Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 795: Hongfu news

Hong Fu obeyed Zhou Shu's instructions. After leaving the courtyard, when he opened the door, he saw a group of people gathered together and talking loudly, but Hong Fu didn't say what Zhou Shu did, he just went out to chase People, because he saw this group of people, although most of them were family members and servants of a wealthy businessman living opposite, but two of them were wearing black clothes.

He knew that the black clothes were fake Tang yamen, um, that is the official uniform of the patrol police they said.

Immediately, he took two steps calmly and arrived at the door beside a few soldiers of the pseudo-Tang bandit army who were called protection, who were actually watching over Zhou Shu. However, he did not show any signs of these soldiers. In the past, he used to be a big housekeeper in the Shangshu mansion, but he took out the humble attitude of serving the master and went forward: "Master Jun, what's going on outside?"

The soldier he was questioning seemed to be only a young man of sixteen or seventeen years old, with the rank of Private Class on his shoulders, but he did not answer immediately, but looked at the sergeant beside him.

After the sergeant nodded slightly, he said, "The family opposite was caught dumping garbage at the door. No, they were called by the patrolmen to ask for a fine!"

Fines for taking out garbage? Hearing this, Hong Fu, the big housekeeper, was a little confused. People like to dump garbage at the door. How come this fake Tang official came to the door.

However, in order to inquire more carefully, he asked again: "That's right, but this is just a fine, and the other person on the other side is also a decent person, and the fine is paid, so how can you be so unwise and noisy with the officials! "

However, when the young soldier heard it, he showed a gloating smile: "Then don't ask how much they will be fined!"

"How much?" Hong Fu asked, secretly thinking, this is just dumping garbage, and people are still dumping it in front of his own door, how much can this be, I think it's as little as a few dozen pennies, and more than one or two taels of silver.

But the young soldier's words frightened him, because he saw the young soldier stretch out a slap, and then said, "Fifty taels!"

"What? Fifty taels?" Rao is the chief steward of the Shangshu's mansion, and he has countless money in his hands. When there is a lot of money, he has received tens of thousands of taels of silver to collect money on behalf of Zhou Shu. He himself, in fact, is also quite rich, and his old family has wives, concubines and slaves in groups.

This mere fifty taels of silver is naturally not in his eyes, but this does not mean that he does not know the concept of fifty taels of silver.

Not to mention fifty taels of silver, even five taels of silver would be enough for a family of several to live a whole year in peace.

"Fifty taels, that's so much, it's just dumping the garbage. They can just send someone to collect the garbage. How can they be fined so much!" During this time, Hong Fu also had a lot of dealings with the soldiers guarding Zhou Shu. Now, I know that although these people strictly control Zhou Shu's personal freedom, they usually don't feel too embarrassed.

As long as the attitude is not so arrogant, the young soldier is still happy to chat with him a few words during the boring duty time.

At this time, the young soldier hadn't had time to speak, but the sergeant on the side spoke up, but this man's tone was not as good as that of the second-class soldier before, and he said, "What is fifty taels, I didn't punish him for five A hundred taels is not bad!"

After that, he said again: "Under the rule of the Tang Dynasty, uncivilized behavior such as littering is strictly prohibited. If it is normal, it is fine. Although the fine for such a thing is quite a lot, but a few taels of silver will pass. But now, my Tang Dynasty takes Jinling City as its capital, and His Majesty will move to Jinling City next year, and His Majesty hates dirty and messy behavior the most.

So now, Mr. Qian, the Minister of the Imperial Study, is personally presiding over the renovation of Jinling City's city appearance. At this critical moment, who would dare to neglect?

Moreover, if the punishment is not heavy at the beginning, how can it be used as an example? "

Hearing this, Hong Fu just knew that the person on the opposite side was probably hit by a gun. The Pseudo-Tang side attached great importance to the appearance of the city. The punishment is not so severe.

On the other side of the family, it is estimated that they hit the muzzle of the gun, and they were caught and wanted to kill the chickens and show the monkeys.

After the sergeant finished speaking, he glanced at the street, and then said, "Look, they will pay the fine soon!"

After the man's voice fell, Hong Fu also followed his line of sight to the street, only to see a team of patrol officers in black public uniforms trotting up on the street.

When the two patrolmen who had been entangled before saw the reinforcements coming, they quickly broke free!

Then Hong Fu saw the team of ten or so patrolmen directly draw out their long knives, and the person in the lead strode forward and shouted, "Wait, are you going to disobey me and wait for the patrolmen to enforce the law?"

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a brocade robe finally came out from the opposite house. This man is the head of the family, not a powerful gentry, but a wealthy businessman, and at best he can be considered decent.

As soon as this person came out, he smiled with him, and then handed a fine of fifty taels of silver, and then sent the group of patrol officers away.

Before the patrolman left, the leader said loudly: "Now that the city is in the period of rectification, all violations of the law will be severely punished, and I hope you can do it yourself!"

After the patrolmen left in a hurry, Hong Fu sighed and said, "Although it is said that a severe punishment should be used in troubled times, but the punishment is so severe, are you really not afraid of causing any turmoil?"

At this time, a second lieutenant who had just come over heard this, a young officer who had just graduated from the martial arts school a few months ago, and suddenly showed a hint of sneer: "My army has more than 10,000 troops stationed in the city, and I am afraid that they will be just a few months old. riots? Hmph, if they dare to riot, we will kill them!"

"This Jinling City surrendered without a fight. When our army entered the city, there was no chance to clear the gangsters in the city. Otherwise, when there was a big battle in Jinling City, the gangsters would have been killed long ago. Give them a chance to turmoil, and now they are going to turmoil, so just take the opportunity to clean up the city, so that we can welcome the holy car with peace of mind!"

Hearing this, Hong Fu was stunned, and he couldn't help lowering his head when he looked at the young lieutenant. After more than a month of contact, he knew that most of the ordinary soldiers in this pseudo-Tang bandit army were Ordinary people, as long as they have a better attitude and humility, they will not be disgusted with him.

However, most of the officers of the Puppet Tang Bandit Army are not good characters, and these officers think about things from a very different perspective than ordinary people. They often look down on the officials of the Ming Dynasty and the powerful gentlemen with contempt and peace. hostile attitude.

The hostility is understandable. After all, the two sides are hostile, but they look down on them. Why do they look down on Daming officials who are full of poetry and books?

Hong Fu can't understand their thoughts, but now he knows that people are not afraid of turmoil at all, and even wish that there were turmoil in the city, so that they can take the opportunity to clean up one or two, after all, this Jinling City is considered a surrender without a fight. There are a lot of messy people hiding.

After saying goodbye to the guards at the door, Hong Fu also returned to the yard, and then went up to the second floor to tell Zhou Shu the matter.

When Zhou Shu heard that he was fined fifty taels just for dumping garbage, he couldn't help but sighed: In the past, he had a lot of ears for the harshness of Tang Fa, but seeing it is worse than hearing it!

However, this Qian Mengjiu has great courage. In troubled times, he replaced the old man with a heavy code. I am afraid that he will do the same.

Just like this, I don't know how many people will be wronged!

But when he said this, Zhou Shu suddenly remembered the situation he was in now, and he sighed immediately. Now he is still a mud bodhisattva crossing the river.

I don't know how the pseudo-Tang side dealt with him. Is it possible that he really wants to surrender himself, and then give himself a high official to continue in front of him?

It is said that when he led the army and the people to surrender, he was unwilling in his heart. At first, like everyone else, he wanted to flee across the river, but the time was so late. By the time he was about to escape, Jinling City was already there. is completely blocked.

Then the thieves attacked the city fiercely, and the defenders were completely defeated in half a day.

At that time, the many officials, gentry and nobles in the city were all in a panic. They were afraid that after the thieves broke the city, they would massacre the city. Even if they did not massacre the city, they would not let them go.

So many people got in touch, and in order to protect their lives, they asked Zhou Shu and others to preside over the overall situation!

And Zhou Shu told the also didn't want to die. At the begging of everyone, he sent people to negotiate with the bandit army, and finally led the army and civilians in the city to formally surrender, because when he surrendered, Zhou Shu Although it was said that the army should try to save the lives of officials and gentry as much as possible.

But in fact, just a few days from the beginning, he discovered that although these thieves did not kill and demote officials on a large scale, the methods of raiding their homes and confiscating their homes were clean and neat, as if they had done hundreds of thousands of actions. Same time, very skilled.

The residences of the Duke of Wei and other officials and nobles were also raided. Fortunately, except for a small number of people who were recalcitrant, the lives of most officials, nobles and their families were still preserved. Some attitudes are relatively It is said that when they raided their homes, they also left some gold, silver and houses to support their lives, and they were all sealed up without saying that.

Zhou Shu's family is also a part of it. Although he could not live with him or be let go, his safety is still guaranteed, but this safety is temporary. As for the future, he will not. understood.

Because now he still doesn't understand how the Pseudo-Tang side will deal with him, whether they will kill him, or let him go after a period of time, or insist on letting him openly surrender?

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