Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 384: dangerous accident

In the past year or so, in the frequent battles between the new army of the Tang Dynasty and the Ming army, they also encountered many cavalry of the Ming army, and also seized a large number of horses from the Ming army.

The cavalry of the new army of the Tang Dynasty was actually built on the basis of the captives of the Ming army's cavalry!

However, he had never encountered so many Ming cavalry soldiers. In the past, even among the army of ten thousand people led by Song Zhiwen, there were only two hundred cavalrymen.

However, this does not mean that there are few cavalry in the army. In fact, there are quite a lot of cavalry or mounted infantry in the Ming army.

In addition, middle and low-ranking officers at all levels, many of them also have horses.

However, these mounted infantrymen were not concentrated, and it was difficult for the northern frontier army to have thousands of cavalry or even thousands of cavalry all at once.

Because there are many mountains in the southwest, large-scale cavalry combat is simply impossible to play, and cavalry is more often an auxiliary arm.

Just like the cavalry in the new army of the Tang Dynasty, they are actually used scattered!

The cavalry battalion, the cavalry in the guard battalion, and the cavalry in each infantry regiment are all cavalry. The total of these cavalry is not too small. There are more than 400 cavalry in total. Well, most of these cavalry are surrendered. The Ming army prisoners who came over.

These cavalrymen plus the officers who fought on horseback, the drawn horses in the artillery unit and the baggage unit, then the number of horses in the new army of the Tang Dynasty was actually quite large.

It's just that there are too many horses, and it is really impossible to meet the needs of the new army of the Tang Dynasty, so Li Xuan and others will subconsciously think that the new army of the Tang Dynasty has very few cavalry and war horses.

The previous Ming army and the new army of the Tang Dynasty were in a similar situation. Most of the cavalry was used in a scattered manner. In an army of tens of thousands of people, there might be one or two thousand soldiers fighting on horseback, but these two thousand people were scattered. When you arrive at different guards, pure cavalry guards are generally not set up in inland areas, so it is difficult to see large-scale cavalry troops.

Seeing the Qianqi of the Ming army now, Li Xuan couldn't react for a while!

And Hao Bainian, Li Chunjing, Fang Xitong, Wang Danxu and many other front-line generals saw the Ming army cavalry several miles away, and they all didn't look good. Although I will pay attention, I will not take it too seriously, but this time, the Ming army cavalry is a bit too many, more than a thousand cavalry.

And there are no more Ming cavalry behind!

This time, I'm afraid it's not a good fight!

Although they were all riding on southwestern horses, their ability to charge and fight in formation was very reluctant, but no matter what, they were also cavalry.

Just let them go around the rear to attack the artillery positions, or simply attack the infantry square from behind, then it is enough to make the new Tang army drink a pot, even if they can't rush up, or dare not rush up, but they will be extremely The big one is to contain the deployment of the new army of the Tang Dynasty.

With such a cavalry of more than 1,000 cavalry staring at the side, how dare you let the new army of the Tang Dynasty let go and have a decisive battle with more than 20,000 infantrymen of the Ming army. , then the trouble is big.

Zeng Ziwen was also a little stunned. He used to be a thousand households in the Ming army, but he knew very well the system of the Ming army's guards, especially the guards in Guizhou.

As far as he knows, there is no pure cavalry unit in Guizhou, but I heard that there is a cavalry unit in the provincial capital Fubiao, but the number is not large, only five hundred cavalry.

Not to mention Guizhou, Yungui even includes Guangdong and Guangxi. If you want to find soldiers fighting on horseback, you can find thousands of them, but if you want to find a pure cavalry force with a scale of thousands of cavalry, That's basically impossible.

However, where did the Qianqi Ming Army in front of me come from?

Although the distance is still a little far, they can still see that this Ming army cavalry from afar is not simple, and it is very likely to cause many unexpected changes on the battlefield.

And this unexpected change was something Li Xuan, Zeng Ziwen, and Hao Bainian tried their best to avoid.

Although the process of war is always full of surprises, most of each battle will not follow the wishes of the main general from the beginning to the end. Otherwise, the war will not be divided into winners and losers.

However, almost every general hopes that the process of the battle can go according to his own predetermined plan, because the successful completion of the plan means that the victory is already in his hands.

The Ming army cavalry in front of them was obviously not within the expectations of the Tang Dynasty's new army, and the resulting many results were also not within their expectations.

And this is very dangerous!

In this regard, Li Xuan turned his head to Zeng Ziwen, Hao Bainian and others and said, "While there is still time, immediately revise the scheduled battle plan!"

There is no need for Li Xuan to explain in detail why and what to revise. Zeng Ziwen and Hao Bainian have already nodded in unison. They know better than Li Xuan why and how to revise the predetermined battle plan.

At the same time, on the side of the main force of the Ming army, a middle-aged man in civilian clothes with a big belly climbed a small high **** surrounded by a group of Ming army generals. Tired man panting.

But even though he was tired and panting, this person seemed to be in excellent spirits, with a smile on his face!

"Lord Long, the Bronze Drum Acropolis is in front. Those people outside the city should be the pirate army of the Puppet Tang Dynasty. Looking at this, there seems to be a lot of them!"

The place where the Bronze Drum Fortress is located is not a remote valley. Although there are hills around it, the new army of the Tang Dynasty can hide their traces, but it is impossible to hide them all. After all, the reconnaissance cavalry of the Ming army is not a dry meal, even if it is only a distant observation. , you can find that there are thousands of pseudo-Tang thieves outside the Bronze Drum Fortress.

Of course, from such a distance, it is impossible for them to see all the deployments of the Datang New Army.

It is impossible to say that the tens of thousands of people are all clustered together, but they are scattered within a range of several miles in units of battalions and regiments. After all, the new army of the Tang Dynasty, which takes line tactics as the core, needs a certain interval to be able to maximize When all the firepower is exerted, even if the dense formation is lined up, it can also discharge a line formation that is several hundred meters long.

With tens of thousands of people gathered together, there is no way to fight!

What's more, they are going to play a raid, so naturally they need to hide a part of the troops, so that the Ming army can't all be aware of it.

The middle-aged man with a big belly on the Ming Army side still had a confident smile on his mouth, and then said in a breathless tone: "These pseudo-Tang thieves are quite courageous, and it is enough to besiege Tonggu Weicheng two days ago. Seeing my Master Wang arrive, he didn't even turn around and ran away, but this officer wants to see if their firearms are as sharp as the rumored ones!"

At this moment, Qianhu, an old man with a rat beard beside him, immediately showed a charming smile and said, "The pseudo-Tang bandit army has few major generals and few soldiers, although it is rumored that the firearms are sharp, but Mr. Long, you are already predictable, and it is already ahead of schedule. Gather the cavalry of our king's division and each guard station. Even if the thieves have sharp firearms, they can only put one or two rounds in front of the enemy. Absolutely defeated!"

"In this way, after the governor reaches Xingquan Mansion, you will be able to welcome the governor's car in Xingquan Mansion, Mr. Long!

Hearing the compliment from the rat-bearded old man Qianhu next to him, Lord Long laughed even more!

But after a moment, his face turned pale, and he said solemnly: "After rejuvenating Quanfu City, the first person to enter the city should naturally be Lord Zhu!"

That rat-bearded old man Qianhu's face froze when he said that!

But the stiff face didn't last for even a second, and he regained his previous expression, licking his face and continuing: "Lord Long, what you said is very true, the honor of being the first to step into Xingquan Mansion City, of course, can only belong to the governor. of!"

"However, I am the leader of the North Road as the governor, and you, Lord Long, have won the trust of the governor, and have been entrusted with important tasks in the suppression of the false Tang thieves, commanding the North Road army and exterminating the false Tang thieves The credit of the army is inseparable from you!"

After listening to Lord Long, he laughed again!

Several Ming army civil and military officials next to them listened to the conversation between the two in front. Some people turned to look away, some people frowned at the back, and some people showed contempt.

A thousand households who fell at the end even muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "Shameless!"

After Mr. Long laughed, he turned his attention to the pseudo-Tang thief army in the distance, and then said loudly: "Go on, let the children speed up!"

When he spoke, his whole body was full of self-confidence, and he looked like he was winning!

At the same time, Li Xuanjun and his ministers from the new army of the Tang Dynasty discussed how to revise the battle plan directly on the hilltop.

The core element of revising the battle plan is to guard against the thousand cavalry of the pirate army!

It doesn't matter where this cavalry came from, but since it has already appeared, it must be given high attention. Otherwise, the situation that has been smooth sailing in recent months will turn sharply.

Although today's Datang Dynasty has increased its strength and its ability to withstand defeat, in today's strategic decisive is still unable to withstand defeat, even if it is only a small defeat!

They must defeat this Ming army today, and it will be completely defeated or even wiped out, so that they can free up their hands to turn around and head to the west of Liping House to deal with the more than 30,000 or even more Ming army led by Zhu Zhihai himself.

Therefore, Li Xuan and the others must be cautious and cautious, because they cannot afford the consequences of failure!

After the time entered noon, although the troops of the two sides were still far apart, hundreds of meters apart, and even more than a thousand meters away, but strictly speaking, the two armies had officially entered the stage of war.

At this time, if one side, like the striker led by Qiu Yu before, dared to make a U-turn and escape at the last moment, it would definitely turn into a rout with heavy casualties!

Therefore, at this time, regardless of the strategic deployment of the two sides, regardless of whether the leaders of both sides are willing or not, the battle will break out until the winner is determined!

Waiting for the afternoon, seeing that part of the Ming army had entered the effective range of his own artillery, Li Xuan issued the first operational order in the battle: "Send the artillery battalion to fire at the enemy artillery in front!"

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