Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 567: be humble

The Tang Army attacking the right wing of the Ming Army only had the first battalion of the Liuzhou Independence Regiment and a garrison regiment. Judging from the strength of this troop, it was far inferior to the Fifth Infantry Regiment on the Central Army and the Sixth Infantry Regiment on the left wing. .

What's more, there were also a lot of Ming troops on the right wing, but when the heavily armored infantry in the first battalion of the Liuzhou Independence Regiment entered the phalanx of the Ming army, the right wing of the Ming army was quickly shaken.

But when Chen Keqiao carefully watched the battle line on the right wing with the binoculars, he showed his original expression. He said how the weakest Liuzhou Independent Regiment 1st Battalion and the garrison were the first to defeat the enemy's front line.

It turned out that the first battalion of the Liuzhou Independence Regiment had already entered the formation of the Ming army, tore up the front line of defense of the Ming army, and broke into the Ming army to kill and kill. It is a light infantry, with no armor, and the long sword in his hand is even a low-quality iron sword. It is simply unable to resist the slaughter of the heavy armored infantry in this melee.

Although it is said that the troops attacking the right wing of the Ming Army are not the main force of the Fourth Army, the heavy armored infantry of the first battalion of the Liuzhou Independence Regiment gave the Ming army the shock far greater than the musketeers of the regular army. !

When the soldiers of the first battalion were wearing heavy armor, even double heavy armor, carrying heavy shields and all-steel waist knives and spears to kill, it was simply killing gods, killing gods, and Buddhas, and they killed people. The efficiency is actually much faster than the slow volley of the musketeers.

What makes these Ming troops even more desperate is that they simply can't do much damage to these heavy armored infantry!

In the era of cold weapons, it is actually very difficult to fight against a heavy armored infantry. Otherwise, this heavy armored infantry will not become the real core of a cold weapon army.

To deal with heavy armored infantry, there are naturally many methods. You can use long-range weapons, such as bows and arrows, to strike, or you can have spearmen lined up to fight.

It would be great if there was a troop of light cavalry skilled in the use of mounted archery for kite-flying tactics.

However, except for cavalry, other infantry tactics require a premise, that is, you need to maintain a close array, and at the same time, you cannot let the enemy's heavy infantry break into your own array, because then you will enter melee.

In the melee, the heavy armored infantry is almost difficult to find an opponent. The only ones who can effectively fight against the heavy armored infantry in the melee are those who are also wearing heavy armor.

When the heavy armored infantrymen in the first battalion of Liuzhou Independent Regiment relied on the heavy armored spearmen in the front row to tear out a gap in the front of the Ming army, the elite heavy armored sword and shield soldiers in the rear quickly followed up. The spearmen also threw down the spear in their hands, and then drew out their waist knives, instantly turning into heavy armored sword shield soldiers and fighting with the soldiers of the Ming army.

Even the archers who provided cover at the rear dropped their bows and arrows at this time, and drew their waist knives to support the battle!

When the soldiers of the first battalion of the Liuzhou Independence Regiment entered the Ming army formation, it was almost impossible for the Ming army formation in front of them to not collapse. This did not mean that the army was too weak, but because they really had no way of doing this. Hundreds of heavily armored soldiers fighting in the melee.

Seeing that the soldiers of the first battalion of the Liuzhou Independence Regiment had already been killed, the soldiers of the subsequent garrison regiment also stepped forward under the urging of the supervising team to expand the victory.

In just a few minutes, these Ming troops thought that the casualties were so heavy that they could not maintain the front line. In this case, deserters would inevitably appear, and if there was one deserter, there would be a second one, and then the whole line collapsed.

Today, what Chen Keqiao sees is the collapse of the entire right wing of the Ming army!

When the right wing of the Ming army collapsed, he knew that the battle was a sure win. When the first battalion of the Liuzhou Independence Regiment and more than 2,000 garrison soldiers went from the right wing of the Ming army to the middle army, the middle army of the Ming army was sure It will be over too.

The Chinese army is finished, which basically means that the Ming army has been defeated across the board.

This situation was not only seen by Chen Keqiao alone, but also by many generals of the Ming army on the opposite side, and their reaction was faster than Chen Keqiao expected.

They began to retreat, or rather flee!

The right wing has collapsed. If you don't run at this time, it's hard to stay and be killed by the bandit army!

Seeing the small-scale disintegration of the Ming army's central and left flanks, Chen Keqiao immediately said, "Order the second cavalry battalion to pursue the disbanded enemy!"

This one has been won!

Although it is said that there will be battles in the follow-up, it is the end of the battle, and the Ming army, which has already begun to collapse, is unlikely to restore the situation.

Facts also proved Chen Keqiao's conjecture. Following the right wing, the central and left wing of the Ming army also collapsed on a large scale. At this time, the officers on the front line also issued orders to charge the entire army.

The musketeers fired a final salvo, and then charged with the musketeers with their bayonets attached.

As for the artillerymen who killed many enemy shotguns by firing shells in succession, now they can only watch the show from the rear. Although the artillery they are equipped with is not heavy, it is impossible to say that they launched together with the infantry. Charged.

In fact, the charge of the infantry only killed a lot of enemy troops at the beginning. When the Ming army collapsed and everyone fled, it was actually difficult for the infantry charging or chasing from the rear. What damage did the army do?

At this time, the real protagonist has become the second cavalry battalion that has been doing nothing until now.

Looking down from the sky, you can see one of Lu Yu's horses taking the lead, holding a saber high and leading the nearly two hundred cavalry under his command to kill from the west to the north like a sharp arrow.

Their speed was much faster than the infantry, so they were able to catch up with the fleeing Ming cavalry very quickly, and then the cavalry's saber kept slashing, and one after another, the Ming soldiers fell with their swords in the back!

At the same time, there were a large number of Tang soldiers in front of the battle, shouting: "Disarm, don't kill!" and other slogans.

This caused many Ming soldiers to surrender on the spot, especially those who fell behind and were about to be overtaken by Tang army cavalry. When there was no hope of escaping, many of them obediently dropped their weapons and knelt down. Surrender on the ground.

Lu Yuzhi's cavalry generally did not kill the descending soldiers of the Ming army who dropped their weapons, but they also did not stop to take prisoners.

The matter of capturing these Ming troops who surrendered was a matter of the infantry who came up behind.

The current second cavalry battalion is to continue to pursue at this unhurried speed. It cannot chase too fast, otherwise it will be surrounded by a large number of Ming troops. Although the Ming army has already begun to collapse and flee, but After all, there are still seven or eight thousand people rushing in. The two hundred cavalrymen rushed in like water droplets and sponges, and they disappeared without a trace in an instant.

They only escaped slightly faster than the infantry, and the target was always the rout of the last Ming army!

This kind of pursuit tactic made many Ming infantrymen wish to have two more legs, so that they could run faster than their comrades.

In this kind of escape, in fact, you don't have to run the fastest, as long as you run faster than your comrades, because the cavalry of the pseudo-Tang bandit army will always chase and kill the defeated Ming army who fell behind. The Ming army soldiers in front were temporarily ignored.

This kind of scene is actually like a wolf driving a group of sheep to escape, each time they pounce on the one that falls behind, and then continue to chase.

The only thought of the defeated Ming army in front now is to run and keep running. As for the cavalry who stayed and turned to fight against the cavalry of the pseudo-Tang bandit army, that is a good thing. Maybe they can stop or even annihilate this daring fake. As for the Tang Bandit Army, this is a huge credit.

And such a huge credit, they will not take it, and have to give it to their comrades in arms!

As a human being, you have to be humble, and you should let others do the work of meritorious deeds, and you are only responsible for escaping for your life.

It is a pity that there are not one or two people who think this way, but most of them!

So the result is obvious, not many people stopped to organize resistance at all, and occasionally there are very few who want to fight, but they will be beheaded mercilessly by the saber of the second cavalry battalion.

The cavalry continued to pursue and kill unhurriedly, but Chen Keqiao, who was behind him, had already ordered the infantry to stop chasing, so there was no way to get much results, and the troops would also fall into chaos.

He knew that there was still a Ming army of 15,000 people coming from the west. He needed to gather his troops now, and he would have enough options whether to retreat or fight.

Therefore, in addition to only sending a small number of troops to continue to collect the prisoners, the other infantry troops began to return to the cage, and then began to rest on the spot.

Of course, the necessary battlefield cleaning is also required, but this will not involve too many personnel. Anyway, the Tang Dynasty did not need to cut off the enemy's head to record As for burying the body, there is no It's time, so it's just simple to treat the wounded and collect the weapons left by the Ming army and their own side.

Especially the armor that the Ming army left in front of the battle is a weapon.

When the troops continued to rest, the reconnaissance and cavalry troops continued to send information from the west. At this time, the Ming army was only more than ten miles away.

If the Ming army continues to come at this speed, and if their own side does not leave, then they will be able to engage in a battle within a few hours. If either side of the two sides maneuvers, it will not be able to fight.

An hour later, Chen Keqiao received a report from the reconnaissance cavalry, saying that the advance of the Ming army had slowed down!

"It seems that they should have learned the news of the defeat of the Jingzhou defenders!" Chen Keqiao said: "Send someone to the second cavalry battalion, let them stop chasing, come back now, there is still a big battle waiting What about us!"

Although the speed of the Ming army has slowed down, they are continuing to advance. Since they have to fight again, then Chen Keqiao is naturally accompanied!

Fighting head-on in the wild, who is afraid of who!

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