Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 803: Chen Lifu elected officials

On the 14th day of the first month of the fifth year of Xuanping, Dongchen Village.

Chen Lifu got up early in the morning. After getting dressed and having breakfast under the service of the maids, he got on the carriage and entered the city with a few entourage.

Today's Chen Lifu's clothes are not the same as in the past. They are not casual clothes, but the Confucian clothes often worn by officials of the Tang Dynasty. Outsiders also call them official clothes. It was made in a hurry for several days, because Chen Lifu was going to wear it today to enter the city and go to the Ministry of Rites Literature Selection Division to participate in the selection of officials.

This official Confucianism is based on the traditional Confucian clothing worn by scholars.

The general style is similar to the traditional Confucian clothing, but there are differences in details, such as stitching and texture, and the overall color tone is more stable.

However, it is worth noting that at present, the Tang Dynasty did not mandate what clothes officials should wear, because the official status was stipulated only by metal badges of different styles, such as copper badges below the eighth grade, silver badges of the seventh grade to the fourth grade Badges, gold badges above the third rank, and the patterns on them are also different.

However, under the circumstance of convention, in recent years, Confucian clothing has quietly become the common official uniform of most officials.

And although Chen Lifu is wearing the same Confucian clothes as many Tang officials, he is not wearing a badge representing his grade, which means that he is not an official of the Tang Dynasty.

The official road into the city has been renovated years ago, and it has become wider and smoother. The carriage rides on it smoothly and quickly. In addition, Xichen Village is already on the outskirts of the city, so it will soon arrive at the city gate and enter the city as usual. This time, without Chen Lifu's instructions, the entourage paid the money directly, and then the group entered the city directly from the expressway.

After entering the city, the carriage went directly to the Libu Yamen. After the entourage handed over an invitation letter and reported his life, Chen Lifu was able to enter the Libu Yamen, and his entourage, of course, could not go in with him. Instead, he went to a side room dedicated to the bearers, coachmen and others.

After entering the government office, Chen Lifu found that everyone in the office was in a hurry. Those who entered and exited some office rooms were fast in and out, and glanced at one of the houses through the half-opened doors and windows. , I saw that the four or five people inside were all buried in the copywriting, a busy scene.

This Li Tang's yamen looks different from Zhu Ming's yamen.

He had been to this place many times before, because it used to be the yamen of the Nanjing Civil Affairs Bureau of the Ming Dynasty, and the Tang Dynasty just changed a sign at the entrance, and regarded these as its own yamen.

However, he also heard that although Jinling City is now fully equipped with various departments, most of the principals are servants, and there are not many staff. The ministers of various ministries and more officials are still in Zhaoqing.

However, he also learned from the Tang Dynasty newspaper that the holy car will set off for this Jinling City soon. Maybe in a month or two, the government office will be even more crowded!

Under the guidance of a staff member who led the way, he entered a wing room and waited, but he was obviously not the only one in the room. Before him, there were already five people here.

With his words, there are six people here in total.

And among these six people, he also recognized three of them, all of whom were officials who were the same as him, and although the other two had never met, they had heard of the reported name, and even if they dig a deep If the relationship is on the side, it can also be related to the same year, classmates, and brothers and sisters.

But most of the people who come here are very preoccupied. Everyone is like Chen Lifu who is here for the election of officials, and when they enter the room, the person who leads the way has already said that there are offices next door to the left and right. On the other hand, an adult in the office on the left is not very good-tempered, so loud noises are the most taboo.

It’s fine if it’s an ordinary adult, but the one who works in the office next door is the director of the Ministry of Personnel Evaluation Department, and is a senior official of the fourth rank. If this offends this person, when everyone becomes an official in the future, they will arbitrarily give it to you. Making things difficult for a smile, this evaluation is not so good-looking.

So everyone consciously greeted them briefly, and then they closed their mouths and sat down.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, one of them was called away by a staff member outside, and a few minutes later, another was called away.

People continued to be called away, and during this process, several people came one after another.

Chen Lifu looked at the time, and then looked at the few people who entered in front of him. It would not be long before it would be his turn. Fortunately, he left early today, otherwise he would have wasted time.

Sure enough, after about a quarter of an hour, someone called Chen Lifu's name. Immediately, Chen Lifu got up, slightly tidied up his clothes, and then followed.

Following the clerk who led the way, he was taken to an office not long after, and there were still three people sitting inside. Chen Lifu would naturally not be neglectful at this time, and he did not dare to put on the air of being a top-ranked scholar, because he was already a senior. Seeing the badges of the three people in front, the leader is a high-ranking official from the third rank, while the other two are a fourth-rank and a fifth-rank official.

You don't need to guess to know that these people should be high-ranking officials in the Ministry of Personnel.

Immediately, he respectfully said, "Later Chen Lifu has seen all of you adults!"

At this time, the official of the fourth grade sitting on the side said: "Sit down, time is tight, let's start!"

Then the above three people just asked without any nonsense, and most of the questions asked were about Chen Lifu's past career experience. Naturally, Chen Lifu would not hide the slightest, although his career path was very difficult. It was short-lived, but it was not for other reasons, but because of his impeachment of Yan Song, he was dismissed from office.

This kind of thing is quite famous in Shilin.

But then, the people above started to ask Chen Lifu in detail why he was impeached, why he was impeached, and when there was any concrete evidence, Chen Lifu was dumbfounded. How could he have any evidence at that time? I just scribbled a few scribbles at random, and it was nothing more than even hearing about the event.

After answering this, he couldn't see how the adults above felt to him. After about a quarter of an hour, the adults above said that the conversation was almost over. Let him go out and wait first, but don't go first, it's very difficult. Details will be arranged soon.

With an uneasy mood, Chen Lifu went out and was taken to another wing to wait. Coincidentally, there were still the previous few people there.

In this wing, there is obviously no rule against loud noises, and there are tea and snacks on display, and several of them are still chatting.

When the few people saw Chen Lifu coming in, one of them said, "Brother Chen, we talked about you earlier, how about it? It was a good chat with the adults just now. Of the few people I've been waiting for, you have the best reputation. This selection of officials will definitely be entrusted with important tasks!"

When Chen Lifu heard this, he thought of the situation when he answered the question just now. That scene was not a scene where we had a good conversation!

He immediately said: "There, Chen just had a casual chat with the three adults. As for the results of the election, it depends on what the adults mean, and Chen also heard that many seniors have also come out. , to be entrusted with important responsibilities, it should also be the seniors, those of us who are late in school, it would be good to have an official position."

But the man said: "You can't say that, but I have inquired about it. Although most officials such as me can participate in the selection of officials this time, the position of this election is not entirely determined by the previous court. My resume, I heard a few days ago that there was an old man who served as a servant in the previous dynasty, and he was only awarded the sixth grade in the end!"

"Really?" Chen Lifu's words were casually surprised, but he didn't take it seriously. That's for sure. They belonged to the Li Tang Dynasty, not the former Ming Dynasty, a high-ranking official of the Ming Dynasty. It is impossible for the dynasty to restore its former power here.

Chen Lifu guessed that the Li Tang Dynasty made such an election to win people's hearts.

And Chen Lifu's guess is not wrong. In fact, when the Tang Dynasty conducted such an election, it was really to win people's hearts, stabilize Jiangnan, conduct political momentum, and publicize public opinion. Otherwise, it would not be so much fanfare. Kind of a massive election.

Although there are indeed some factors in order to supplement the gap of officials, but this is only a secondary factor. To really supplement officials, the Tang Dynasty relied on imperial examinations and internal selection.

The lower-level officials were supplemented by a large number of imperial examination scholars, while the middle and high-level officials were naturally promoted from within.

On the one hand, it is a question of ability and experience. It is better to select someone who has been an official of the Tang Dynasty for several years from the inside, rather than directly find a messy person from the outside. On the other hand, it is actually for reward.

People follow you Li Xuan to rebel, isn't it just to get promoted and get rich.

Military generals rose step by step during the expansion of the army, while civil officials also rose after the gradual expansion of the territory.

Except that the positions of various cabinet ministries are not easy to change, local officials are basically promoted very quickly.

While Chen Lifu was chatting with people outside, in an office inside, several officials took Chen Lifu's resume and began to These officials were not chatting with Chen Lifu before. high-ranking officials, but ordinary officials in the Ministry of Personnel.

"Director Xu and the others have already circled the approximate scope. Well, this Chen Lifu should be dispatched to work in the departments directly under the cabinet, and cannot be placed in the local government. The main job is to grind!"

One of them looked at the comments on the resume and said, "If you have a grade, it will be the seventh grade!"

"Everyone is looking for a suitable seat. The position of Zhengqipin is currently lacking in many departments. Let's see if there is a shortage of people in that position."

At the moment, those people started to turn over the files, and soon someone said: "There are still a few inspectors missing from the Grain Collection Department of the Taxation Department. Send a few people over!"

"Inspector of the Grain Collection Department? Isn't this the inspector of the tax inspection team? This position is not light, and it is easy to offend people. He may not be able to handle it as a newcomer!

At this time, someone said: "What about him, since the tax department is in a hurry, it's him, there are still a bunch of people to deal with, and the speed is faster, otherwise, you will have to work overtime tonight! "

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