of Wei, and granted the Egyptian province under the Red Sea Affairs Yamen as his fief.

This is not to mention that in the past two years, the fiefs of the eldest son of the emperor Qi Wang, the second son of the emperor Zhao Wang, and the third son of the emperor Qin Wang have been adjusted.

In the past, King Qi's fief was in Beihai Province. This place was too close to the mainland. In the early years, King Qi thought that if things changed, he could quickly kill the mainland mainland, but later he felt that it was too close to the mainland. , It is not safe at all. It has been active all these years in order to change the fief.

Don't want to be close to the mainland like Beihai Province, it's better to be far away, such as America, Europe and even West Asia.

In addition, in the past few years, Li Xuan has also been dedicated to building Beihai Province and the entire Nanyang region into a local hinterland, and the local hinterland naturally cannot be a fief.

Therefore, the fiefs of the three princes were successively adjusted.

The eldest son of the emperor, King Qi, moved to the Indian state of Pomu, which is quite large.

The second son, King Zhao, moved his domain to Beiwan Province in North America.

The third son of the emperor, King Qin, moved to the West African province. This West African province is not only a city of Ceuta. In fact, the scope now includes the entire Northwest African region and some coastal islands, and the entire Kingdom of Morocco belongs to it.

At present, including the thirteen sons of the emperor, there are already ten princes who have been in various places.

The eldest son, King Qi, is a vassal of Bomu, India; the second son, King Zhao, is a vassal of North Bay Province, North America; the third son, King Qin, is a vassal of West Africa; the fifth son, King Jin, is a vassal of Jinshan Province, North America; Lake Province, the seventh son of the emperor, the king of Song, the South River province of North America, the ninth son of the emperor, the king of Lu, the South American province of Pula, the eleventh son of the emperor, the king of Ning, the province of Africa and South Africa, the twelfth son of the emperor, the king of Wu, the state of Gehe, India, the thirteenth son of the emperor, Wei Wang Jufan was in Egypt province in North Africa.

In addition, there are fourteen sons, fifteen sons, seventeen sons, and nineteen sons. Although they are still young, they have not been conferred a prince or a fief, but this is a matter of time, and the local Li Xuan has already been selected. After the fourteenth son, he will go to South America. After the fifth son, he went to Central America, and after the seventeenth son, he went to West Asia.

The nineteenth son is quite special. This son is the son of the Holy Son of Heaven and the Spanish princess, the Grand Duchess of Chile, Elizabeth. In the future, he will directly inherit the Principality of Chile and other parts of Elizabeth's fiefs and properties. At the same time, he also owns the entire Kingdom of Spain, Portugal and many other fiefs. The inheritance rights of the messy fiefs, but the order of inheritance is relatively low.

It can be seen from Li Xuan's canonization of these princes that they have been canonized to the Americas, Africa, India, West Asia and other regions.

In the mainland, including the local area of ​​Nanyang, and even Australia, there are no vassal kings. At the same time, there are no vassal kings in Europe. However, if there are more sons in the future, it is estimated that Europe will be divided.

Li Xuan did this for a purpose that the prince could not understand.

You said that you wanted to let these vassal kings go outside and build their own countries and rebels. You didn't see Li Xuan's promise. Instead, there were many restrictions.

At the same time, Li Xuan did not say that the power of the vassal kings was too restrictive. He turned a blind eye to the vassal kings' own control of the palace guards, not to mention that he directly gave the vassal kings land salaries. Although the proportion of this thing is a little less, it can also allow the kings to control a large amount of local financial revenue.

How to say it, Li Xuan gave the vassal kings troops and funds, and also allowed the vassal kings to form a team of staff of the royal palace!

When the three princes moved to the clan, Li Xuan even allowed them to relocate with the entire staff of the palace and the palace guards of several thousand people.

But the vassal kings were not allowed to go too far.

This method is like planting a seed, watering and fertilizing it to make the seed germinate, but holding it down doesn't allow the seed to grow taller...

However, the dozen or so overseas vassal lords still have talents under their commanders, and vassal lords who want an army with an army and even money. This is like laying more than a dozen incomparably huge landmines for the Tang Empire. It will explode at any time.

But other people don't understand it's fine, and Li Xuan doesn't need them to understand.

After all, not everyone will be the same as Li Xuan, knowing that industrialization will bring a series of problems of consciousness awakening, and then bring a lot of messy problems.

It's not good to say, I can't tell when the Datang people will start to play revolution...

In order to avoid various problems in the future, Li Xuan took precautions and put eggs in different baskets, not two or three, but a dozen or more.

Many of Li Xuan's ideas are ahead of this era, so outsiders don't really understand what he does, but it doesn't matter.

Just as he wanted to develop the economy and reduce the food index, people like Edward couldn't understand why Li Xuan did this.

In Edward's opinion, this kind of thing is purely thankless, and after spending so much effort to feed the pariahs, it is estimated that the pariahs are even more tossing.

But Li Xuan felt that making all Datang people have enough to eat and live a prosperous life is a thing that can greatly satisfy himself.

When the emperor has reached the point of Li Xuan, in fact, there is nothing to pursue.

The current Datang Empire is already a veritable empire on which the sun never sets. It has extensive territories all over the world. Most of the Americas have become the territory of Datang. At the same time, in recent years, Datang has continued to contact the Spaniards and is preparing to Other American colonies controlled by Spain were also acquired.

And don't doubt the odds of success.

As long as Datang wants to do this, UU reading www.uukanshu. It is impossible for com to fail, Datang was just too lazy to do it before!

Perhaps in a few years, the entire Americas will become the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

Today, although there are many indigenous peoples in India, Africa, and Europe, this is purely because the Tang Empire is too lazy to fight. The current Datang Empire has enough territory. Except for the military, other people in the Tang Empire are basically right. There is no interest in expanding the territory, and they pay more attention to their quality of life.

However, it is really about to fight. In fact, winning the whole of Europe is a matter of one sentence.

Opening up the territory and expanding the territory is no longer attractive to Li Xuan, but he still maintains a relatively large interest in improving the living standards of the people of the Tang Dynasty and improving the scientific and technological level of the Tang Dynasty.

How should I put it, he just wondered if he could see the modern society again in his lifetime!


Remember Aishang in 1 second:

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