Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 528: Shake the whole country

When the King of the Tang Dynasty conquered Wuzhou City, many senior civil and military officials failed to escape with Wang Yue. In the end, some of these people died or committed suicide. Tang Wangshi served and served the eternal sage Li Xuan.

Some of them were forced to surrender, and in addition, they were also unable to resist being captured after being injured like Shen Xiyi.

Li Xuan has always treated these middle and senior officials separately. Those who are willing to take the initiative to surrender will be reused, and those who are not willing to surrender themselves will try their best to persuade them. Anyway, it is not because Li Xuan values ​​their abilities.

In fact, in Li Xuan's heart, in the military, the Datang Dynasty did not actually need the supplement of the senior generals of the Ming army, because the combat methods of the Datang Wangshi were completely different from those of the Ming Dynasty, and those traditional cold weapon generals did not pass through. Systematic study will not lead to the troops of the Great Tang Emperor.

As for the civil service, Li Xuan didn't think it was necessary to use these senior officials of the Ming Dynasty. The officials who were graduated as jinshi were not necessarily able to do better than those officials who only had ordinary culture under the current Tang Dynasty.

As an official, the knowledge is just average. The main thing is to have a keen sense of political smell. To put it bluntly, let a dog become an official, and it can do better than a large number of officials of the Ming Dynasty. At least the dog will not corruption!

So sometimes it is not appropriate to call an official a dog official, because it will insult the dog!

Therefore, when Li Xuan demoted the Ming Dynasty, what he valued again was not their personal ability, but their political influence.

If a few senior officials of the Ming Dynasty surrendered to themselves anyway and made an open appeal, the resulting political influence would be enormous, and it would shake the resistance of more people. They would think, those adults are all You have surrendered to the pseudo-Tang bandit army, why do you still resist?

Is it possible to surrender like these adults?

Maybe you can even get a high-ranking official title!

After the Wuzhou City was conquered, the Grand Master of the Tang Dynasty dealt with these deceased officials in the same way as before, trying to let them go anyway, but even so, there were not many people who were really willing to surrender.

The few people who appeared in front of Shen Xiyi now, except one was the captain of the Guards who was in charge of guarding these senior prisoners of war, and the others were all descendants of the Ming army, both civil and military.

One of them is Zhong Guangjun, the commander of the Guangxi capital. This person once led the remnants of the army to fight with the Governor's Palace of Guangdong and Guangxi when the city was broken. Moreover, he caused a lot of trouble to the King of the Tang Dynasty. This is how the Governor's Palace of Guangdong and Guangxi was beaten ruins.

Later, because of the heavy casualties and the fact that the Great Tang Wang Shi also invested heavily in the attack, he was forced to lead nearly a thousand remnants of soldiers to surrender.

Because this person played well in the battle, he also attracted the attention of some senior generals of the Great Tang Dynasty. At the same time, he also thought that this person was the commander of the Guangxi capital and had great political influence. The high-ranking general of the Eight Classics, so that after he surrendered, Li Xuan met him in person and recruited him.

At first, he was shy and refused to agree, but after knowing that the whole family in Wuzhou City was still in the city and had been controlled, and Li Xuan's conditions were not bad, he promised that he would meet after surrendering. Give him the commander-in-chief of 3,000 soldiers. If he is unwilling to lead troops, then he will serve in the Ministry of War. Of course, a high-ranking official of the rank of Shilang is not to be expected, but he can give him the position of director of the Ministry of War. Can go to the Privy Council to be a senior combat adviser.

Zhong Guangjun naturally disliked the latter two conditions. He would definitely not have access to the real positions of the Ministry of War, and the consultant in the Privy Council behind him knew that it was a vacant post as soon as he heard the word, but it was worthwhile to let him continue to lead the troops. consider.

The words of 3,000 soldiers are quite a lot, at least enough to gain a firm foothold in this pseudo-Tang Dynasty.

The safety of his family and Li Xuan's promise to give him the actual power to command the army, so he couldn't hold back, and finally accepted the solicitation of the Tang Dynasty, put on the dark blue military uniform of the Tang Dynasty, and served as the new editor. The 14th regiment commander under the 7th garrison brigade was awarded the rank of lieutenant colonel of the army. According to the establishment of the garrison army of the King Division of the Tang Dynasty, a garrison regiment consisted of nearly 3,000 people. This shows that Li Xuan fulfilled his promise.

Of course, Li Xuan would like to give him a garrison regiment, and that's because Zhong Guangjun also took out his vote and went to persuade others to surrender together. The effect was quite good. Officials all expressed their willingness to pledge allegiance to Datang.

And he also wrote a letter in his own hand. The letter naturally said how bad the hypocrisy is, how good the Tang Dynasty is, and Li Xuan is the eternal sage who will not last for ten thousand years. Once you come to vote for prosperity and wealth, it's not a problem!

Then, through the channels of the Tang Dynasty, it was widely distributed all over the world, and this letter has now spread to Zhaoqing.

After Wang Yue learned about this, he was furious, because Zhong Guangjun was still the highest-ranking general in the Ming Dynasty who defected to the Tang Dynasty bandit army. They will all carry an unknown black pot on their backs.

What's worse is that even a high-ranking official like Tangtang's commanding Xia Shi has surrendered, and he must not cause more people to surrender!

Zhong Guangjun is so knowledgeable, and Li Xuan will naturally not break his promise. After all, recruiting Zhong Guangjun is also a lot of money to buy horse bones.

It can make more enemies take the initiative to surrender instead of resisting, just from this point, Zhong Guangjun is worthy of Li Xuan to win over.

Of course, the 7th Garrison Brigade has not yet been formed, and the soldiers of the 14th Garrison Regiment are still in the prisoner of war camp. The follow-up has to be selected by the Recruitment Department of the Ministry of War, and then after a simple training by the Training Department. Supplementary entry into the seventh garrison brigade.

Because his troops were just empty shelves, during this period, Zhong Guangjun's job was another task, that is, to persuade others to join the Tang Dynasty anyway, especially those senior civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty with great political influence. officials.

And Shen Xiyi, the deputy commander-in-chief of Guangdong, was an important target of his persuasion!

But as soon as he entered the door, he heard Shen Xiyi snort coldly: "Qing Ben Jiaren, how can you be a thief!"

Hearing this, Zhong Guangjun's face became a little unnatural. Rao is that he has already written a letter that spreads all over the world. Everyone in the world knows that he has betrayed the Ming Dynasty and joined the bandit army, but he was said that in person. Still a little stuck on his face.

But even so, he didn't react with anger. He came here today to persuade Shen Xiyi to surrender to the Master of the Tang Dynasty. As long as he succeeds, his credit will be huge.

Because Shen Xiyi is the deputy commander-in-chief of Guangdong, this level is higher than his Zhong Guangjun!

If Zhong Guangjun's surrender is at most a shock in the Guangdong and Guangxi regions, then once Shen Xiyi surrenders, it will definitely be a national sensation, even enough to shock the jaws of the adults in the capital!

A dignified deputy commander of Ming Dynasty, turned out to be a thief? It is estimated that no one will believe it!

But when Zhong Guangjun came to persuade Shen Xiyi today, the effect was not very good, even if there was a person next to him who came to act as a white face, saying that the Tang Dynasty had already conquered Guixian, and the Shen family was under house arrest. Shen Xiyi remained unmoved.

Therefore, Zhong Guangjun and the others did a futile effort, and when Li Xuan learned of this, he was also a little disappointed.

If Shen Xiyi also surrendered, then the political influence would be much greater, but he is unwilling, and he has no good way. After all, Li Xuan is not only a prisoner, he wants him to join voluntarily and serve the Tang Dynasty. Shouting, if he is unwilling to do this, he will at most just forge his documents for propaganda as before.

But people these days are not stupid. After Li Xuan had done so many times before, no one believed them outside. The parties did not show up in public and preached how good the Tang Dynasty was and how bad the hypocrisy was. It was hard for people to believe them. He has since surrendered to the pseudo-Tang so Li Xuan simply ignored it. Anyway, there are many people who refuse to surrender to the Tang Dynasty, and there are not many like him.

So Li Xuan personally decreed to detain this Shen Xiyi and other middle and high-ranking officials who were unwilling to surrender. If these people were killed, not many people would lead the army to surrender. After all, not everyone will surrender. The people who surrendered are all going anyway, and then they came to serve the Tang Dynasty. It is very likely that they wanted to save the lives of their subordinates and their own lives, but it was only limited to this. Let them directly serve the Tang Dynasty. Unlikely.

This is also the reason why so many middle and senior officials have been captured, but few are willing to take the initiative to take the initiative, and it is also the reason why Zhong Guangjun can be given preferential treatment.

These demoted officials can't be killed or used, so they are all guarded and detained first, and continue to stay in the prisoner of war camp as prisoners of war.

Of course, they may also wait until the day when the imperial court counterattacks back to Wuzhou, but when they see these officials, will the Ming Dynasty immediately kill these officials.

Although the crime of subduing a thief is a little lighter than the crime of throwing a thief, it is definitely not that good. For the Ming Dynasty, it should be dealt with seriously. Otherwise, everyone will follow suit in the future. Surrender immediately after the war is unfavorable?

Putting down Shen Xiyi, Li Xuan looked at the report on the handling of the Wuzhou prisoners sent by the Ministry of War. After reading the report, he finally smiled. Compared with the more rigid and tough demoting officers, especially the middle and senior officers, he still likes those Ordinary soldiers and prisoners of war, no, according to the Ministry of War, the preliminary results show that the treatment of this batch of more than 20,000 prisoners of war is still very smooth, and the soldiers who are willing to serve the Tang Dynasty may exceed expectations!

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