Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 291: yield and resist

To the south of Zhengtai County, in Fengjiazhuang, which is less than ten miles away from Longhua Town, a group of people looked at the soldiers of the Datang New Army outside Zhuangzi with sad faces.

"Steward Lin, I'm afraid I won't be able to be kind this time, what should we do?" a middle-aged man said to an old man in white beside him.

After the old man heard his words, he did not speak, but continued to look at the soldiers of the New Army of the Tang Dynasty outside the city. After a while, he snorted coldly: "Damn!"

"The appetite of these pseudo-Tang thieves is getting bigger and bigger. They have already come to collect food before. I didn't expect that in less than a month, they would say what autumn tax to pay, and it is still such a high tax!" The old man said At this point, his voice suddenly increased: "What kind of family is our Feng family? Looking at the entire Xingquan Mansion, it is also ranked among the top three. Our Feng family's farmhouse has never paid such taxes!"

"This village is located in Zhengtai County, and Zhengtai County has been completely controlled by the pseudo-Tang thieves. Some time ago, in order to help the master keep this village, the old man has already donated a batch of food, but these pseudo-Tang thieves still do not Satisfied, we have to pay this farm tax, if we do, what will I have to explain to the eldest master!"

When the old man spoke, he looked a little sad and angry!

Since last year, their Fengjiazhuang seems to have been targeted by these pseudo-Tang thieves. They came and robbed them once last year, causing them to suffer heavy losses. A large amount of food that had been hoarded for a year was robbed.

After that, the principal on Fengjiazhuang's side changed, and started to build the wall, and also assigned a lot of weapons for the strong men to use.

However, during the summer harvest in the first half of the year, these pseudo-Tang thieves came to Fengjiazhuang again. After a battle, Zhuang Ding on Fengjiazhuang's side was undoubtedly defeated, and there were not many casualties. It's been robbed.

More than a month ago, Zhengtai County was completely controlled by the pseudo-Tang thief army, and their Fengjiazhuang was no exception.

And after seeing the strength of the pseudo-Tang thief army, these people in Fengjiazhuang have no intention of resisting, especially the tenants below, they simply ignored the requests of the stewards of Fengjiazhuang to bring weapons to guard the manor .

Why, among the many policies of the new army of the Tang Dynasty, maybe many big landlords, gentry and the like are very disgusted, such as paying taxes? Have these big landlords and gentry ever paid taxes? Now if the Tang Dynasty wants to collect taxes from them, it will naturally arouse their dissatisfaction.

However, small and medium-sized landlords and ordinary peasants maintained a welcoming attitude towards the policies of the Tang Dynasty, because many policies of the Tang Dynasty were beneficial to them. At least, all kinds of messy miscellaneous taxes were cancelled, and There are no officials who use various names to search for them. Although it seems that the tax on farmland and mu is much more than before, on the whole, their burden has been reduced a lot.

In addition, a very important point is that a large number of children of farmers began to join the Datang New Army. Inevitably, the families behind these soldiers will also have a sense of belonging to the Datang New Army. This sense of belonging does not come from how good the Datang Dynasty is. , just because their sons are in the new army of the Tang Dynasty, if their sons serve in the Ming army, they will also have this sense of belonging to the Ming army.

Not to mention other places, even the tenants in Fengjiazhuang, there are more than a dozen families with children who joined the Datang New Army.

Now if you want to make these families resist the Datang New Army, you are not beating yourself up. Maybe there are sons of your own in the Datang New Army outside.

In the end, the stewards in Fengjiazhuang only gathered fifty or sixty tenants young and strong, plus Fengjiazhuang's own manpower, which was less than a hundred people.

However, outside Fengjiazhuang, there were hundreds of soldiers of the New Army of the Tang Dynasty. They were wearing brightly colored and even ugly military uniforms, because an officer was riding a tall horse, and this officer was dressed even more strangely.

Yes, that's right, after the military uniforms of the new army of the Tang Dynasty were just formulated and attached, they made the outsiders feel ugly. This ugliness does not mean that the style is ugly. difference.

According to the military uniform regulations of the new army of the Tang Dynasty, the overall style of its military uniform still follows the pattern of tops, bottoms and trousers that have been used for thousands of years.

However, the details vary according to the military and rank.

In the case of the musketeers, they use a blue shirt, red trousers, soap-colored cloth shoes, and a dome wide-brimmed hat. The design is completely designed according to the requirements of the modern army. The color is very conspicuous, even in the smoke of gunpowder On the battlefield, you can easily identify the enemy and the enemy.

Based on the same consideration, spearmen, archers, and sword and shield warriors are of different types, but use the same style and color.

However, different arms will have differences in details. For example, the red trousers on the musketeers and artillerymen are pure red, but the spearmen, archers, swordsmen and other arms are destined to be eliminated in Li Xuan's heart. It is to add a black border on both sides of the red pants.

The cavalry is even more special. The cavalry will be equipped with an additional pair of long leather boots, and the material of the military uniform will be better.

The military uniforms of the officers are not the same. The hem of their jackets is longer, the buttons are copper metal buttons, and the whole uniforms are dark blue with long leather boots. Comes with an additional black cape for waterproof and windproof.

Conspicuous colors, easy identification, and uniform dress are the most basic and core requirements of the modern military for military uniforms. As for whether it looks good or not, well, this is naturally very important, but it is not important nor important.

And whether it is good to see this thing is a personal subjective feeling, some people think it is good-looking, some people think it is ugly

For example, Li Xuan himself often wears the dress of modern generals. Many people think it is ugly, but Li Xuan himself thinks that he is so handsome that whenever Li Xuan leads his army to fight, he wears the same clothes as the warlords of later generations. , um, just a pair of leather shoes that can brighten blind people's eyes.

But it was also strange. At first, Fang Dongquan and the others would inadvertently show some weird smiles every time they saw the clothes on Li Xuan.

But after watching Li Xuan wear it for a long time, they gradually got used to it, and would no longer secretly look at Li Xuan with strange eyes.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Li Xuan still wears Confucian clothes at ordinary times. Li Xuan still wears Confucian clothes in his daily attire, and military uniforms are usually only worn when he leads the army on expeditions.

As for the military uniforms of the new soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, in Li Xuan's opinion, they are also ugly. If he follows his own ideas, he can directly copy the military uniforms of later generations. Where is the need for such traditional Chinese characteristics? Modern military uniforms, the style and color are ugly to death.

But it is still the same sentence, whether it looks good or not is just a subjective feeling. When the new army of the Tang Dynasty swept the world, this military uniform with blue clothes and red pants will definitely impress people and be praised by people.

If there were still people who thought it was not good-looking at that time, it must be envy, jealousy and hatred!

Well, yes, definitely envy, jealousy and hate!

The style of the military uniforms of the Datang New Army has been set for a long time, but it was not until the last two weeks that they began to equip them on a large scale. This is because recently, the Datang New Army has obtained enough cloth to make military uniforms.

The last time Old Man Sun came here, in addition to bringing many military strategic materials, such as iron, copper, sulfur, saltpeter, etc., he also brought a large number of living materials.

These living materials are cloth, salt, and some other messy things.

Once these cloths are accepted, they will start making military uniforms together with the new army of the Tang Dynasty who collect cloths from other sources.

Most of these military uniforms were sewn by the villagers in Xikou Village and surrounding areas. Soon these military uniforms were produced in 6 sequels, and the troops were changed in order. The first one was naturally the new army of Datang. Absolute main force: 1st Infantry Battalion!

The second is the first mixed battalion, the second mixed battalion, and the next few infantry battalions and other troops will also be replaced in the next six, and the whole process will not last too long. Eighteen hundred soldiers and soldiers can all put on the new uniform.

However, because the supply of military uniforms is still relatively tight, the soldiers will only be equipped with one set of military uniforms for the time being, except for the officers who will be equipped with two sets.

Although there is only one set of military uniforms that is inconvenient to wear, there is no way to do it, although the Tang Dynasty cannot get so many cloths in a short time.

Nearly 4,000 people, one person and two sets would need 8,000 sets of military uniforms, which the Tang Dynasty could not supply in a short period of time.

At this moment, the people in Fengjiazhuang were just looking at the soldiers of the pseudo-Tang thief army dressed in strange At first, the old man in charge was very tough, and he closed the gate of the village and refused to open it.

However, an officer of the New Army of the Tang Dynasty riding a horse stepped forward and shouted: "If you don't open the door again, don't blame this official for being rude!"

As soon as these words came out, many people in Fengjiazhuang were weak in their legs and feet. Most of them had fought against the pseudo-Tang thieves, and they deeply knew how powerful these pseudo-Tang thieves were.

When the old steward heard this, he didn't know what to say for a while. He just wanted to be tougher when the person next to him pulled him: "Steward Lin!"

The faces of the other people are full of fear, which means that it is obvious, don't talk nonsense, if the pseudo-Tang bandit army really comes in, everyone will be finished.

Manager Lin was looking at the other people beside him, all with fear on their faces, and many of them had already retreated silently.

After a long time, I could only sigh: "Open the door!"

When he said this, his whole person seemed to have lost his anger. Opening the door meant giving in. How could he explain to the eldest man in Fucheng in the future?

But Manager Lin felt fortunate within a few days, and he was afraid for a while, because he heard that in the past few days, those pseudo-Tang thieves were everywhere, almost all over Zhengtai County, and they were extremely brutal. Large households who are willing to pay land tax.

One of the big households even organized manpower to try to rely on the manor to resist stubbornly. After being attacked, dozens of families and more than 100 people who resisted were killed and injured half of them on the spot.

This fully revealed the determination of the Tang Dynasty to implement the new tax system!

For those who dare to resist, the swords and guns of the Datang New Army will definitely not be polite! ()

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