Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 492: massive southward migration

Liu Bagou even blew the south to Liuzhou Mansion. Listening to his tone, it seemed that the Tang Dynasty would die if he did not move to Liuzhou.

That's right, Liu Bagou really thought so in his heart!

Nowadays, the main force of the Tang Dynasty is all in Guangxi. This army, and the main force has been out for a long time, even if His Majesty trusts Hao Bainian and other generals, but who knows what will happen!

In the past, Liu Bagou would still be worried about Li Xuan's imperial expedition, but now, he wished that Li Xuan would go south to Guangxi one day earlier, and then hold the army firmly in his hands again.

This is something that everyone has known for a long time, and they all agree, so no one has any objection to this matter. The only difference is how to relocate.

It's easy for people to go, but should the various workshops in Xingquan House be relocated together? After the relocation, what about the reduction in ordnance production caused by the shutdown?

Also, to the east of Xingquan Mansion is Huguang. Although the Ming army from Huguang has not come over yet, there is news that Huguang has already summoned a large army, and it is a sure thing for him to enter Xingquan Mansion in the west.

In this case, does Xingquan Mansion have to leave some troops behind to defend it? If you don't send troops, how can you protect the many workshops in Xingquan Mansion? Wouldn't that be taken by the Ming army!

However, if the troops are left behind, the troops will not be enough. If there are too many troops, it will definitely affect the subsequent southward strategy. After this, to attack Guangdong such as Wuzhou and Zhaoqing, relying on the existing southward troops alone is not enough.

Wuzhou is not Liuzhou Mansion, the terrain there is very suitable for defense, and the Ming army has a large number of troops, and even the city walls are extremely tall, so it is not so easy to fight.

If you go south, the holy car will definitely bring some troops, especially the third infantry brigade composed of the 5th Infantry Regiment and the 6th Infantry Regiment. This infantry brigade has always stayed in Xingquan Mansion and Liping Mansion. Everyone has long known that if your Majesty goes there, this infantry brigade will definitely follow.

Your Majesty has gone south, and this infantry brigade will definitely not stay in Xingquan Mansion and Liping Mansion.

However, after the infantry brigade left, the 1st Cavalry Battalion, the 1st Artillery Battalion, and the 1st Consignment Regiment would definitely leave, not to mention the Guard Battalion. In this case, there would be only one second battalion left in Guizhou. The Infantry Brigade is a regular army.

Then there are the 1st garrison brigade and the second garrison brigade.

Relying on such a force to conquer Guiyang, to overwhelm the huge Guizhou, and to guard against the Ming army in Huguang, Sichuan, Yunnan and other places, it is light to say that it is not enough.

Many differences made everyone a little noisy, and at this time, Li Xuan usually sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, and would not easily leave the court to participate in the discussions of the courtiers.

But now the quality of these civil and military officials is gradually improving. Even Liu Bagou, a fortune teller, has become more and more like a qualified official after serving as a cabinet assistant for so long.

This method of handling things is also quite old-fashioned. Like Li Xuan, he did not express his position easily, but let the officials of the military and the cabinet continue to quarrel, while he himself was constantly and muddy.

In the end, the civil and military officials discussed a solution that was not a solution!

The workshops in Xingquan Mansion can't be moved away, but they can't be left behind either!

The Ministry of Industry will move some of the craftsmen and some skilled workers in Xingquan House to Liuzhou, while the remaining craftsmen will continue to produce weapons in Xingquan House.

And the second relocation will be carried out in the later stage. As for where to go for the second relocation?


After all, Guiyang is the provincial capital of Guizhou, and the Datang Dynasty will definitely continue to march to Yunnan in the future. In the Yunnan-Guizhou area, an ordnance production base with a certain scale is definitely needed. Can't transport ammunition across hundreds of kilometers or even thousands of kilometers, it will worry the logistics department.

However, if the third time is moved, it is estimated that it may be on the Huguang side. In short, in the end, the workshop in Xingquan Mansion will definitely be moved.

No way, who asked Xingquan Mansion to ask for nothing, it is really not suitable for exhibition industry!

And before Xingquan House completely removes various workshops, the military will send some troops to protect these troops!

According to the combat plan of the Combat Department, when the holy drive goes south, the third infantry brigade and the regular army troops also follow, the defense of the entire Guizhou will be managed by the second infantry brigade, the first garrison brigade, and the second garrison brigade. Take it up!

And the early goal was set, that is, to knock down Guiyang first, and then fight against the possible arrival of the Huguang army!

Whether the army will continue to expand in Guizhou in the later period is certain, but that is a long-term goal, not now. Now, Guizhou's defense can only be handed over to these three troops!

Li Xuan also has his own thoughts on whether to continue to expand the army in Guizhou, that is, the regular army should be slowed down first, especially the regular army equipped with a large number of firearms.

Because the output of ordnance in the Tang Dynasty was limited, and among the two infantry regiments of the 3rd Infantry Brigade that accompanied him south, only the 5th Infantry Regiment was initially satisfied, and the 6th Infantry Regiment still held cold weapons. Woolen cloth.

Moreover, the two newly established Guards battalions in Guangxi and the two regiments of the Fourth Infantry Brigade also needed to use ordnance.

It is expected that in the next six months, the output of ordnance of the Tang Dynasty, especially the guns, basically needs to meet the above-mentioned new troops, and at the same time continue to maintain the guns and guns of the existing troops. The troops will lose ordnance in a war. After the war, some guns will be damaged more or less, and the same is true for daily training. In order to maintain the combat effectiveness of the existing troops, the guns must be continuously replenished.

In this way, if we want to establish a new army, we can only wait half a year later, especially when the workshop of the Work Department in Liuzhou City starts mass production.

The troops equipped with guns may not be established first, but more reserve troops can be established, and the garrison can also be continuously expanded.

These cold weapon troops do not need guns and cannons, as long as there are people who are easy to handle, cold weapons will naturally be sent from the Ming army.

Moreover, the reserve battalion and the garrison are actually very useful. The troops going to Guilin and the troops going to Qingyuan are not all the troops composed of the reserve battalion and the garrison, although they have a decisive battle with the large-scale Ming army. Points, but it is still possible to fight a dozen small-scale local garrison troops of the Ming army and ordinary young men.

Of course, this kind of thing is not suitable to talk about today, and he will directly order the various divisions of the Privy Council in the future.

Today's theme is still going south!

After discussing for more than a day, this imperial strategy meeting is over, and then the official relocation begins!

Each department went back to prepare for the relocation work!

And Li Xuan himself returned to the harem, and told the Queen Mother Bai, Dong Yunyun and others of the decision to officially go south in three days.

Naturally, they would not object to Li Xuan's decision. One by one, they began to instruct the maids to pack up their belongings and prepare to accompany Li Xuan to the south!

Three days passed in a flash. Early this morning, Li Xuan took the battalion of personal guards and members of the royal family to the station that became the Fifth Infantry Regiment.

The cabinet and a large number of officials also packed up their belongings early in the morning, and most of them took their families to the south.

As for the craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry, there are a large number of them, and they have been released since yesterday. The first batch of craftsmen and skilled workers to go to Liuzhou is about 2,000 people. The Liuzhou City has already started urgently, and the civilian use has been requisitioned. The house is used as a workshop, and these days, the workshop does not need any professional equipment, because it is all manual work.

The tools needed for some manual work are naturally carried by craftsmen and workers. After arriving in Liuzhou City, they can resume production immediately without delaying military production.

On the Xingquan Mansion side, there are still some craftsmen left, but they will gradually go to Liuzhou. In the end, the number of craftsmen and workers on the Xingquan Mansion side will probably only leave more than 1,000 people, their ordnance. The output is mainly to supply the troops in Guizhou.

There were also quite a few officials and their families who went south with the army, and there were almost 2,000 people in total.

These officials all know that when they went to Liuzhou this time, they would not be able to return to Xingquan Mansion in the future. The family must be brought along.

In fact, not only these officials and their families, but also many gentry landlords and businessmen who were connected with the Tang Dynasty all ran away with the army. Why? Naturally, they were afraid that after the Grand Master of the Tang Dynasty left, the Ming army would call and they would be out of luck.

For example, the Dong family!

Their family's direct daughter is the fake Empress Tang. If the Ming army comes over in the future, everyone in the Dong family should not expect to survive.

There are a lot of people in this part, and there are more than 1,000 people in So this time, just these people, there are almost 4,000 people, this team can be said to be huge!

As for the army, the 3rd Infantry Brigade, 1st Cavalry Battalion, 1st Artillery Battalion, 1st Consignment Regiment, Guards Battalion and other units will also go south!

The subsequent defense work of the entire Guizhou area will be undertaken by the 2nd Infantry Brigade, the 1st Guards Brigade, and the 2nd Guards Brigade. For the time being, Xingquanfu and other eastern parts of Guizhou will be undertaken by the 3rd Infantry Regiment and the 1st Guards Brigade. Responsible.

The army and the officials, family members, gentry, and businessmen accompanying the army marched southward from Guizhou in a mighty tens of thousands. They first went from Xingquan to Liping, and then went south through Liping to Guangxi and Huaiyuan.

After arriving in Huaiyuan, they will continue their journey south on a fleet organized by the Logistics Department and the Navy and other departments until they reach Liuzhou Fucheng!

However, the speed of the people is relatively slow. If tens of thousands of people go together, it is estimated that they will not be able to arrive in a month, so in fact, Li Xuan will lead the personal guard battalion, the fifth infantry regiment and the main civil and military senior officials to take the lead. South.

They have to arrive in Liuzhou as soon as possible and start work!

After all, it is impossible for the army going south to wait for a month or two in the city of Liuzhou, which will miss too much time!

The war will not stop just because Li Xuan wants to go south to Liuzhou!

Especially on the Guangxi side, after the collapse of Anjia Pier and the capture of Liuzhou City, almost the entire Guangdong and Guangxi region was shaken. It is said that the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, Wang Yue, was extremely angry and personally called Wei Yan to Wuzhou City and scolded him.

Then it is to fully mobilize the troops of Guangdong and Guangxi. It is said that even the troops from Guangdong have already started their journey along the Xijiang River into Guangxi.

In this case, the army going south can't just sit still!

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