Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 388: half barrel

Just when Li Chunjing suspected that the Ming army rushing out of the city was strange, Hao Bainian also frowned as he watched the approaching forward, and the Ming army had almost reached the effective range of his musketeers.

The reason why he frowned was not because of the heavy pressure of the Ming army's infantry. The cavalry behind the Ming army had always been like a knife hanging from the top of the head, and it would be cut off at any time.

That was a cavalry with a size of more than 1,500 people!

Once such a cavalry initiates an intensive charge, the momentum is absolutely huge, and if it is not handled properly, it will cause heavy losses to its own troops, and even the collapse of the entire army is possible!

As the actual supreme commander of the front line, Hao Bainian must take the overall situation into consideration, so although he saw the Ming army dispatched in the city, and Li Chunjing also sent a signal for the cooperation of the friendly forces, he did not let the 1st Regiment and the 4th The corps moved, especially the 1st Corps did not move even half a step!

The new army of the Tang Dynasty did not move, but the Ming army on the opposite side did. Naturally, it was not the cavalry that was roaming the rear, but their infantry and a small amount of artillery.

Why is it said to be a small amount of artillery, because the artillery units of the Ming Army were attacked intensively by ten artillery pieces from the Artillery Battalion of the Datang New Army during the advance process, ranging from more than 400 meters to more than 100 meters. The ten heavy artillery pieces of Tang Xinjun were almost staring at them, completely ignoring the other infantry units of the Ming army.

When the artillery units of the Ming Army entered a distance of about 150 meters, they gathered together and temporarily belonged to the twelve 150-pound battalion artillery under the direct command of Hao Bainian, also facing the advancing artillery units of the Ming Army. fire.

The shotguns fired by these twelve battalion artillery pieces could not destroy a single artillery or ammunition vehicle with one shot, but they were able to kill a large number of people.

When the artillerymen of the Ming Army pushed the artillery into a distance of 100 meters and planned to reload and fire, only one or two of them were left.

The reason why it has not completely collapsed at this time is because the artillery units of the Ming Army are relatively scattered, and it is difficult for soldiers to see the casualties of their comrades.

If a few people fell by your side and blood was flowing under your feet, it would have a great psychological impact on you.

But if the distance is several meters or even more than ten meters, and the personnel are relatively scattered, and you are still on a large battlefield with tens of thousands of people, then the psychological impact will not be so great.

Especially when there are tens of thousands of friendly troops behind you, you will become inexplicably braver!

In addition, the generals of the Ming army arranged a supervising team behind the artillery team. Dozens of artillerymen who collapsed and fled were slashed by the supervising team behind, and the rest did not dare to escape.

Of course, what's more important is that in fact they were on the road from more than 400 meters to 150 meters, and the casualties were not large. The solid shells of ten heavy artillery shells were so difficult for these artillery units that did not have a dense formation. The damage caused is limited, and the continuous firing of artillery fire is more of a strategic suppression, and the personnel damage to the gunner is actually limited.

But when they entered 150 meters, especially after entering the distance of less than 100 meters, the heavy artillery of the Datang New Army was replaced with shotguns. The heavy artillery fired shotguns, and their range and power were not 150 It can be compared with a pound of battalion guns.

What's more, the more than ten 150-pound battalion artillery commanded by Hao Bainian also shot the Ming army's artillery at this distance.

As a result, these Ming army gunners finally caused a large number of casualties in a short period of time!

In a short period of time, the casualties were so heavy that these Ming army gunners hadn't reacted yet!

After they reacted, they had already reached a distance of 100 meters, but at this time, when the last of them were loading and trying to fire, their hands were shaking!

Because at this distance, they can clearly see that the gunners of the Pseudo-Tang Bandit Army on the opposite side are already loaded and ready for a new round of shooting.

And the musketeers after the gunners are already marching forward with their muskets!

They stepped forward to the rhythm of the drums, with muskets already loaded and lit with arquebuses in their hands.

Walking in the front row were musketeer officers on horses. One of the young captains rode a brown Yunnan horse. Although his stature was small, his sturdy muscles held his uniform tightly. He wore leather gloves. With both hands grasping the reins, the other holds the command knife that has been drawn out of its sheath.

He trotted past his line on horseback, shouting from time to time, "Stay in formation!"

After his musket team moved forward about 20 meters, he suddenly held up his command knife and shouted at the same time, "Stop the whole team!"

Immediately, the musketeers who were walking at the same pace immediately stopped, and then began to consciously organize their formation!

The lieutenant officer continued to shout: "The first and second platoons raise their guns, and the other platoons are ready!"

Immediately, the musketeers in the first row were half-kneeling and raised their guns, while the soldiers in the second row were standing. The soldiers in the four rows in the back began to check their muskets to see if the loading was in good condition and whether the arquebus was lit!




After saying the word "shooting", the two platoons of musketeers under his command pulled the trigger in unison!

The lieutenant officer was still riding on the horse, and while turning his head to look at the Ming army gunners in front of him who had fallen down, he continued to give orders: "The third and fourth rows come forward and prepare!"



"The fifth and sixth rows come forward and prepare!"



At this time, his musket team adopted the most standard progressive rotation tactics in the new army of Datang!

The troops advance slowly while shooting at the enemy in rounds!

In this way, the tactics can avoid the scattered formation caused by the retreat and advance of the front and rear platoons of soldiers.

However, such tactics also have high requirements on the quality of the troops, because the closer to the enemy, the more dangerous it is, and often to the end, it is necessary to take the initiative to launch a bayonet charge.

At this moment, there is naturally more than one musket team shooting. In fact, on the entire front, there have been more than ten musket teams who have fired one after another, and more than a thousand musketeers are based on their actual situations. Fight with six-row, three-row, or salvo fire.

The spearmen are always accompanied by the musketeers to advance or retreat, giving the musketeers close combat protection.

As the musketeers of the Datang New Army opened fire, the Ming army soldiers on the opposite side also fell in rows!

There is no exaggeration, it is really falling in rows and rows!

With so many muskets shooting at dense crowds, the hit rate will be quite high. If a single musketeer shoots a person, a 100-meter person can hit the person. Apart from saying that you are possessed by gods, there is really nothing else to say. said.

But if you let a hundred musketeers hit a hundred enemies, the hit rate will be doubled, why?

It is thought that soldier A is shooting at enemy soldier A, and soldier B is aiming at enemy soldier B, but the final result is very likely that soldier A hits enemy soldier B, and soldier B hits enemy soldier A.

Although this is still not a hit in terms of the hit rate of a single soldier, for a unit, it doesn't matter who is aiming at who, but if the enemy falls, it is a victory.

In fact, what modern musketeers are fighting for is not the individual hit rate, but the surface hit rate. Therefore, it can be found that since the musket appeared on the battlefield, the generals have been trying their best to pursue greater firepower density.

The change from six-row tactics to three-row tactics, round shots to salvos, etc. are all manifestations of this tactical idea.

So when thousands of people shot together, even though the distance was a little farther, the hit rate was still quite impressive, and the Ming soldiers on the opposite side almost fell in rows.

A relatively unfortunate Ming army of about 600 people was almost hit by concentrated fire from several musket teams. The front row almost collapsed immediately, and even the second and third rows at the back. The soldiers also fell one after another.

In the end, these hundreds of soldiers were shot and killed in a short period of time. What will happen? Of course it collapsed!

Some Ming army soldiers cried and shouted, turned around and ran, while others lay on the ground and refused to get up again.

More than a thousand people, and even more musketeers have been put into battle one after another, and the killing effect is quite obvious.

For a time, more and more soldiers fell on the Ming army's side, as if they would die as soon as they rushed forward, and they had no power to fight back, but this was not the case, why?

Because the Ming army has more than 20,000 people!

When the musketeers of the new Tang army can shoot and effectively hit the also means that the artillery of the Ming army can also fire at this time and cause damage to the new army of the Tang Dynasty. The archers Will soon be able to fight back.

Even though the artillery units of the Ming Army suffered heavy losses during the advance, there were still more than a dozen artillery pieces that successfully entered the battlefield and fired after reloading!

Some of these Ming army artillery were empty after firing, but some caused heavy casualties to the new army of the Tang Dynasty!

Artillery, not only the new army of the Tang Dynasty, but also the Ming army!

However, these Ming Army artillery could not continue to fire for long, because the artillery units of the Datang New Army were still shelling them. At the same time, the musketeers of the Datang New Army, the first time they fired, also aimed at these Ming Army. gunner.

The artillery of the Ming army also fired 20 or 30 shots, but the artillery position of the Ming army gradually disappeared without the gun smoke when the artillery was fired!

There was a strange dead silence on its artillery position. A damaged cannon that was overturned was lying on the ground, and only half of the damaged cannon barrel was facing the sky, as if telling the cruelty of war!

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