Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 596: Sad Wang Yue

In July, Wang Danxu, who led the troops to continue fighting on the front line of Xingquan Mansion, received an imperial decree of commendation from the palace. The imperial decree said that Colonel Wang Danxu was loyal to the monarch during the battle of the encirclement of Xingquan Mansion and fought bravely. Very consolation, specially awarded the rank of major general of the army.

Afterwards, the imperial envoy issued another imperial decree to remove Wang Danxu from the post of commander of the 4th Infantry Regiment, transfer the 5th Infantry Division as the division commander, and allow Wang Danxu to return to Beijing to face the Holy Spirit and take office.

When he heard the imperial edict read the imperial decree, Wang Danxu, a middle-aged man, burst into tears with joy: "Nima, after so much anger and scorn, I finally got through!

Speaking of which, Wang Danxu is also quite unlucky. He was the commander-in-chief of the Guards at first, but after the formation of the Guards, he gradually became marginalized during the large expansion of the army. Hao Bainian, Fang Xitong, Li Chunjing and others, who were only under him at the beginning, were gradually promoted and served as brigade commanders and army commanders, and became his immediate superiors.

This is naturally difficult for Wang Danxu to accept psychologically, but he did not serve as the deputy brigade commander like Huang Xueren and Fang Dongquan, and then went to the garrison brigade to serve as the brigade commander. Although he quit the ranks of the regular army, but After all, he was also the leader of a brigade, and he did not have the good luck of Cai Erhu. Because he dared to fight and work hard, he finally got up in the third garrison brigade and became a major general of the army.

He is devoted to the position of the commander of the Fourth Infantry Regiment, and at the same time, he is constantly learning and trying to master the various tactics of the musketeer.

During the battle of Xingquan Mansion City, he faced a siege of almost ten times the strength of his troops, and he insisted on it as if reinforcements arrived. After being surrounded for several months, he was starving and lost more than ten kilograms.

But the hard work pays off. All these efforts have finally paid off. Because of his outstanding performance in the Battle of Xingquan City, Wang Danxu has once again entered Li Xuan's field of vision.

It made Li Xuan feel that although this Wang Danxu was not very talented, he was loyal enough, and he was considered diligent. At the same time, his ability was average. In addition, he had long-term service in the regular army and rich experience in commanding infantry regiments.

Of course, this was also because Li Xuan could not find more qualified senior generals in a short period of time, so he brought Wang Danxu back to use, and let him serve as the commander of the 5th Infantry Division for a period of time to see where he was. In the process of expanding the 5th Infantry Division, can we lead this main force with a total strength of more than 12,000 people.

If he does not lead well, then Li Xuan will not be soft-hearted. Later, he will transfer Wang Danxu to serve in the Privy Council, and then let another person be selected to serve as the commander of the Fifth Infantry Division.

If he can bring it, then let him continue.

With the joy of being promoted, Wang Danxu hurriedly handed over to the new commander of the 4th Infantry Regiment, and immediately rushed towards Zhaoqing. He would make a detour to Jingzhou, then go south to Guilin, and finally return to Wuzhou on a naval vessel down the river. , and then back to Zhaoqing.

A 5th Infantry Division in the process of expansion is still waiting for him to take over!

And when Wang Danxu was rushing towards Zhaoqing, the First Army led by Hao Bainian also launched the final general attack on Shaozhou Prefecture. After more than a month of preparation, Hao Bainian finally launched it with a cautious attitude The general attack of Shaozhou Prefecture.

Before launching the general offensive, Hao Bainian had actually commanded his troops to deal almost devastating blows to the Ming army in the entire northern region of Guangdong, and successively conquered Lianzhou, Lechang, Renhua, Shixing, Baochang and other places.

It almost swept away the Ming army except for Shaozhou Fucheng, and finally surrounded the nearly 10,000 Ming army in Shaozhou Fucheng from all directions.

The Ming army in the city was already panicking, and the morale of the army almost fell to the bottom. On the third day after Hao Bainian launched the general attack, the defenders in the city finally could not resist this huge pressure, and part of the Ming army in the city took the lead to rebel. , turned into a Tang army, and seized the city gate and accepted the Tang army into the city.

This battle was also the battle with the least casualties and the shortest time in the previous fortified battles of the Tang Dynasty. It took only three days before and after, and the casualties were less than 200, and they won the fortified city that was defended by nearly 10,000 people.

Of course, the casualties of the Ming army itself were not very large. There were only more than 1,000 casualties before and after. Another 2,000 people surrendered before the battle, and nearly 7,000 others surrendered and became prisoners.

In the words of Hao Bo's annual report, the battle of Shaozhou completely destroyed the enemy army!

The recovery of Shaozhou Mansion is in the process of clearing up. When the King of the Tang Dynasty conquered Guangzhou and freed up the main force of the First Army, the capture of Shaozhou Mansion was basically a certainty. No matter how Zhang Yue gave orders to let Shao The defenders in the prefecture are useless. Even Zhang Yue himself knows that there is nothing to do in Shaozhou. He has already deployed a new line of defense in Yizhang at the southern end of Huguang in advance, and even dispatched from all parts of Shaozhou. The soldiers retreated to Yizhang.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Shaozhou Fucheng to have less than 10,000 troops to defend.

Withdrawing from Guangdong and returning to the southern part of Huguang, this is also a practice of the Ming army in order to shorten the front line, reduce the logistical pressure, and at the same time extend the supply line of the pseudo-Tang thief army, exchanging space for time.

Because he fought with the pseudo-Tang bandit army for so long, he also discovered that although the firearms of the pseudo-Tang bandit army were sharp, they consumed a lot of various materials, and these ammunition needed to be transported from the far-flung Guangdong and Guangxi regions.

If they stay in Guangdong to fight against the puppet Tang, these puppet thieves will be able to get sufficient supplies, but if they retreat to Huguang to fight, the various combat supplies of these puppet thieves will be insufficient.

He had already seen this in the wars in northeastern Guizhou and Jingzhou.

Therefore, the fall of Shaozhou Mansion was due to the strength of the pseudo-Tang bandit army, but it was also because Zhang Yue voluntarily gave up. If it wasn't for the political influence, he would have even withdrawn the troops in Shaozhou Mansion.

However, in order to prevent outsiders from saying that he fled without a fight, he placed nearly 10,000 troops in the Shaozhou Mansion, all of them young and old, weak and weak, and none of the elite recruits.

This is also the reason why the First Army was able to take Shaozhou Mansion quickly with little casualties, and after checking the strength of these prisoners, the people from the former Ministry of War and now the Recruiting Department of the Ministry of Army looked at the link and shook their heads. The quality of approving the Ming army's surrender is simply the highest ever!

It's the worst kind!

Either it is a lazy old soldier, or a child soldier of thirteen or fourteen years old, or a geriatric patient in his thirties or forties, and there are not many young men in their twenties.

Even if there is, it is the kind of poor quality in all aspects.

If you follow the previous practice, although the quality of these soldiers is lower, but after picking and choosing, they will still be integrated into the garrison army, but now the garrison army has to be reformed, and the way to deal with the surrender of troops will naturally be changed accordingly. .

In the end, after the personnel of the recruiting department were selected, only 300 soldiers were selected. First of all, these people were all soldiers whose quality was barely tolerable, and they were still willing to continue to serve as soldiers.

As for the others, it is naturally impossible to let go directly. Those who have a good attitude and are willing to take the initiative to surrender are incorporated into the reclamation group!

The reclamation regiment is mainly for military camps. After serving for a year, they go free and give a small amount of road toll subsidies. Those who are willing to stay can continue to farm, but it becomes a salary.

Of course, the policy of free land distribution is no longer available, that is the treatment of regular soldiers!

Those soldiers of the regular army fought desperately on the front lines, many of them just to be able to divide the fields. As soon as you capture a prisoner and you are still an unqualified prisoner, you want to divide the fields. How can there be such a good thing!

As for those with a bad attitude, those who are unwilling to surrender will not let go, but will, as before, be sent directly to the Ministry of Industry to dig and repair roads. Now the Ministry of Industry is rampant in mining, iron ore, and coal mines in Guangdong and Guangxi. , Copper mines are vigorously exploited for all available minerals, and the shortage of labor is very large.

But now the living conditions of the prisoners of war have been improved, and food is still given. In addition, as long as they work for three years, they can leave the prisoner of war camp and gain freedom.

However, the attitude of many people is actually relatively softened now, and many are willing to surrender. Anyway, they don't need to go to the battlefield. They just plant the fields for a year. To get a batch of not too small tolls, this toll can actually be regarded as their salary in the past year.

However, the prisoner of war camp is not so good. Although the Tang Dynasty has improved the treatment of prisoners, the labor intensity is still very high, and the food is also very general. Those who lost their lives in hard labor.

The new treatment of prisoners of war made the garrison lose its source, but it could increase the source of the regular army.

And with such an increase and a decrease, in fact, the first army's strength is neither too much nor too little.

After winning the Shaozhou Mansion, the First Army did not continue to go north, because if it continued to go north, it was Huguang. Huguang had already deployed heavy troops in Yizhang, and was guarding many important passes.

In addition to the continuous fighting for such a long period of time, after the battles of Guangzhou and Shaozhou Prefecture The First Army was at a great loss, and the soldiers were exhausted and needed time to rest.

At the same time, it is also necessary to use a period of rest to complete the reorganization task of the 1st Infantry Division. Therefore, after taking Shaozhou Mansion, the various units of the 1st Army suspended the large-scale northward offensive and began to rest and reorganize.

After the rest and reorganization, the 1st Infantry Brigade will be expanded into the 1st Infantry Division, the troops of the garrison brigades will be directly abolished, and the provisional fourth regiment will also be reorganized.

However, the actions of the various units of the First Army stopped, but after the Battle of Guangzhou, the First Mixed Regiment, which was formed by recruiting troops from various units of the First Army, did not stop its actions, but increased its offensive. After conquering all parts of Huizhou Prefecture , the first mixed regiment in the cooperation of nearly ten thousand garrison troops quickly conquered Chaozhou.

The remnants led by Wang Yue suffered consecutive defeats in Huizhou. Even if they retreated to Chaozhou, they could not hold back. In the end, Wang Yue had no choice but to retreat to Nan'ao Island with thousands of remnants, relying on the sea and the navy to stop the madness. Escape the situation and gain a firm foothold in Nan'ao Island!

It's not that Wang Yue wants to go to Nan'ao Island willingly, but that he has no choice. As the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, if he continues to retreat to the northeast, he will retreat to Fujian and go to Wang Yue in Fujian. Is that still the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi? ?

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