Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 239: Expanding the army and setting up camps

Li Xuan has seen many people, and he has seen many people look angry and even resentful, but he has never seen such resentment as Ma Wei, even if he just tells it in a plain tone, he can clearly feel it from it. .

However, Li Xuan can somewhat understand why he is so angry!

Even if he offended the dignitaries, he was expelled from his status and banned from taking part in the imperial examinations, he was even chased and killed to the point of ruining his family.

This situation is no longer ordinary hatred, but an endless family annihilation!

With such hatred, if no resentment was expressed, Li Xuan would have to suspect that he was lying.

Only now did Li Xuan understand why he came to join the Tang Dynasty!

This person is full of resentment, not only for the powerful, but even for the government. I am afraid that he wants to take revenge in his dreams.

But he himself is just a scholar who is helpless. He is afraid that he will not be able to assassinate him. Such a scholar who is full of hatred, has no hope of revenge, and is even more driven to a dead end. When he sees What would he do when a rebel army was recruiting in front of him?

Eighty-nine times out of ten, they will choose to join the rebel army and carry out a vigorous rebellion!

Seeing him, Li Xuan inexplicably thought of those scholars who had taken refuge in foreign races, and then thought: Maybe this Ma Wei can become his own Fan Wencheng?

But as soon as he thought of this, he scolded himself secretly: Bah, Bah, I'm not an alien, an upright Chinese citizen, with Yanhuang blood, how can he compare himself to a wild boar skin?

You should think like this: Can this Ma Wei become his own Li Shanchang and Liu Ji?

Li Xuan didn't know whether Ma Wei would become his own Li Shanchang and Liu Ji, but he knew that today a serious scholar came to rely on him, but it was an excellent good thing that fell from the sky. Regret for months.

So he immediately nodded slightly: "Since Mr. Ma came to my Tang army, this hatred will be settled for you. The day when I, Tang, and Liuzhou, is the time for Mr. Ma to avenge his revenge!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Ma Wei again and said, "I am still short of a left servant of the Ministry of War in the Tang Dynasty. I wonder if Mr. Ma is willing to give in?"

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Ma Wei finally couldn't keep the arrogance and indifference of a scholar. He immediately took a deep breath, lifted up his tattered robe, and knelt directly on the ground: "I thank the emperor for his grace!"

The self-proclaimed title of a minister can be regarded as setting the status of monarch and minister!

At this time, Li Xuan also held back Ma Wei's dirty and smelly body, and stepped forward to help him up: "Aiqing, please get up!"

The names of the monarchs and ministers were settled quite quickly, because Ma Wei must have gone through detailed consideration before he came to surrender, and Li Xuan did not need to persuade them for a long time, which was much more convenient than persuading Yang Xiucai and the others before.

As a scholar, Ma Wei is also a former scholar. He knows more about the etiquette of monarchs and ministers than Liu Bagou and the others. They dared to ask Li Xuan to help him up. Li Xuan just stretched out his hand, and he just stood up.

This made Li Xuan a lot more comfortable. This Ma Wei was so dirty and smelled so bad. Li Xuan put his hand up to help him. He was afraid that he could not help but think it was vomiting.

At this time, Qian Mengjiu said, "I congratulate Your Majesty on your talent and beauty!"

Zeng Ziwen, a military general who has read the book, also said: "Your Majesty Hexi, now there is Lord Ma to assist my emperor. I, the Tang Dynasty, lead the army to the north, and sweep the Kyushu just around the corner!"

Li Xuan smiled without saying a word, as if he was in control, as if he could use his army to kill Emperor Zhengde tomorrow.

After Ma Wei got up, he took two steps forward and walked to Li Xuan's side. At this time, Li Xuan finally couldn't help it and said directly: "Come on, take Ma Aiqing to wash up and change clothes!"

Immediately, he said to Ma Wei: "Ma Aiqing, go to wash up first, and I will have a long talk with you later!"

Li Xuan asked him to wash up because he couldn't stand the stench on his body, but he had already cultivated to bury his mind in his heart, so that his subjects could not easily see his truth.

In fact, even if the Ming army rushed to the top of the city in Zhengtai County, when he was extremely nervous, he still showed the appearance that the Ming army was a scumbag.

Li Xuan asked himself that this ability to put on a pose was already rough!

And Ma Wei just saw Li Xuan only once, and he didn't know Li Xuan well enough. At this time, he thought that Li Xuan really cared about him, so he asked him to wash and change his clothes. He immediately showed a moved look and tone. He said solemnly, "I obey the order!"

Immediately, he turned around and followed one of Li Xuan's bodyguards and walked back. Naturally, someone behind him would arrange toiletries and change clothes for him!

After Ma Wei left, Li Xuan took the man a few steps forward, and then took a few deep breaths. Without Ma Wei, the air became much cleaner.

Afterwards, he looked at the recruiting point for another quarter of an hour, and after flipping through the roster of newly recruited soldiers for the past two days, he returned to his camp with everyone.

Because Liushazhuang is a relatively large village, but although the scale is relatively large and the population is large, it is relatively scattered. It is not concentrated in a walled village like Fengjiazhuang, and the families of Liushazhuang are scattered. live.

Due to the characteristics of Quicksand Village, Li Xuan couldn't say that he would bring all the troops inside the fence, because there was no fence at all.

In this case, in order to be able to launch the troops to escape or meet the enemy in a timely and smooth manner, the main force of the troops is stationed in an open space outside the and Li Xuan, for personal safety, is outside when he is outside. Never live alone without the army.

So he abandoned the houses of the big families in the village and lived in a mountain temple next to the resident.

Although the living conditions are not very good, safety is the first priority. He doesn't want to bring a small number of guards to live in those large families' homes for the sake of living comfortably. At the same time, he will not bring a large army with him for the sake of his own comfort. To the scattered and unsuitable quicksand village.

After returning to the station, Li Xuan continued his work today and discussed with the generals about the establishment and training of the army after the expansion.

However, it is said that it is to discuss with the generals, but in fact it is Li Xuan and Zeng Ziwen who are discussing. As for Fang Dongquan and Chen Tufu, you can let them lead people to charge, but let them do these complicated things and involve The evolution of tactics is very reluctant.

But they are also very self-conscious. At times like this, they usually just listen and don't talk, and they listen very carefully!

Because after the army is expanded, it will definitely not continue to use the current situation where Li Xuan is directly under the control of each team. It is no longer possible to effectively command thousands of troops in this way. A few days ago, Li Xuan had already proposed it in person. , a battalion will be set up on top of the team.

The key point of the discussion between Li Xuan and Zeng Ziwen is how to organize a battalion so that it can exert its maximum combat effectiveness and be the most suitable for today's new army of the Tang Dynasty!

But what Fang Dongquan and the others care about is how many battalions there will be and who will be the battalion commander!

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