Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 498: The coolest battleship

Of course, in fact, there are still differences between the military uniforms of the Datang Navy and the Army. For example, the military uniforms of naval officers do not have stripes on the cuffs that represent the military rank, but have epaulets on the shoulders that represent the military rank.

This situation is just the opposite of the navy and army of later generations. In the Tang Dynasty, the army's cuffs had stripes representing military rank, but the navy did not. No.

In addition to the differences in cuffs and epaulettes, there is another obvious difference: the trousers of the naval soldiers are not red trousers, but navy blue trousers that are the same as their jackets.

The reason is very simple. The Navy dislikes the army's blue shirt and red trousers. It is too ugly. Lieutenant Colonel Bao Yifen, the director of the Navy Department, once commented on the army soldiers' uniforms in a joking tone on a private occasion, saying one word. To describe the uniforms of army soldiers, it is: ugly, if you use two words to describe it, it is 'very ugly', if you use three words, it is 'very ugly'.

On the one hand, it is too ugly. On the other hand, the soldiers of the navy do not need to be like the army. They need to wear bright and conspicuous clothes to distinguish the enemy from the enemy on the battlefield with heavy gunpowder. Therefore, the soldiers of the Datang Navy are the same as the navy. The pants are all uniform in navy blue.

The battle for military uniforms between the navy and the army in the Tang Dynasty actually quarreled in front of Li Xuan for a while, but Li Xuan was too lazy to pay attention to these trivial matters. He was more concerned about the improvement of the actual combat effectiveness of the troops. He didn't care about the uniforms of the navy. How is the design of the new battleship.

After discussing with the shipbuilders from the Ministry of Industry and navy, they soon came up with the second design plan. It's not good. Li Xuan is about to lead his army to the east, but there is not much. The time is left for the Navy to slowly design the plan, and it must be determined as soon as possible. Otherwise, after Li Xuan leads the army eastward, he will not have so much time and mood to deal with the messy affairs of the Navy.

They didn't know that Li Xuan was actually more concerned about the development of the Tang Dynasty's surface power than the Navy itself!

This is not only because the army needs to use the river to move eastward, but also because the Guangdong and Guangxi regions are coastal areas, especially the Pearl River system directly connected to the South China Sea.

The naval forces of the Ming Dynasty were still quite powerful, not to mention the Zheng He fleet during the Yongle period, which was the largest fleet in the world at that time, enough to smash any other navy at that time!

Even today, the forty-two years of Zhengde, the strength of the Ming Dynasty navy is still not to be underestimated!

Although the naval forces of the Ming Dynasty are now being devastated by Japanese pirates (ps: the word at that time did not refer specifically to the Japanese, but to the pirates in the East Asian waters at that time), the rebellion of the Japanese pirates is getting more and more serious. The daring Japanese pirates have dared to go ashore and go deep into the hinterland to loot.

But even so, the Daming navy can still separate enough strength to repeatedly crush the Datang Navy 10,000 times, not to mention the Daming Navy, even if a small pirate gang comes casually, they can hang the current Datang Navy. !

Although the Tang Dynasty has not officially entered Guangdong yet, but as an ambitious emperor, Li Xuan will sooner or later lead an army into Guangdong and seize Guangzhou, and he will definitely have to fight against these naval forces.

Therefore, even if the current Datang Navy can only nest in the Liujiang River, a tributary of the Xijiang River, Li Xuan also needs to plan ahead and develop surface power first. Gotta do it first.

At least in the future, we must be able to stay at the gate of the Pearl River Estuary!

When he saw the new battleship design submitted by the Datang Navy, he found that these navy **** had finally come to their senses and knew how to strengthen the firepower of the battleship.

After looking at several of the ship types, Li Xuan picked out four of them, thinking that he could build some in small batches first, and then see if the equipment was built on a large scale for the specific usage.

The first of these four ship types is the main battleship that the officers of the Datang Navy are scheduled to use in the Xijiang River Basin!

Although the overall shape of the ship still looks like a strong traditional inland warship, it is already very different, because there are six artillery positions on the top, and it is enough to install 800 catties of artillery.

There is a gun emplacement on the bow that can install 800 jin artillery, and then there are two artillery emplacements on the left and right sides of the ship that can be equipped with about 300 jin artillery.

Five artillery pieces, including one 800-jin artillery, plus four 300-jin small cannons, this firepower is unprecedentedly powerful in this small inland river in the Xijiang River Basin. At least Li Xuan thinks that in the Liujiang River Basin, even In the Xijiang River Basin, this warship is estimated to be the most powerful warship. For this reason, Li Xuan specially named this class of warships a mighty and domineering name: Weilong!

The first ship is the Veyron, and the subsequent ships are collectively referred to as the Veyron class.

Of course, in order to install so many artillery pieces, this kind of warship also paid the price of being bulky, relying on sails for inland river steering and other poor maneuverability, and at the same time having a slightly higher center of gravity and poor ability to resist wind and waves!

However, it is not important that the maneuverability is poor, because this ship also has a lot of oars. When fighting inland rivers, it is not enough to rely on sails alone. You must use both oars.

This is the main inland warship. It is huge and has huge firepower. Of course, the cost is also high. If nothing else, the five artillery pieces above are not cheap.

This is also destined to be equipped with too many main battleships in this inland river!

If you want a large number of warships, you have to use the second design of the warship. This warship is much smaller. You can only install a three-hundred-pound cannon at the bow and stern, but it is better in its small size and fast speed. , the steering is flexible, and the price is cheaper.

These two are warships, while the remaining two are not warships, they are transport ships. These two transport ships are said to be newly designed, but they are actually slightly modified from the existing civilian transport ships.

The first type is relatively large, and one troop transport can transport more than 150 troops!

The second is smaller and can transport fifty people!

And these four boats all have the same feature, that is, the draft is very shallow, and at the same time they have traditional hard sails, and there are oars, which are used together.

Li Xuan feels that these four types of ships can be built appropriately. First, let's see how the specific usage is, and then decide whether to build it on a large scale!

And imitating the army equipment, Li Xuan also set a model for the naval equipment. The main battleship was designated as the Dragon-class, and the secondary battleship was designated as the Canghai-class. As for the two transport ships, there is nothing special, so no special is given. 's name.

After deciding on the specific ship type, Li Xuan didn't care about the follow-up, because the next thing was the Navy, the Ministry of Taxation, and the Ministry of Industry. Naturally, these officials will negotiate on their own, and then purchase or make their own put up.

If they have to trouble Li Xuan with these things, Li Xuan doesn't mind changing a group of people to be officials!

If these things can't be done, what's the use of the Tang Dynasty asking Er?

After dealing with this matter of the Navy, Li Xuan also put his focus back on the Army!

Urged the people from the Ministry of Industry and the Department of Logistics to distribute the last batch of artillery pieces from Xingquan House to the 1st Artillery Battalion, so that the 5-jin field guns in the 1st Artillery Battalion reached 12 and 7-jin field artillery. After the cannons reached three, Li Xuan once again led the army to go on a personal expedition!

The night before departure, Li Xuan had a family banquet with the Queen Mother Bai and Queen Dong as usual. Everyone was accustomed to such things as Li Xuan's imperial expedition, but he was told to be more careful, not to take risks easily, and put himself in the in danger.

Li Xuan didn't care about this!

Just kidding, if the situation is not good, he must be the first in the entire army to escape, only a fool would put himself in danger!

If the eastward advance fails, you can come again for a second time. If the army is defeated, you can recruit and train again.

But I'm not sure about I can go through it once, maybe I can go through it a second time, but although Li Xuan sometimes thinks this way, he doesn't have the guts to do it for himself One shot, and then see if it will cross the second time!

After appeasing his family, Li Xuan officially took many Hanlin members of the Hanlin Academy, as well as some officials from the Cabinet, Privy Council and other officials to board the ship the next day.

Along with Li Xuan, there are the 3rd Infantry Brigade, the 4th Infantry Brigade, and many subsidiary units, such as two artillery battalions, two cavalry battalions, etc., as well as a larger number of garrison troops.

They will meet with Hao Bainian's 1st Infantry Brigade after going south to Xiangzhou!

After a while, the army will leave the third infantry brigade and an artillery battalion in Xiangzhou with nearly 10,000 troops stationed there to prevent the Ming army from attacking Liuzhou, and Li Xuan himself will continue to lead the first army. The main force and the third army continue westward along the Xijiang!

where to?

Go guest!

Because there are nearly 10,000 Ming troops there who can threaten the Great Tang King at all times, Li Xuan is not willing to lead the army eastward, and there are tens of thousands of Ming troops who can threaten his rear, so before the eastward march , we have to annihilate the Ming army of the guests first.

Moreover, simply conquering the guests is not enough. It must be completely wiped out, or at least defeated. Otherwise, simply taking down the guests does not make much strategic sense. This Ming army can still threaten its own rear at any time.

Otherwise, Li Xuan would not have brought the main force westward. This is obviously a posture of all lions fighting rabbits!

Li Xuan led the army to leave Liuzhou, and then went south along the Liujiang River. Naturally, this could not be concealed from the spies of the Ming army!

Li Xuan and the others hadn't lifted anchor and set sail to the south. The fast horses of the Ming army scouts ran towards Wu Xuan like crazy! ()

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