Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 549: The 3rd Garrison Brigade has undergone major changes

The Fifth Infantry Brigade is a new main brigade that began to be established after the Tang Dynasty moved the capital to Zhaoqing. The brigade is expected to be mainly recruited on-site in Guangdong, but the brigade only exists on paper for the time being. .

The expansion of the Tang Dynasty has never stopped, and the expansion of the regular army of the Tang Dynasty is not limited by the source of troops, but by weapons, especially the output of guns. Many times the troops are full, but the weapons Not enough, there are people waiting for equipment.

The 6th Infantry Regiment and the 4th Infantry Brigade are very typical examples. The 6th Infantry Regiment has been fully staffed for a long time, but it has never been able to wait for the guns it should have. It can only be equipped with cold weapons.

However, the Sixth Infantry Regiment, which is trained with firearms, is not as effective as any garrison regiment under the Third garrison brigade, let alone the heavy armored infantry regiment of the Liuzhou Independence Regiment. .

However, although these troops do not have guns and other equipment, their combat effectiveness has greatly shrunk, but the recruitment of new recruits in the Tang Dynasty will not stop. In addition to supplementing the existing troops, the extra part of the recruits is naturally Used to form new troops.

In addition to the urgent need to expand the army, the establishment of the Fifth Infantry Brigade is also related to the soldiers themselves.

Because the recruits recruited by the Ministry of War cannot be randomly added, because there will be problems of language barriers and even different living habits.

This difference caused great trouble for the army troops of the Datang King Division to replenish their troops!

The recruits of many troops can only be recruited in fixed areas.

At present, the soldiers recruited in Guizhou are basically only supplemented to the troops under the Second Army, especially the Second Infantry Brigade. Case.

The soldiers recruited in Guangxi are divided into two categories, one part is the new recruits, these recruits are supplemented to the 4th Infantry Brigade, while the ordinary Han recruits are supplemented to the 3rd Infantry Brigade and the 1st Infantry Brigade.

Among them, the source of recruits for the First Army is more complicated. At first, they were all Guizhou soldiers. Later, as the war progressed, after a large number of wounded, a large number of Guangxi Han soldiers were added. Basically, half of the soldiers are from Guizhou, and half are from Guangxi.

Even so, in fact, many soldiers in the army still have different languages. In order to completely solve this problem, the Ministry of War recruits new recruits, the Training Department trains new recruits, and when the Operations Department replenishes new recruits, the recruits are often assigned to the same county, the same Government to organize.

Therefore, this situation occurs in many troops. The soldiers in a team are often from the same county, and the troops in a battalion are often from the same prefecture. It is rarely said that soldiers from different counties appear in a team at the same time.

Although this will inevitably lead to the phenomenon of hilltopism, Li Xuan is not stupid. Naturally, he has guarded against such a situation from the beginning, and this prevention is the literacy class in the army.

Li Xuan wants to use the Mandarin of later generations directly, but considering that Nanjing Mandarin is the standard Mandarin used in China, let alone other people, even Li Xuanhe Liu Bagou and the others used this Nanjing mandarin dialect.

There is no way, all the scholars in the world communicate in Nanjing Mandarin. If you, Li Xuan, suddenly come up with a Mandarin that is a fusion of the Yuan Dynasty Beijing dialect and Nanjing Mandarin, who can understand it except Li Xuan. This bird song...

This literacy class teaches literacy and Mandarin, and with the forced promotion of Mandarin in the army, many veterans who have served for a long time can speak some simple Mandarin.

After these soldiers can speak Mandarin, there is no need to worry about the language difference in the follow-up, and then Li Xuan can play mix and match.

The difference in language and living habits caused great trouble when the Tang Wangshi organized various troops. On the contrary, the Ming army would not have this problem, because their Weisuo army was originally a field army, and the soldiers All in the same place.

Even if it is recruiting soldiers, it is recruiting soldiers from one place and compiling them into one piece and sending them to the battlefield. There is basically no piecemeal supplementary problem.

But the Datang Dynasty will not work, because the number of the troops of the Datang Dynasty is fixed, and the personnel will be replenished after the loss of the troops in combat.

Obviously, the soldiers recruited in the Guangdong area cannot be replenished to other troops. Except for some that can be replenished to the First Army, the rest are used to form new troops, and this is the source of the Fifth Infantry Brigade. .

Now the recruits of the 5th Infantry Brigade are still in the recruit battalion on the side of the Training Division. Recently, after the situation on the Guangdong side has stabilized, Li Xuan asked the Training Division to extend the training time for the 5th Infantry Brigade. Extend one month to two months.

This time, Li Xuan is determined to rebuild a new main force, a main force that can be compared with the 1st Infantry Brigade.

Because in the previous many military expansion operations, whether it was the 2nd Infantry Brigade, the 3rd Infantry Brigade or the 4th Infantry Brigade, they were all in a hurry. Many soldiers in the army were added to the army after training for less than a month. fight.

Although it is said that after these recruits enter the army, they can continue to train, and they can get exercise in the process of combat and grow into a veteran faster.

However, under such circumstances, the combat effectiveness of the recruits is not strong enough, which will not only cause the casualties of these recruits to be relatively high, but more importantly, the combat effectiveness of the troops cannot be improved.

The casualties of troops need to be controlled, and the combat effectiveness also needs to be improved.

Taking advantage of the fact that Guangdong has now been won, and there is still a First Army on the Guangdong side, and the situation is relatively calm, Li Xuan decided to build the Fifth Infantry Brigade as the main force.

The recruits scheduled to be recruited for the brigade were recruited one after another and then entered the recruit battalion for training. The short training period was only a few days, and the long training period was a month.

In another month, the first soldiers to complete basic training will be able to serve in the 5th Infantry Brigade.

In order to ensure the smooth formation of the Fifth Infantry Brigade, and to have considerable combat power after the formation, Li Xuan even prepared weapons for them in advance. Not to mention the cold weapons, the Tang Dynasty captured many cold soldiers of the Ming army. weapon.

Although many of them are generally used by the garrison, the main force will not lack these cold weapons, even cold weapons such as armor can be fully rationed.

As for guns, he also prepared in advance, especially the new weapons built in Wuzhou, Zhaoqing and other places will be given priority to the brigade.

Strive to make the 5th Infantry Brigade officially form an army and form a combat force within the next three months.

Then, together with the First Infantry Brigade, they supported a new round of expansion of the Tang Dynasty.

After arriving in Zhaoqing, in addition to ordinary government affairs and imperial examinations, in addition to paying attention to other aspects of the military, he spent most of his time on the preparation of the Fifth Infantry Brigade.

The first batch of recruits has not yet arrived, and he has already asked the Privy Council Department of Quanxu to start selecting officers at all levels from the entire army, as well as recruiting senior non-commissioned officers.

Li Xuan naturally does not care about the appointments of those middle and low-level officers, but he still handles the appointments of senior officers personally. Among them, he reports to the brigade commander, deputy brigade commander, brigade chief of staff, two regimental commanders and these high-level positions, especially the brigade commander The selection of the leader is even more important, because according to the physique of the current Datang Wangshi, an infantry brigade is often combined with several garrison brigades to form an army, and the brigade commander of the infantry brigade also serves as the commander of the army.

The brigade commander of the Fifth Infantry Brigade will also be the commander of the Fifth Army. At present, there are only a handful of people who are qualified for this position, and most of them are already commanders. If you want to appoint a new army Chief, Li Xuan had to inspect and select from a group of school officials.

When the Fifth Infantry Brigade had not yet formed an army, Li Xuan could not continue to expand the main force. At that time, the force was tight, and he had to reuse the garrison again.

The garrison that Li Xuan plans to reuse is the third garrison brigade.

The brigade performed well in the Battle of Wuzhou, and its combat effectiveness was regarded as the trump card among the large garrison troops in the Datang Army. In this regard, Li Xuan was preparing to continue to strengthen the strength of the brigade.

It is not required that this garrison brigade have the same strength as a regular infantry brigade, but at least it must be able to undertake independent combat tasks on secondary fronts.

Therefore, he intends to strengthen the third garrison brigade. Naturally, this strengthening cannot be to equip this unit with muskets, because the third garrison brigade is a typical cold weapon unit. Although the organization number looks the same as the regular army, the daily The training and tactics are very different from the regular army.

Even giving them muskets is not necessarily better than bows and arrows.

Therefore, Li Xuan's strengthening of the third garrison brigade is to improve the quality of the cold weapons they are equipped with.

In the past, many of the cold weapons in the Tang Dynasty were of good quality, and the regular army units were given priority. The garrison troops were generally equipped with cold weapons that the regular army did not want.

Even the 3rd garrison brigade, this time Li Xuan decided to give them cold weapons of the same quality as the regular army.

For example, the waist knives of ordinary light armored swords and shields are no longer the rusted iron knives of the past, but the waist knives with iron bodies and steel, and the waist knives attached to heavy armored swords and shield soldiers are also replaced with all steel. Knife.

Give them enough heavy armored swords and shields and heavy armored spearmen.

Bows and arrows have also been replaced to some extent, and some bows and arrows of poor quality have been replaced with standard bows.

Finally, after careful consideration, Li Xuan decided to assign a shotgun team to this infantry brigade. Although the third garrison brigade is a traditional cold weapon unit, it is inconvenient to use muskets, but it is possible to use artillery. Same goes for guns.

And these artillery are simply the bowl mouth artillery captured from the Ming army.

In addition, is additionally assigned to the brigade with a small cavalry unit, together with a baggage regiment of about 2,000 people.

In this case, the force of the brigade will rise straight to the size of nearly 9,000 people, and it will become a force with comprehensive independent combat capabilities.

After the brigade is strengthened, the brigade commander Cai Erhu's rank will also be upgraded to the rank of major general accordingly.

Li Xuan just wanted to tell the officers of the garrison troops below that even if they served in the garrison army, they would still have the opportunity to be promoted, and even squeeze into the ranks of generals.

After the reorganization and strengthening of the 3rd garrison brigade, it will be completely changed, and Li Xuan is looking forward to the performance of the third garrison brigade, and even the combat mission arranged for it is not to reinforce Guizhou, nor to go to Guangxi, but to go south to Guangzhou. , It is expected to cooperate with the First Army to capture Guangzhou, and completely bring the entire Guangdong into the scope of Datang's rule.

From this, it can be seen that even if Guizhou is already facing a major crisis, and even Liuzhou is facing a crisis, but Li Xuan still has not stopped taking the entire Guangdong and the strategic determination to separate Guangdong and Guangxi!

He would rather lose the entire Guizhou and even the Second Army, but also completely win Guangdong and Guangxi!

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