Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 800: Jiangnan scholar's curve to save the country

Chen Lifu didn't stay at his friend Zhong Cai's house for a long time. He left in the afternoon. After picking up his wife and little sister, he returned to Dongchen Village. However, on the way back, there was a large car on his carriage. stack of books.

These books are all published by the Royal Publishing House, and they are of different types. Naturally, these books are not about the Four Books and Five Classics, but some miscellaneous books. Tang imperial examinations or official positions, but most of them will buy a copy of "Introduction to Science".

This is an introduction to science, but the books used by the Royal Publishing House to promote and popularize common knowledge of science include simple arithmetic knowledge, as well as simple physics and common knowledge of chemistry, astronomy, geography, climate, and biology.

Although after reading this book, it is impossible to know any advanced knowledge or the principles of some phenomena mentioned in the book, but it is not important, this book does not tell you why the earth is round , but simply and straightforwardly tell you: the earth is round!

It won't tell you why the water is still not hot when the water is high, but it will tell you directly: when the water is boiled in the mountains, the temperature is so low.

To put it simply, this book is to tell you the result directly, but it won't go into a long and large-scale demonstration of why there is this result, otherwise, let alone a book, even a large room of books can't be finished.

If you want to understand why this is the case, then please study books such as Elementary Physics and Elementary Chemistry.

Others include Overview of the Western Countries and Overview of East Asia, these two books that broaden their horizons.

At the same time, there is the "Nongsang Lun", which is devoted to the affairs of Nongsang.

Of course, these are not important, the most important thing is a manuscript in his hand, the book is titled "The Essentials of Government of Datang Officials, Prefectures and Counties". This is not a publicly published book, but is organized by the Royal Press. Books were then printed internally and distributed to local officials at all levels within Datang.

The content of this book is based on the governance experience of the Tang Dynasty in the past few years, and is a book that is intended to enable local officials to better manage local governments.

Well, the core purpose is to prevent local officials from messing around!

Many of the contents in the book emphasize a few special words. The first one is edification, but this education is not to teach more scholars, but to let officials strengthen the people's understanding of the Tang Dynasty. A sense of belonging, loyalty to the eternal sage, at any time, the education of loyalty to the monarch must be regarded as the most important thing to do.

The second is people's livelihood. We must let the people under the rule live and work in peace and contentment, and the people have food, clothing, clothing and housing.

The third is the economy: I hope that all localities can make use of their own advantages, develop mineral resources where there are mineral resources, grow food widely on fertile land, and develop commerce and transportation with convenient transportation. We hope that officials at all levels will make full use of local advantages to develop the economy, make the people rich and increase tax revenue.

Among them, the second and third items actually mean almost the same thing, but the former is the foundation, and the latter is an advanced task.

The Ministry of Rites came up with this policy essential, on the one hand, because the level of officials under the current Datang Dynasty is uneven, and there are still many former Ming officials who were demoted, and many of them still stay in the Ming Dynasty. , that is inaction.

And Li Xuan is very disgusted by this. Since you are in charge of one party, you actually go to the mountains and rivers every day to go to the brothel. How can I be in love!

This is simply intolerable, so in the past two years, Li Xuan has taken off the hats of a lot of officials who traveled around the mountains and rivers every day under the banner of inaction!

Chen Lifu was very interested in this policy essentials, and he read it on the way back. Even the numerous regulations and specific examples listed in it made him frown.

For example, there is a serious warning in **** letters that local officials must not interfere in military affairs, and local officials must not interfere in the independent operation of the Inspectorate and the Supreme Court, and those who violate it will be severely punished.

Then he said that local officials are prohibited from privately collecting taxes, fees, corvée, etc. in any name.

Most of the contents of this huge policy essentials are warning officials not to do this, not to do that.

After a while, Chen Lifu sighed: "It seems that it is not easy to be an official in Li Tang!"

That's right, it is not easy to be an official in the Tang Dynasty. If the military officers are all fine, now is their most beautiful time, but the civilian officials will have to work much harder.

Insufficient funds, lack of manpower, and exhaustion have revitalized the local economy, and tax revenue has been raised. As a result, most of the tax revenue was taken by the military as military expenses, and then they were left alone in the wind.

But even so, the officials in the Tang Dynasty are still insisting, because they know that the current situation will not last too long, the war cannot be fought every year, and the pace of military expansion is not never ending.

After the Tang Dynasty completely unified China, their good days will come.

After all, in the founding stage, everything was naturally tilted towards the army, but when the world is at peace, this huge country will have to be governed by their civil servants.

Looking at the past dynasties, it is possible that in the early days of the dynasty, the emphasis was placed on military force over literature, but after entering a stable period, it was basically emphasizing literature over martial arts.

So they are waiting, waiting for their civil service time to come!

In addition, those who dare to rebel against Li Xuan now, even if they are civil officials, have great ambitions. Now, among the senior civil servants in the Tang Dynasty, which one is not thinking of being a hero of the founding of the country, and then winning a glory and wealth.

This kind of opportunity to rebel and start a country cannot be encountered once in hundreds of years!

Now that they have seized the opportunity, they will naturally not give up easily!

Their expectations for the future and their own ambitions have added to the general trend, so although the civil servants in the Datang Dynasty are living a hard life now, they are all struggling.

Of course, this is just an exaggerated adjective. If you really want to say it carefully, in fact, being an official in the Tang Dynasty is actually not low, especially the salary of middle and senior officials is actually very good.

A county magistrate of the seventh rank can earn about a thousand taels of silver every year, and the specific number fluctuates according to the financial situation of each province, but in general, the difference will not be too big.

Although this income is not worth mentioning compared to corruption, the income of 1,000 taels of silver a year can actually allow officials to maintain a good decency and support a large family.

After all, people's incomes these days are generally very low. For example, ordinary workers in the Zhaoqing Arsenal earn about one or two to five cents a month, and their annual income is only twenty taels.

The salary of low-level skilled workers or low-level management is generally around tens of taels per year, rarely exceeding one hundred taels of silver.

Only middle and senior management and technical personnel can earn more than one hundred taels of silver or more every year.

Generally speaking, if the annual income is more than 100 taels of silver, then basically it is possible to maintain a decent life for a family of several people, and you can also hire an old mother, a maid or something.

If it is five or six hundred years of income, it is properly a super-high-income class, and if it is more than a thousand taels, it already belongs to the powerful class.

And the head of a county happens to belong to the powerful class.

Therefore, although there are many restrictions to be an official in the Tang Dynasty, the legal income is much higher than that of an official in the Ming Dynasty. Of course, the corrupt officials have to say otherwise. As a county magistrate for three years, I am embarrassed to call myself a corrupt official without making tens of thousands of taels of silver.

However, with such a high income, why are the civil servants in Datang still struggling, especially the middle and senior officials!

Because the Datang Dynasty often defaults on wages, especially the wages of senior officials can be delayed!

This high income is just in the mirror, you can see it, but you can't get it!

Most of the salaries of officials are turned into national debt!

As an orthodox dynasty, the Datang Dynasty is naturally impossible to openly default on wages, but there is no money in finance, how can it be paid?

It used to be IOUs, and then called on officials to donate voluntarily, but since the Royal Bank came out, it has changed a method, specially issued a kind of national debt for officials, with relatively high interest, and then transferred the middle and senior officials' money. A portion of their salary is directly converted into five-year Treasury bonds and sent to them.

Of course, in order to reassure the officials, interest will still be paid every year.

Although some people are dissatisfied with the almost shameful approach of the imperial court, there is nothing they can do. After all, everyone knows that the imperial court has no money.

Otherwise, the ministries of the cabinet and even the local yamen will not be focused on increasing their income in various ways.

Being an official in the Tang Dynasty is hard, but no matter how hard it is, there are people who go there, and Chen Lifu is one of them.

Unlike Chen Lifu, who was a former official of the Ming Dynasty, who could be directly recruited into the official position, those scholars and scholars either continued to participate in the imperial and then gained the title of Jinshi, or participated in the provincial election examinations, directly Although the start of the official career is a little lower, there are still many people actively participating.

This situation is the same as the imperial examination. After the Tang Dynasty won Jiangnan, almost overnight, the attitude of people all over the world, especially the scholars, towards the Tang Dynasty changed instantly.

This can be seen from the appellation of the Tang Dynasty by scholars in the south of the Yangtze River. In the past, it was all pseudo-Tang Dynasty, but now, many people have not said that, but have changed it to Li Tang, and in special places and On occasions, the word Li Tang was no longer used, but was directly referred to as the imperial court and the state.

This court is naturally not the Ming Dynasty, but the Tang Dynasty!

At the same time, many people are already like Chen Lifu, ready to serve as officials in the Tang Dynasty, change the chaos and tyranny of the Tang Dynasty, and benefit the people of Li.

For the sake of the world, they will not hesitate to join the Tang thief, feed the tiger with their own bodies, but also save the country and save the world!

So for a while, the sales of various books published by the Royal Publishing House, especially the basic books related to the Tang imperial examinations, were quite good, which made the Ministry of Rites very happy.

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